I...don't really kn...
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I...don't really know what to say.

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I'll try and keep this as proactive as possible, but I'm prone to the occasional (OK, not so occasional) smartass comment, so be prepared for several of those below.

First thing's first. I have no idea how I even ended up here. As of this writing, I've got a colonoscopy in a few days, so if (and that's a bit IF at this point in time) I choose to go down this road, it'll be after that procedure. I've got a limit on the number of things that go up my arse in one week. I had a routine physical with some bloodwork and my M.D. added another test about the prostate, I forget what it's called but they said everything's OK and my number was well within normal limits. Ok. Uh...great. It then hit me that I really didn't know what the prostate was/is. After a quick search, I found the same stuff - a walnut-shaped gland that's responsible for producing semen or some sort of fluid, etc. I just assumed it played a part in my normal sexual/masturbatory routines. And it might, I didn't dig too deep. My comprehension of what happens most likely won't change anything physically.
I am a 50 year-old straight, happily married male. I've been no stranger to masturbation since I was a teenager (like most here, I'm sure) and that was/is fine for me. Though as most heterosexual males, I always assume anything to do with the anus was automatically equated with homosexuality. I will say that after watching a few YouTube videos, there is some eyebrow-raising on my end. But with my wife and I both working from home, it might make this (and again, it's a big IF) a bit difficult to do. And even as I approach 15 years of marriage, I do NOT feel comfortable involving my wife in this. I'm sure she might be open to it, but for the time being I'll factor her out of this equation. And please spare me the "You really should get your wife involved, it'll bring your love life to new levels" comments. I'll ignore them.
So here we are.
I will say that patience isn't one of my virtues. Sometimes I try to have a long masturbatory session and I get impatient and just finish the job myself as opposed to relax and "enjoy the ride." So if this is something that's going to take weeks, months or even years - it won't be for me. I don't care how powerful the orgasm is once/if achieved, I just don't have it in me to devote that much time to it when I can tune to Pornhub or go screw my wife - job done. I'm all about instant gratification. And again, I realize some of you reading this are probably rolling your eyes and will say "Well if that's your attitude, this isn't for you." And if that's the case, so be it. I've made it 50 years without this, I'll certainly make it a few more decades.
But as I said, I am intrigued...
I could write more, but it'd be redundant. I figure this is enough to garner some sufficient "newbie" feedback or ostracize myself from this group/forum. I tend to be pretty polarizing.
I do have a few questions. I'm sure 90% of you will skip what I've already written and go here, so I'll keep it simple.
  1. Let's assume I buy (insert product here...pardon the pun). I just sit there and relax?
  2. How long until (whatever the hell is supposed to happen, happens)?
  3. Is "traditional" masturbation OK to do as well or is it one or the other?
  4. Is there anything expelled from the anus or penis? That's to say, is it on par with a regular orgasm?
  5. How long, if/once achieved, do things last? I can't lead a Marketing call with my mouth wide open.
I think that's it. I'll respond to any comments that don't openly mock me and I'll try to do some decent research as well and I could perhaps answer a few of my own questions.

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Posted by: @fml

I will say that patience isn't one of my virtues. Sometimes I try to have a long masturbatory session and I get impatient and just finish the job myself as opposed to relax and "enjoy the ride." So if this is something that's going to take weeks, months or even years - it won't be for me. I don't care how powerful the orgasm is once/if achieved, I just don't have it in me to devote that much time to it when I can tune to Pornhub or go screw my wife - job done. I'm all about instant gratification. And again, I realize some of you reading this are probably rolling your eyes and will say "Well if that's your attitude, this isn't for you." And if that's the case, so be it. I've made it 50 years without this, I'll certainly make it a few more decades.

Patience with yourself and the rewiring process is essential so I guess you have your answer right there, the Aneros journey is not for you. Being intrigued and skeptical are normal but if you are not willing to put in the time and mental effort to achieve these types of prostate based orgasms you will only end up being frustrated and disappointed about your lack of success and I would spare you that frustration. Pursuing this practice requires one to drop previous notions of what an orgasm is and adopt a different paradigm of thought.

If you are still intrigued enough to pursue further awareness of this whole practice then please read though the sticky thread Introductory Message to New Members and follow through reading all linked references therein. Especially important is to also read through the Aneros WIKI, many of your questions will be answered there.

As to your specific questions, I'll give you a simple answer but understand there are more complex and subtle answers that would also apply.

Posted by: @fml
Let's assume I buy (insert product here...pardon the pun). I just sit there and relax?

NO, first off sitting is not the optimal body position for use and relaxation is important but learning how to do that optimally for Aneros use may take time to learn and thus patience which you seemingly do not want to exert.

Posted by: @fml
How long until (whatever the hell is supposed to happen, happens)?

That's impossible to predict as each man's journey is unique, I know that sounds like a cop-out answer but it is a fact.

Posted by: @fml
Is "traditional" masturbation OK to do as well or is it one or the other?

Traditional masturbation with Aneros in situ is pretty common (see The Super-T) so it's not an either/or practice.

Posted by: @fml
Is there anything expelled from the anus or penis? That's to say, is it on par with a regular orgasm?

Your anus will not expel anything other than the lube you will use during an Anerosession, many men report increased pre-cum production from Aneros use (see user Poll How much precum (Cowper's gland secretion) do you produce? ). Aneros use can also cause prostate milking where prostate fluid is released but no orgasm is involved and of course there can be Aneros induced hands free wet orgasms as well.

Posted by: @fml
How long, if/once achieved, do things last?

While prostate based orgasms are generally longer lasting than traditional penile based orgasms (by several seconds) Super-O's can even extend for a minute or more and these prostate orgasms may be repeatable in a single Anerosession.

Good Vibes to You!

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OK, well thank you for the candid/honest responses. To clarify a few things…

In the past day since I discovered this (not sure what to call it, a sub culture, a profound enlightenment, etc.) I have dedicated several hours to reading the Wiki, “How To’s”, etc. so I’m a bit more educated than I was when I originally wrote the above post.

I did go ahead and order one of the contraptions (or whatever they’re called). Hell, it’s $70 so if it can bring me immense pleasure, I guess it’s funds well spent.

Some more questions (in addition to the ones I asked above). There are a few things I’m concerned about before I even begin this process, mostly due to possible health-related issues.

  1. This “rewiring” process. I understand that this is a part of my body that I’ve never really “explored” (it’s been “exit only” my entire life). Is it permanent? That’s to say, let’s assume I do this for a few weeks/months and am able to “rewire” some or all of my body (again, I know it’s different for everyone) - I read a few posts that people are able to experience pleasure even when not trying. I don’t want to be driving down the highway at 70 MPH and my body decides it’s a time to have an orgasm. I assume that if I were to stop with this process (for whatever reason), my body will naturally go back to the way it was?

    ^^This is probably what concerns me the most. I don't want to change the way my body functions forever. But I have to assume it's like going to the gym - when you're using (insert muscle here) it's fine, but  if you stop - things go back to the way they were.

  2. Obviously I (or anyone else) doesn’t want to do any damage to their bodies. I intend to take the tortoise (from the Tortoise and the Hare) approach - slow and steady. The last thing I want is to end up in the ER and have to explain what the hell happened and why I’m there. From all I’ve read it seems that if I use common sense, don’t “force” anything, etc. all will be well?
  3. At the risk of sounding a bit…off I do have an observation. I tend to like to “hold it” when I have to go #2. I don’t know why. But I do love the feeling it produces (again, I’m not trying to be deliberately gross). Would that be the feces pushing up against my prostate when I do that? There’s an oddly satisfying feeling sometimes when using the restroom and if that’s any indication of what to expect, I’m more than willing to give it a try.
  4. I saw a video where someone had “16 dry orgasms and 1 wet one” - looking at the video, I’d say that 16 of these were the prostate and the other was a “normal” one, but the person in question didn’t do anything to his “member.” How is this? That’s to say, does your body “decide” when it’s time to do a prostate orgasm vs. a traditional one? Or is all of this part of the rewiring process and your mind truly does control your body?
  5. Would it be wise to start with some external stimulation first and “get the hang of it” before inserting anything? Or is this one of those “play around with it and you be the judge of what feels best for you” sort of things?
  6. I will say that I’ve always been very tactile. I often caress myself during masturbation, I have satin pillowcases, etc. I don’t know how common this is with men, but I assume that give my propensity for the “feel” of things, it might be a natural progression? That might not make sense, if not - don’t worry about it.
  7. If I were to talk to a M.D. (as mentioned above I do have a colonoscopy tomorrow and this area of the body is essentially their bread and butter), is this a medically-approved way of pleasure? That’s to say, if I talked with my doctor would they say “yeah, you don’t need to do any of that, it’s dangerous and could cause serious damage.” Or might they say “So long as you take your time, be careful and safe - a whole new world might await you?” Granted this is somewhat subjective, but part of me finds it difficult to believe that if this is really so wonderful, why isn’t it more openly discussed in the medical fields?

I…think that might be it. Again, I must somewhat recant what my initial post stated. I’ll certainly give it a try. It might be for me. It might not. I understand that, like most things, it’s a process. I’m not under the guise that I insert something into my anus for 5 minutes and get a mind-blowing 20 minute orgasm. It might happen, but I’ll keep my expectations realistic.

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OK, @FML, if you are going to do this, I will try to help you understand this process as best as I can. These "contraptions" are most commonly called prostate massagers employed by open minded men who want to expand their pleasure possibilities. I don't think we are a subculture, as the membership is quite diverse with men from all walks of life, sexual orientation/gender identity. Some might call what we practice a fetish activity (for some men it might be) but I don't think that's an accurate description for many of us. I'm glad you are willing to do substantial reading as this rewiring process is really a learning process that depends on our brains neuroplastic abilities.

Posted by: @fml
This “rewiring” process. I read a few posts that people are able to experience pleasure even when not trying. I don’t want to be driving down the highway at 70 MPH and my body decides it’s a time to have an orgasm. I assume that if I were to stop with this process (for whatever reason), my body will naturally go back to the way it was?^^This is probably what concerns me the most. I don't want to change the way my body functions forever. But I have to assume it's like going to the gym - when you're using (insert muscle here) it's fine, but  if you stop - things go back to the way they were.

I don't think you need to worry about spontaneous orgasms occurring as the environmental and psychological conditions necessary for prostate orgasms to occur are pretty restrictive for each individual. Finding your path to those orgasms is the journey. The rewiring/learning is about the psychological changes necessary to elicit the response your body is naturally capable of generating. Your body has always had this capability but you need to learn the process to release this capability. Like any learned skill once you learn it, if not used , it will fade/atrophy over time but your memory of its existence will not so in that sense it is pemanent but your body will not be changed.

Posted by: @fml
Obviously I (or anyone else) doesn’t want to do any damage to their bodies. I intend to take the tortoise (from the Tortoise and the Hare) approach - slow and steady. The last thing I want is to end up in the ER and have to explain what the hell happened and why I’m there. From all I’ve read it seems that if I use common sense, don’t “force” anything, etc. all will be well?

Yes, these devices are quite safe and if used in accord with the manufacturers recommendations you will not suffer any physical damage.

Posted by: @fml
At the risk of sounding a bit…off I do have an observation. I tend to like to “hold it” when I have to go #2. I don’t know why. But I do love the feeling it produces (again, I’m not trying to be deliberately gross). Would that be the feces pushing up against my prostate when I do that? There’s an oddly satisfying feeling sometimes when using the restroom and if that’s any indication of what to expect, I’m more than willing to give it a try.

Yes, I don't think that is particularly unusual, there have been men who have reported this before and even reports about prostate milking effects from bowel movements. To a certain extent Aneros use can simulate this effect but you will learn to interpret those sensations in a more erotic context as you progress.

Posted by: @fml
I saw a video where someone had “16 dry orgasms and 1 wet one” - looking at the video, I’d say that 16 of these were the prostate and the other was a “normal” one, but the person in question didn’t do anything to his “member.” How is this? That’s to say, does your body “decide” when it’s time to do a prostate orgasm vs. a traditional one? Or is all of this part of the rewiring process and your mind truly does control your body?

I would caution you about viewing any videos as they may not be in any way typical of Aneros users experiences and may actually be deceptive/harmful to the learning process. Hands Free Wet Orgasms are possible but are not the 'norm', I've ben practicing using these massagers for 16 years now and have never had a HFWO. Some men are more predisposed to this effect than others, it's just the luck of your genetic makeup I suppose.

Posted by: @fml
Would it be wise to start with some external stimulation first and “get the hang of it” before inserting anything? Or is this one of those “play around with it and you be the judge of what feels best for you” sort of things? I will say that I’ve always been very tactile. I often caress myself during masturbation, I have satin pillowcases, etc. I don’t know how common this is with men, but I assume that give my propensity for the “feel” of things, it might be a natural progression? That might not make sense, if not - don’t worry about it.

Actually this does make a lot of sense. Getting into a highly aroused mental state is very helpful in obtaining/generating prostate based orgasms. You need to seduce your body into this state as you cannot will or force these sensations to manifest. Being "tactile" is just another way of acknowledging your sensual awareness and will serve you well as focus on the subtle sensations these devices elicit is critical to enhancing the energy buildup to these orgasmic experiences.

Posted by: @fml
If I were to talk to a M.D. is this a medically-approved way of pleasure? That’s to say, if I talked with my doctor would they say “yeah, you don’t need to do any of that, it’s dangerous and could cause serious damage.” Or might they say “So long as you take your time, be careful and safe - a whole new world might await you?” Granted this is somewhat subjective, but part of me finds it difficult to believe that if this is really so wonderful, why isn’t it more openly discussed in the medical fields?

I think most doctors would be willing to acknowledge that gentle prostate massage can be pleasurable but probably will not go so far as to say it is a "medically-approved way of pleasure" as their primary concern is not a patient's pleasure but rather their health. That being said, talking to your doctor about your intended use of these devices is a good idea as he/she can advise you about any safety concerns to be especially aware of.

Good Vibes to You!

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OK, well I've tried this...once. Yeah, I know it takes more time and effort than that, but it's honestly something I'm not willing to do even if the reward is some sort of existential earth-shattering orgasm.

I'm not knocking this. As I said above (and if not, I'll say it now) I'm not judging anyone. If you all have found a way to unlock your body's potential and it's satisfying and pleasurable to you - hey, go for it. My problem is, as I stated in my first post:

I will say that patience isn't one of my virtues. Sometimes I try to have a long masturbatory session and I get impatient and just finish the job myself as opposed to relax and "enjoy the ride." So if this is something that's going to take weeks, months or even years - it won't be for me.

So, yeah, it's just about the effort for me. If I get aroused, "do my thing" for 5-10 minutes and be done with it - that's fine by me. My hand has been my friend for 35 years, makes sense that wouldn't change in the next 35. Laying on a bed for an hour to (possibly) end up in a convulsing spasm (regardless of the amount of pleasure) just ins't my cup of tea.

I doubt Aneros will take back a "used" device and even if they do, I don't think I could do that to someone. Even a company.

At any rate, thanks for the input rumel. No need to reply to this, though I suspect you will. You seem to be the type to always get the last word in.

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A little late to the party but a larger prostate massager may be your cup of tea. The Aneros devices aren't the best to enhance a traditional O but a prostate massager sold by just about every one(Lelo, Lovesense, Lovehoney etc.) may peak your interest. Theses are large enough to provide enough stimulation to enhance and make a traditional O mind blowing and you can finish as quickly as you would like. I started with one of theses and was hooked by how intense my Super T was that I wanted to explore more and was willing to expand and try new things.


PS I went from have 1+ hour hand sessions to under 1 hour prostate stimulated traditional hand sessions to under 30 mins with a combined prostate O and finishing off the traditional way. I usually will know in 5-10 mins if my body/mind wants to have a prostate O and then I move onto a traditional O 

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The Aneros devices aren't the best to enhance a traditional O but a prostate massager sold by just about every one(Lelo, Lovesense, Lovehoney etc.) may peak your interest. Theses are large enough to provide enough stimulation to enhance and make a traditional O mind blowing and you can finish as quickly as you would like.

Is there a particular model you're referring to? That sounds a bit more my speed/style. As I said, I'm not above "exploring" that area, but if I could combine that and regular "stimulation" that might be best for me.

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It all depends your price range. The Lelo Hugo is my favorite for when I want something large to play with but it is on the high end(175 on sale right now at lelo). The Lovesense Edge 2 always seems to be on sale for around 100. I own both and in quality you can tell the difference. The Hugo is more rumbly the Edge is buzzy. This is a matter of personal preference. The other differences you can find through their websites. Aneros also sells the Vice 2 150 and it appears to be of the right size to help more than a one of the smaller Aneros devices ones with a traditional O.(I don't own this). There are plenty of other brands as well and prices (20-200). Lovehoney sells a bunch of other brands, styles and features

It is a matter of what features you want and what shape/size you want. The reason I like the Hugo besides the quality/vibrations is the shape vs the Edge. The Hugo tapers to a small shaft this makes it easier to insert and reduces the anal stimulation(The feeling like you got to poop). The downside to this shape is it's also very easy to eject. The Edge as bulb at the bottom stimulating the anus as well as making it harder to push out(But not much harder). But for play with your SO the edge would be my preference. Lovesense's app is easier to use than Lelo's remote for the inexperienced plus allows for long distance play

Unfortunately, everyone is different so it is a pay to play game. You won't know what you like until you start buying toys and no one can tell you what sensations you will like down there with a larger toy. I also own the Lelo Loki Wave 2 and this is defiantly not everyone's cup of tea. One of the largest ones. Also due to the motion it has to be held in. You must definitely clean yourself out before hand or play in the tub if your into that.

You also have to remember that most of theses market as being able to have a prostate O. This unfortunately won't happen until you put in the time to figure out how to achieve it. But it should help with your traditional Os and you should be able to get a super T out of it.

All prices are USD. I have not linked websites as I feel that would disenfranchise Aneros for supporting this forum. And for those that want to try to have a prostate O my first recommendation always would be a Aneros device.

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OK, well thank you for the input. I'll check one or more of those out.

Back (somewhat) on topic, I did try this (with the Aneros) again last night. Wife had a headache, went to bed early and I was like "What the hell...let's give it another go." Long story short, I don't even know if I'm doing this right. How do I know if it's even hitting the "right spot?" Is there supposed to be some sort of indication that would tell me "Ok, right there" or no? As anyone who's read my comments above, I'm more "results-oriented" than most. But I am willing to continue trying. There must be an integral component I'm missing or is it just a "keep doing it and you'll eventually get it" mentality?

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Unfortunately, your mind doesn't know how to listen to the right spot until you have had enough practice. That is why you have to avoid penile stimulation if your going for prostate Os. Even for the most experienced penis stimulation is louder than the prostate. The closest I could say to the same feeling would be if you touch your frenulum(Spot blow the V on the front) but once again any thing penis related will be super loud. This is why vibes are bad when you trying to train your self. Even vibes on the prostate can drown out the feeling that you need until you know how to listen. 

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Figured I’d chime in here again, though I don’t have a lot of “new” information to share, I figured I’d at least give an update (for any/all that might care) on my progress with this. Traditionally, in the past, it’s always been easy for me (or anyone, I suppose) to throw in the towel. But I’ve made several resolutions this year and I’m not going to give up that easily. With that said, here are a few of my observations and challenges that I find I’m facing. I have scoured the site with anecdotes, techniques, etc. so this isn’t just me babbling – I did try and educate myself.


  1. Focus/Concentration – This, for me, is probably the biggest hurdle. I guess, in the most simplistic terms, the prostate orgasm (or any associated pleasure derived from it) seems to be more “process-oriented” whereas intercourse/masturbation seem to be more “results-driven.” Be it intercourse with my wife or me masturbating, it’s a pretty matter-of-fact thing and we all know how it works. Yesterday, for the first time, I downloaded a couple of the tracks found here: and really tried to tune out the outside world. I do have a blindfold that I might incorporate into future sessions, but it’s just as easy to close my eyes. I realize that a good portion of this is “letting yourself go” and for someone who’s been results-oriented for such a long time, that’s a difficult thing to let go. I’ve also tried to not stimulate my penis, though it does seem to do a little with regard to overall feeling.
  2. “That’s the Spot” – Or is it? I think this is the most confusing part of all this. And, again, it might stem from me looking for results or at least some indication that what I’m doing is “working.” From all of my research, there doesn’t seem to be a definitive “OK, that’s it. That’s the spot, right there.” Moment. Right? Obviously if I know where to focus my attention, it might help. I even ordered a smaller device to see if perhaps that was the issue. (For anyone interested, my initial device was/is the Helix Syn Trident and I just ordered a Euphos Trident). Or, perhaps I’m being a bit too analytical about all of this and I really do need to focus more on my breathing and overall relaxation.
  3. Shake it Off – I’ve found that when I have both of my legs up (feet on the bed, so my legs form a giant “V”) that I’ve had a few involuntary muscle contractions. I liked this. I was also doing some pseudo ab crunches and seemed to do…something, but again maybe I wanted so badly to feel something that I was trying too hard. I realize we’re all wired/built differently, but is there any sort of “all encompassing” position that seems to generate more feeling than another? Again, maybe this is the results-oriented approach, which is what makes me ask and, well, I realize that’s not the point.
  4. Oh…what a feeling? – I’d mentioned above (first post) that there is a brief period of delight when I “hold it” regarding me having to use the restroom. I’m not trying to be gross or lewd, but was wondering if that feeling (of release when it happens) is at all similar to the feeling I’m in search of.
  5. To be blunt… - I live in a state, Maryland, in which cannabis (recreational and medical) is legal. My wife and I usually take a gummy/edible about an hour or so prior to going to bed. We’ve found it makes sex much more enjoyable as the effect of the THC makes for more sensation and elevates the entire experience. I’ve read where several people “recommend” this as well as perhaps it helps to release the focus and might make for a little more progress. I’m not entirely sure why I’m mentioning this other than “does using cannabis help ‘get the ball rolling’” so to speak?
  6. Pre-Cum – I’ve had some from my sessions as well as when ready for sex, etc. but have to ask – if I see some does that mean whatever I’m doing is working? I’ve been going on the assumption that “Oh, there’s some, I must be doing something right?” Or is this another method of thinking that I’ll need to abandon?


Again, I realize there aren’t any definitive answers, but figured that I’d at least put my thoughts down after several sessions. At the very least, it is relaxing, so I suppose as a worst case scenario I could take that away from things.


Thanks for any all assistance. I’ll keep at it.

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Posted by: @fml
“That’s the Spot” – Or is it? From all of my research, there doesn’t seem to be a definitive “OK, that’s it. That’s the spot, right there.” Moment. Right?

That's correct, you may not feel an exact spot where your Aneros is engaging your prostate but with patience you may learn how to maneuver your device with your muscles in such a way that the "spot" does get massaged and that's the point. Don't expect to always be able to hit the "spot"

Posted by: @fml
...perhaps I’m being a bit too analytical about all of this and I really do need to focus more on my breathing and overall relaxation.

Yes, overthinking everything (please see Identifying Obstacles to Progress items #4 & #11) can be problematic.

Posted by: @fml
I realize we’re all wired/built differently, but is there any sort of “all encompassing” position that seems to generate more feeling than another?

Unfortunately, NO, there is no universal position that works consistently for all men, you just need to experiement with positions and find those that seem to maximize your pleasure.

Posted by: @fml
Oh…what a feeling? – I’d mentioned above (first post) that there is a brief period of delight when I “hold it” regarding me having to use the restroom. I’m not trying to be gross or lewd, but was wondering if that feeling (of release when it happens) is at all similar to the feeling I’m in search of

The urge to urinate is a stong sign that your Aneros is adequately engaging your prostate, this feeling will usually abate after a few minutes and morph into more pleasurable sensations.

Posted by: @fml
I’ve read where several people “recommend” this as well as perhaps it helps to release the focus and might make for a little more progress. I’m not entirely sure why I’m mentioning this other than “does using cannabis help ‘get the ball rolling’” so to speak?

Many men have found cannabis does help not only with the relaxation aspect but also with increased focus on the small sensations and enhanced awareness of those sensations.

Posted by: @fml
Pre-Cum – I’ve had some from my sessions as well as when ready for sex, etc. but have to ask – if I see some does that mean whatever I’m doing is working? I’ve been going on the assumption that “Oh, there’s some, I must be doing something right?” Or is this another method of thinking that I’ll need to abandon?

Pre-cum production is typically a sign of physical sexual arousal, as such I think you can view it as a good sign that you are on a positive path. However, lack of pre-cum does not necessarily mean you are on a negative path either.

Posted by: @fml
At the very least, it is relaxing, so I suppose as a worst case scenario I could take that away from things.

That's a good way of looking at your Anerosessions, don't worry about not achieving your 'expected' outcome, just be the patient detached observer to what your body produces, you may be surprised what happens with such an attitude.

Good Vibes to You!

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I’ve not updated this thread in a while due to, well, nothing really happening. That is, until last night…


I’ve done a few sessions with Mindgasm as part of their NNN promotion/challenge. As I commented on another thread, I’ve made some “progress” with this as opposed to some of the tips/tricks that I’ve learned from the posts here. Don’t anyone read that the wrong way, I’m guessing that no matter how folks are able to make some headway, it doesn’t really matter.


A few things I’ve been doing when not in a bona fide “session”:

  • When urinating, I contract my PC muscle about 10x. I figure that this helps “build” the muscle and from what I’ve read, most of what this is about is being able to control your base (sphincter) and your PC muscle.
  • I’ve been doing pelvic floor exercises with stretching and base/PC muscle contractions a few times per day.


And, when I started my session last night (wife had an upset stomach, so she was in the other room) I actually said to myself “Ok, let’s do this. If something happens – great. If not, I don’t give a shit.” So I listened to Mindgasm #2 “The Big Squeeze” and with an edible (and a glass or two of wine) on board, I was already feeling very relaxed. I got to the point where the video/voice was saying that I might have some involuntary contractions (this was about 20 minutes in) and I started to. Granted, I don’t know if I was helping my body along by perhaps adding a few of my own, but I was able to detect that something different was happening.


When I started having some involuntary contractions (abs, arms, buttocks and inner thighs) I stopped and got the Aneros (my session had started without one). Inserted and was able to pretty much get back to where I was in a few minutes.


Given that I’d never had a Super-O, P wave, etc. I really had no idea what to expect when it came to the most important thing – how it feels. Did it feel good? You bet. I don’t know if I was experiencing wave after wave of passion, but I knew that what my body was doing was something I never experienced before so I just took that as a good thing (or at the very least – progress).


After about 20 minutes of me continuing to contract my PC muscle (maybe you’re supposed to do this, maybe not) it would induce some involuntary contractions, I decided that it was a successful session and decided to finish off with a traditional penile orgasm. I’ll say that it was, hands down, the best one I’ve ever had. It was like a traditional orgasm and my body kind of added another “burst” that seemed to come right from my prostate area. Well I’m sure it did, technically, but  you get the idea. Also my “base” muscle was contracting as well. If you’ve ever seen “The Simpson’s” think of how Maggie sucks on her pacifier – that’s what my base muscle was doing to my Aneros. Sorry for the visual, but that’s the best way I can describe it.


At any rate, I can’t really confirm if I was having P-Waves and I certainly don’t think that was any sort of Super-O (if so, I would say that I was a bit let down) but I honestly believe that if a Super-O is a 10, I was at about a 2. But it’s progress and something different and shows that I (of all people) certainly do have the ability to make something, anything happen. I had my doubts.


Feel free to chime in with tips, input, advice, etc. And I’ll probably abstain for a few days as I’ve read where if you try to force this every night, it’ll probably not happen.


Wanted to share.

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Figured I’d follow up on my post from the other day. So once again had some ‘free time’ last night and after the other nights’ “success”, was pretty stoked. Again, I tried not to think too much about my results from the previous session, rather just relax and do what I’ve been doing – it’s obviously showing some signs of improvement or at the very least, pleasurable and relaxing.

By no means am I doing to say I’ve figure this out. I haven’t. But different things are happening and I wanted to share them here as I do have a few questions.

It seems to be a bit easier for me to “get into the groove.” By that I mean, I can have some involuntary twitches after only a few minutes. Granted I still don’t know if I’m “forcing” them or not. I wonder if you force an involuntary twitch, can it actually cause one? Dunno. I guess that’s why it’s called involuntary.

I’m pretty sure I had a few sets of P waves last night and, if so, wow. Hard to describe, but it felt like my nerves on my legs were twitching and then centered in my area it seemed to radiate outwards over my whole body. It felt like a rush of adrenaline like when you’re excited for something (well, I guess in this case I was, but that’s about how I can best describe it). As mentioned, I only had a couple of sets. Every time they happened I was like “is this a P wave?” But then I tried not to overthink it and just relax and let it happen – that’s easier said than done, folks.

Unlike previous sessions, this one has seemed to stay with me a bit. Throughout the night, I felt that if I was doing some contractions, I’d still get an ounce of pleasure. Even as I write this, 8 hours after my session – I still feel a bit of a tingle. I’m assuming that’s normal?

I don’t know what else to say other than in the past week, I feel as if I’ve made a lot of progress. Maybe now I can see what you’re all talking about.

Lastly, is this considered a mild form of hypnosis? That’s to say, when I do this I try to be as relaxed as possible, but I found I was so “in the zone” that it was almost like I was under a spell.

At any rate, that’s where I stand. Open to any thoughts, answers to my questions, etc. @rumel you might be able to shed some light and/or clarify.

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Posted by: @fml
I tried not to think too much about my results from the previous session, rather just relax and do what I’ve been doing – it’s obviously showing some signs of improvement or at the very least, pleasurable and relaxing.

That's excellent! Patience and no expectations is an excellent way forward and it sounds like you are already making good progress. I don't know if anybody actually figures it all out to the point they can have orgasms in every session, I know I don't but the majority of my Anerosessions are still pleasurable even if they don't result in orgasms.

Posted by: @fml
It seems to be a bit easier for me to “get into the groove.” By that I mean, I can have some involuntary twitches after only a few minutes. Granted I still don’t know if I’m “forcing” them or not. I wonder if you force an involuntary twitch, can it actually cause one?

Don't worry about whether you are "forcing" contractions, intentions are what is really at work here. You may start out consciously contracting the various muscle groups but as you get into feeling your body's response this may shift to a more unconscious process, hence involuntaries.

Posted by: @fml
I’m pretty sure I had a few sets of P waves last night and, if so, wow. Hard to describe, but it felt like my nerves on my legs were twitching and then centered in my area it seemed to radiate outwards over my whole body. It felt like a rush of adrenaline like when you’re excited for something (well, I guess in this case I was, but that’s about how I can best describe it). As mentioned, I only had a couple of sets. Every time they happened I was like “is this a P wave?” But then I tried not to overthink it and just relax and let it happen – that’s easier said than done, folks.

Yes, those were definitely P-waves and that's great that you are of the mind to not overthink this observation. Remember you are doing this activity for the pleasure of it, this is not an activity for analysis while in the moment, you can analyze things after your session.

Posted by: @fml
IUnlike previous sessions, this one has seemed to stay with me a bit. Throughout the night, I felt that if I was doing some contractions, I’d still get an ounce of pleasure. Even as I write this, 8 hours after my session – I still feel a bit of a tingle. I’m assuming that’s normal?

Yes, a good Anerosession can leave you with an afterglow of pleasure and relaxation that can last for many hours.

Posted by: @fml
Lastly, is this considered a mild form of hypnosis? That’s to say, when I do this I try to be as relaxed as possible, but I found I was so “in the zone” that it was almost like I was under a spell.

I've often characterized my Anerosessions as erotic meditations so in this sense it could be a form of self hypnosis as you are putting yourself in an altered state of consciousness and Super-O's definitely put you into a further altered state of consciousness. Please see the threads Aneros and an Optimal Mind State, @rook 's thread Whole Body/Whole Mind - the mental side & @SteelColdiron 's thread Aneros: The Essential Mind State for a little insight. It might also help you to read @Neros 's post The truth behind how to "rewire".

Good Vibes to You!

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Thank you. I appreciate all of your help and input. I think I need to rest for a few days. Feeling a bit “jittery”, like one too many Starbucks! Could be my body reacting to some over-stimuli since it’s an area that, well, hasn’t been used in this fashion like…ever. Kind of like bench pressing 300 lbs. you can do it, but you’ll feel some after effects if you’ve not done it often. That analogy made more sense prior to typing it.

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I like where this is going.  My situation is similar to an extent.  Keep up the good work and if anything develops on "my" end I might chime in, heh heh. 

This post was modified 1 year ago by Glandrake

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I guess I’m using this thread that I created a few months ago as my own personal blog. And I’m fine with that!

OK, so if anyone cares to read above, feel free to indulge. Bottom line: I was somewhat of a doubter when I first stumbled across this forum and was reading all the experiences. It wasn’t so much that I didn’t believe any of this was possible, rather I found myself to impatient to really ever want to try and make it happen.

A lot has changed recently.

So I do some breathing (I call it “meditation”) about 4-5 nights a week. This is without Aneros and I’m essentially to the point now where I can sit back, relax and get a few good vibes going in a minute or two. It’s pleasurable and relaxing, though nothing mind-blowing. And I’m fine with that.  About a week or two ago I had a different kind of experience, I’d had what I refer to as a VERY pleasurable P-Wave, though it was a one-thing. It’s not that the rest of the session was bad by any means, but that one instance I was like “Whoa.” And it just so happened that night my wife and I had sex and I was still feeling a bit horny even after my wife went to bed.

Last night was…I can’t even describe it. Same thing (wife and I had “relations”) and she went to bed so I was like “Ok, why not.”

I will preface this by saying that this was without the Aneros. I really only use that once a week, not that I don’t enjoy it, mainly due to the cleanup afterwards (it’s usually very late and I don’t really want to trouble myself with cleaning, etc.).

I listen to music. YouTube has thousands of “tantra sex, 833 mhz…” videos that all have the same type of feel. Some are better than others, but I found one that I really liked.

Started as I usually do and was feeling some good vibes. About 20 minutes in I started some involuntary tremors. I went with it. I had one wave that made me say “Shit.” I mean, it was like a regular orgasm times 5 – and it lasted for about 10 seconds. I liked it. Kept going and my body just kept trembling. The best way I can describe it is it was like my whole body was in one of those massaging chairs you see at the mall (that’s the best visual I can come up with at the moment). I kept going. I even felt something a couple of times that felt like a shock of electricy. It was only for a second, but I had to imagine it was a good thing. Kept tremoring, kept shaking and I kept going with it.

Long story short, I don’t think what I experienced was a Super-O, but I’m pretty certain that I was on the right track. I was tempted to use the Aneros, but I’ll save it for next time. I’ve made a lot of progress over the past couple of months, so figured I’d share my story/experience here.

I’m also going to read some other testimonials and see if what I was feeling was what others have.

Thank you for indulging me!


@rumel, figured I’d once again solicit your input.

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@fml Hey man congrats on the progress!  I’ve been reading along here and in my lessons thread but really here and it sounds like you’ve come a long way.  

The whole thing doesn’t make a lot of sense … at least initially because none of us know what we’re really trying to achieve, even harder as we get older and habits/pathways are more ingrained, until you experience it.  

I’ll let others with more experience weigh in but what you’ve described sure sounds like an “Aless” super O to me.  Like anything there is a spectrum of feelings from maybe mini O to super O but the basic feeling is the same just the intensity can vary, and number of them.  But yeah, uncontrollable tremors usually starting in my abdomen and radiating out, feeling like my body is a tuning fork receiving the vibrations of the music (I also listen to various binaural beats stuff often), quickened heartbeat, sense that you’re connected to an energy source straight into your prostate, etc… 

What took me awhile to get my mind around, and I still somewhat struggle with this, as that in my experience I have had some pretty extended sessions where I ride out the basic “electric” feeling with peaks of orgasm, but there is not, unlike a TO, the sonic boom moment which we’re all programmed to expect.  I think some of that makes it hard to figure out if what you’ve experienced is a super O… but what you’ve described sure sounds like it to me.

This post was modified 1 year ago by HesNot

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Posted by: @fml
Long story short, I don’t think what I experienced was a Super-O, but I’m pretty certain that I was on the right track.

I think you may be too quick to dismiss your experience as a non-Super-O. I agree with @HesNot, I think you did have an Anerosless Super-O. I invite you to re-read the definition for a Super-O. I agree with you that you are on "...the right track." so congratulations on the wonderful progress. Give yourself credit for your accomplishment, you've obtained what many men can only dream to accomplish.

Good Vibes to You!

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Ha! Well I do tend to sell myself short on things in general, so maybe with this being relatively unknown to me - I guess I was looking for more of a definitive “Oh yeah, that was IT” sort of thing. But to have that experience without anything inserted I’ll consider a win, to be sure.

I will say that, throughout the night and even today (and even as I type this), I still have a very oddly pleasurable sense in my body. I don’t know if this is part of the whole process or not (I have to assume it is since I rarely, if ever, have had it) and I did neglect to mention that my “session” last night was over 2 hours. I generally have a very good sense of time, but after I finally said “Ok, that’s enough.” I was surprised to see that it was past midnight. I have told my wife that I meditate about 6 days a week and, truthfully, I do find this as a form of meditation - albeit a more pleasurable one. So, on the off chance, she ever “catches” me, I can chalk it up to that.

Part of me wants to try again tonight, this time with the Aneros in, but I also don’t want to try and force it.

At any rate, I’ve made a lot of progress and have done and felt things I’d never thought possible. To quote my favorite movie, Caddyshack, “So I’ve got that goin’ for me…which is nice.”

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Posted by: @hesnot

What took me awhile to get my mind around, and I still somewhat struggle with this, as that in my experience I have had some pretty extended sessions where I ride out the basic “electric” feeling with peaks of orgasm, but there is not, unlike a TO, the sonic boom moment which we’re all programmed to expect.  I think some of that makes it hard to figure out if what you’ve experienced is a super O… but what you’ve described sure sounds like it to me.

That's essentially 100% what/how I feel as well. I mean, it's not like someone can take control of your body and say "this is what you should be feeling." It's a pleasurable enough experience that I can sit in a bed for 2 hours and not even stopping for enough time to take a sip of water (my mouth is usually open trying to breathe, etc.). So, yeah, whatever I'm doing feels good enough that moving/stopping isn't really an option. And if this is a sign of things to come (pardon the pun) then I welcome it. I've also yet to try new positions. My "go to" is on my back with my legs bent, but on the sides (a good way to envision this is if you've ever seen a frog dissected...that's the visual). But I've read of on your stomach (my preferred way of sleeping), knees, etc. The sky is the limit.

Also thinking of picking up a stainless steel Tempo. If it works, great and if not, oh well.

This is fun. And I'm not abandoning my relations with my wife and I do still enjoy masturbatory sessions several times a week as well. Who knew that at 50 my sex drive would be higher than it ever has been?

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Ok, folks it’s been a few weeks so I’m continuing along my thread and figured I’d update any/all that might be curious.

So, as of this writing, I’ve been experimenting/“doing this” for about 90 days. In that time I’ve gone from a bit of a skeptic (not saying that I didn’t believe this was possible, more along the lines of me being patient enough with it to make it work) to a bona fide believer.
I’m essentially at the point where I can sit back, take a few deep breaths, flex my core and base muscle (PC and sphincter) a few times and get some waves going. I’m not talking about eyes rolling in the back of my head waves, more along the lines of “Oh, that feels nice” kind of waves. I’ve had varying degrees of success (there’s little failure) and have probably experienced more pleasure with this than traditional sex/masturbation. Don’t get me wrong, I still do both of those as well but I find that a few times a week is well worth the time involved.
I’ve also found that I’m more ‘successful’ (for lack of a better term) without the Aneros. I’ve got two of them, the SYN and I just got the Tempo last week. I figured something made of steel might be an interesting feeling. I like them both and I’m sure that as I continue to progress, the Aneros will probably make for a more intense session. But as I mentioned, I’m fine going without. I think the main reason is that I have to worry about cleanup, etc. as I generally do this at night and it’s just “one more thing” - I find I’m more relaxed without it.
There have been some pretty intense sessions and I have no idea if I’ve had a Super-O or not. There’s not really an indicator. I will say that I’ve had lot of involuntary contractions, sensations that I’ve not thought possible coming from my body and so forth. I’ve also added some frenulum “tapping” in there as well. I know it’s been said that it’s not advisable to mess with the penis during all of this, but hey - it feels good and it’s my body so I’ll do it if I want to!
Position wise, I’ve not really tried a whole lot other than lying on my back. I’ve heard/read that maybe being on your knees, resting your arms/stomach on the bed might work, but this is generally late at night so I just go for the relaxing part that I know produces results.
I will also say that I try and not let my involuntary contractions take control. I feel that I still tend to “force” contractions which, in turn, might produce other involuntary contractions. Maybe that’s the case, maybe not. I have no idea. But I do try to “let it come to me” sometimes. Oddly, I’ll just be lying there and my body will start to “do its own thing.” I’m talking my groin seems to have a mind of its own, arms and thighs twitching it’s certainly a unique experience.
There really isn’t a lot to be learned here. Just documenting my journey for anyone who might be interested. I’ll keep at it. Worst that can happen…I don’t really see a down side.
Will close this by saying that I sometimes feel like I’m cheating, like…at life. I think of all the men out there who have no idea about this and think to myself “you have no idea what you’re missing.” It just seems too easy. Then again, from a results standpoint, it’s really no different than masturbation (as we all know, the sensations are much more powerful and longer lasting than that), but still…now that my eyes are open, it’s certainly quite the experience.

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@fml first I'm really happy you've unlocked your "recipe" for success on this journey!  We seem to be on parallel paths and I identify with many of the experiences you discussed in this last post.  Well other than having an active sex life with my wife ;). 

I've also generally been not using an Aneros recently for the same reasons (I have a Helix Syn V and my current favorite Eupho), easier and less steps/cleanup particularly in evening before bed sessions.   I have experimented with getting things rolling without a device then introducing one mid session and if you're already rolling it does take things in a different direction.  Sort of like touching a raw nerve, and it does feel different of course.  Won't say better necessarily but a variation.  It's also the one time I've had O's not lying on my back as once inserted on my side it's nearly instantaneous different pleasure that left me on my side for a bit before I could reposition.  I am interested in exploring other positions but at the moment things are working and each experience is subtly different so I'm in no rush.  

I've been varying music, or no music, involving nipples or not, and seeing how it differs.  But as much as anything I've been working on controlling the experience a bit more ... sort of like edging with a TO, time permitting of course.  That is certainly one aspect of the TO is it can be time efficient 🙂 

I have given up on my extended semen retention exercise and that was ... interesting.  I kind of wanted to make sure the plumbing still was working and it had no real impact on prostate play (but I do think it helped get me across the line initially).  I expected the first effort to result in an explosion given the almost two months I'd not ejaculated and it was somewhat unsatisfying and oddly a little uncomfortable, almost like my body had kind of forgotten how that worked.  The second attempt was much more satisfying and at least for me was a signal that keeping both in play is worthwhile.  

I also agree with having a feeling of I wish I could pass on to others how to have some of these experiences.  I know there are a lot of frustrated folks and if I could figure out what the key was for me I would share it, I've tried to share some of them in my thread in the Nook but what seems really clear to me is that there are a lot of variables in play and each of us has a unique "recipe" (as noted above) that unlocks the experience for us.  But it is worth the experimentation for sure.  Total game changer in my pleasure journey. 

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Hey folks, this will be my last post. Had a few “revelations” for the new year and some resolutions - and stopping this (prostate massage) was one of them. I don’t really have a bona fide reason as to why, just felt that it really wasn’t for me. Was it pleasurable? Yep. Time consuming? Indeed. But with an active and healthy sex life with the wife, always felt “weird” about doing this on the side. I’d mentioned it to her and she was seemingly OK with it, but I never truly believed that. I mean…would you?

Don’t get me wrong, nothing against anyone here. This seems to be a very friendly, supportive and informational community but the way I see it, I was sexually happy for quite some time prior to this so it would stand to reason that I’ll be the same afterwards.
Ultimately I’m glad I gave it a shot. I might have regretted it had I not at least tried. But I did. And I don’t think I failed by any means. I guess I don’t have to keep making excuses, but figured as much time as I’ve spent on this subject, I would at least offer some sort of reason.
I have to wonder what the trash men will think when/if they see three Aneros in the garbage next Monday?

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Posted by: @fml
I have to wonder what the trash men will think when/if they see three Aneros in the garbage next Monday?

Why throw them away? just as you had this revelation to stop the effort, you may have another revelation down the road to take a different approach to these devices as therapeutic regimes for an aging male. I would advise you to just keep them, you never know how your future is going to unfold and may regret just totally giving up on them. 

Good Vibes to You!

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@rumel and @FML - I agree with not throwing the device(s) away for the same reasons.  You just never know, or you may at some point bring it into couples play.  Or not.  

We've had some similar experiences but started out from an initial place that is very different, specifically around sex lives with our partners.  You've got to pursue a path that makes you happy and satisfied, but I do think that experiencing different forms of pleasure is always additive, even if they ebb and flow in terms of our tastes and appetites over time!  Cheers! 

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Well…too late. They’re in the trash. And if I have an epiphany and feel the need to do this again, I know where to procure them.

Plus, all of my “best” sessions were without Aneros anyway, so no real loss (other than the $278 dollars they cost, but it’s only money).
Oddly, I decided to try a session last night and am pretty sure I had a Super-O and if I didn’t, it was by far my best session to date. Go figure.

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OK folks, so I’ve been giving this a lot of thought and I’ve had a few revelations. So, on one hand, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to give something up that give me pleasure (and as I’m sure we can all attest, this does generate a lot of physical pleasure else…why the hell do it?). Second, so long as this doesn’t tend to take over my normal sex life, I don’t see the need to stop. Now, for those that care (and evidently there’s a least one), I did throw away my Aneros devices. I guess I likened it to throwing out booze if you’re trying to stop drinking – out of sight/out of mind. But I’ve also alluded to my best sessions being without anything inserted. I’m sure that the Aneros bring it to a higher level, but for the time being I just don’t care about that.


So I am going to keep on with this. I’ve done a few sessions in the new year and, oddly (or maybe not so oddly) each one has been better than the one prior. My body is doing some interesting things during these sessions – twitching in ways I don’t think it’s twitched before and with me laying there only vaguely aware of where I am. I finally just said “Ok, body, I’m handing this over to you and you do your thing.” It did. I don’t know if I’ve had a bona fide Super-O yet or not, but I can certainly see myself on that path. But the “down” side is that my wife is in the next room and it’s hard for me to fully let myself go. I’ve mentioned that I meditate to her and she’s OK with it. So I think that’s part of my motivation to not use the Aneros. On the off chance she comes in and “catches” me, I’ve got my shorts on and not around my ankles and nothing in my arse! I can just say “Hey, I’m meditating!”


Also, I don’t want this to become a replacement for sex even though we all know that it’s far more pleasurable. But I love having sex with my wife. The moans of pleasure, her breasts jiggling, the eyes rolled back in her head – it’s a real turn on for me. Plus, having that human component will never be a replacement (for me, anyway) for two people doing what comes naturally.


I’ll end by saying that I am glad that I discovered this. I had no idea that a body (my body) could produce such pleasure. It’s genuinely mind-boggling. Feeling sensations from the tips of my toes to the top of my head and everywhere in between is…something quite special.


And that’s that. I’ll continue to update this thread as I see fit, but for anyone/everyone who might have been curious – there ya go.

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@fml - this thread has been really inspiring. Thank you for sharing! I have only recently discovered this ability and I can definitely relate to a lot of the transformations that you've gone through in the past 4 months.

I also think a lot about what these orgasms mean for my sex life. Perhaps due to the novelty, I currently consider prostate play to be more pleasurable than conventional sex. My wife knows that I do this, and she seems interested in it, but I have not yet engaged in prostate play *with* her. I would say my biggest blocker to that is that I am anxious that I will be unable to "perform" when another person is present and watching me. But it is something I plan to do eventually.

My current attitude now is that I now mostly value sex as a way of bonding with my wife and deepening our relationship, rather than just a way to experience pleasure. We have started trying different things in the bedroom, talking more, being less laser-focused on the penis, clitoris, and penetration. I think this will eventually bleed into p-spot and g-spot stimulation, but we've no reason to rush anything.
