• A brief update

    I had a P.M. from an established member expressing concern that I had not been active for a while. I replied that I was ok. Things have been complicated for a while. My wife was away for a period of 6 months. When she got…

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  • Awakening ?

    An update is long overdue. In view of this mornings events now is a good time. My progress on this journey is more snails pace than slow lane. I got a Progasm Ice in October/ November. A good move as it hit the spot and…

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  • Nippleland

    I have just had a strange 30 or just over minutes. I was sitting on the bed watching a DVD. Nothing remotely sexy, just a film. I felt a desire to play with my nipples. Sitting up while playing delivered the best sensation. I could…

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  • The Ice man com

    It has been a strange couple of months since my last update I was away on my travels recently. Nearly 2 months passed without a session. When I did get to try again it seemed as if I was back at the start, nothing at…

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  • The best yet

    Thank you J4, you are an inspiration. Over the last few months I have had many sessions. Most of them have been as dead as a dodo. About 6 or 8 weeks back I had the best session overall up to then. Mini involuntaries as…

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  • Home & Away

    We had to spend a night away in another town so I took my toys(equipment) with me. The wife went off to do some business so I gave the MGX a run. It felt very comfortable and I was relaxed but the wife finished her…

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  • Buzzing

    I must conclude after all this time that I am not a natural Aneros user. I find it hard to relax, concentrate. I usually end up thinking about eating or some detail of a job that I have on the go. Having said that, there…

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  • In the family

    My father has been suffering with Cyatica for the past 5 or 6 months. He also had a urine infection recently which postponed the treatment for the Cyatica. He eventually got an appointment to see a Urologist. The diagnosis is Prostate cancer. His PSA count…

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  • Blowing hot and cold

    I mentioned in a previous blog about the wife wanting a toy and my efforts to find one and get her interested. She is astute enough to combine this with something she has always wanted so some horse trading was done with an air con…

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  • Dreaming ?

    The best session that I have had recently was yesterday. I had a very pleasureable feeling bouncing back and forwards between my Prostate and Perinium. It was not an involuntary as the mgx did not move. It lasted 20 seconds or so. That was about…

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