• First Super-O?

    I really didn’t set out on tonight’s adventure with any real sense of expectation. I had thought I would just fill in between last night’s great session with my Helix and an eagerly anticipated session tomorrow night when I plan to try out a modified…

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  • The Driving Force

    Last night I had an experience, which was new, although I’m sure I have been close to this on a few occasions before. For most of the past month I have been experimenting with the use of the Eupho and the Maximus, so last night’s…

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  • Three Nights Running

    Over the past three nights I have had three sessions with various Aneros models as follows: On Sunday night I used my recent favourite model, the Helix. With this, I had what I would class as my best session to date. Almost as soon as…

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  • Return of the Eupho

    The night before last, after a break of a week (for reasons which I do not need to go into here), I had the best session ever with my Helix. Almost as soon as I had got into bed, the P waves began with very…

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  • At Home Again

    After a couple of nights off, I was feeling so horny I felt I couldn’t wait for the scheduled session tomorrow night! This time, I injected half a syringe (about 4ml) shea butter formula, followed by one eyedropper of Wet Stuff. Having also lubed and…

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  • A Weekend by the Sea

    We spent three nights in a unit beside the Great Ocean Road in Southwest Victoria, so close to the sea that the sound of the surf was the pre-eminent presence. On the first night, immediately before retiring, I injected 2 or 3 ml lube into…

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  • Update August 09

    Since late June, almost exactly two months ago, I have had altogether, about three dozen sessions, which have involved all models of Aneros devices with the exception of any of the Peredise models. About four of these sessions have involved the Progasm Ice, but my…

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  • Continued Progress

    I know I might be getting ahead of myself a bit here, but yesterday, I received a Progasm Ice (which my retailer had told me I should have bought in the first place)! This would have to be the most sensuous piece of kit I…

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  • A Senior Citizen's Progress

    I turned 70 years in February this year. For many years I have been interested in the concept of males enjoying the benefits of multiple orgasms and first signed up for Jack Johnson’s KSMO seminar in 2004. Unfortunately, I have never been able to practice…

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