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Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
well once through the long wknd ,and all the excess company has been here and gone agn.got out the newest toy ,the ice .well no bells ringing as yet .once the discomfort left ,sure did feel full so to say .tried the exercises some of... Read More....
10/16/2009 324
Over the past three nights I have had three sessions with various Aneros models as follows: On Sunday night I used my recent favourite model, the Helix. With this, I had what I would class as my best session to date. Almost as soon as... Read More....
10/14/2009 317
So it seems that I've moved on from what I was doing with rubbing my penis lightly during my Aneros sessions to achieve dry-O's. It was a useful experience. But now I find that it is too much of a distraction from the prostate sensations.... Read More....
10/13/2009 297
Wow! This was my best session I have had so far. This was my 6th session, and I was kind of detached from my Helix after my previous session. This was due to the fact that I was really scared of my heart rate going... Read More....
10/05/2009 325
Just got mine in the mail and was wondering what the best position to be in when first trying this out? Read More....
10/04/2009 326
Ok people… I just had the most amazing Aneros session. 😀 But let me step back a moment in time today. When I woke up this morning I was feeling kind of frisky from a dream. So I figured I might try an Aneros session.... Read More....
10/01/2009 297
Shouldn’t “Super Erection†be a new Aneros term in the Wiki given to the unique erections caused by the Aneros and Peridise models? So many guys from the Aneros forum that I have chatted with describe the erections they get from the Aneros and all... Read More....
09/29/2009 289
Ok, so I found out tonight that I was able to repeat the multiple dry-O experience many times again! Yeah! 😀 Although I think because I did not wait a day in between sessions, the orgasms didn't seem quite as intense. But they were still... Read More....
09/28/2009 297
So I think that I am making some progress towards achieving super-O's. And thought it would be prudent to post my experience and thoughts just after my Aneros session. I was inspired to have a session without looking at porn prior, and just knowing that... Read More....
09/27/2009 297
The night before last, after a break of a week (for reasons which I do not need to go into here), I had the best session ever with my Helix. Almost as soon as I had got into bed, the P waves began with very... Read More....
09/24/2009 317