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Saying Hello To Everyone And Looking To Make Some Sense

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I would like to start by saying a warm hello to you all.  Although I have researched a little on prostate stimulation in the past and wasted a little money over the years (wastred money on a gyrating, vibrating monster and developed a real-world understanding of volume vs capacity), I had not until relatively recently taken this practice seriously.  In honesty, I thought that any pleasurable sensations that might arise were purely psychological (using this term loosely) and/or overhyped.  After doing some further research a few weeks ago (still wanting to try something different), I bought the Aneros Synth V and I started to read everything I could on this forum.  Patience, letting go, relaxation and being sensitive to the small sensations were some of the points that I look to heart.

Although I found the first couple of weeks frustrating with nothing happeneing, reading that it could possibly be like this for beyond a year, I still found it a good and comfortable way of relaxing - and having 'me time'.  I avoided using the vibration function for the first couple of weeks out of concern for developing a reliance on it or desensiting an already unresponsive prostate.  Then I tried the 'v' function once and it seemed to literally switch everything on and I haven't been the same since.  My sensorial experiences have been transformed and my definition of what pleasure is redefined.  I should also add that the vibration function of the fancy massager has never been used since that one fateful day either.  I have so many questions and thoughts about this new way of being and doing. 

I have been familiarising myself with all the terminology, ranging from p-wave to HFWO to HFDO to SO and STO.  I try to relate the definitions to my own experiences as a way of quasi quantification, comparison and evaluation.  I am not sure I can.  I prepare, instert, relax and then very quickly small pulses cascade into waves of enjoyment and euphoria (it's automatic and I do nothing else).  I can just let it happen or I can even psychologically modulate it if I want.  It's regular-irregular or irregular-regular waves of pleasure that can be physical and/or sensed, a rush or a trickle.  That I need to do nothing for so much in return (just lie down) does make this 'practice' quite thought consuming and addictive.  The day the light came on, I was handed the switch to control it without any reference to 'refractory period' in the small print - or further instructions.

I am not sure if it the sensations will develop, expand or intensify as I practice?  I am not sure how I rank what I feel (HFWO, etc?) or whether it matters because I am grateful for the switch to something completely new.  One big question I people if, when this familiarisation happened to you, what did you do after and what are your practices now?  Sorry if I have come across as pompous in any way.  I just wanted to get this off my chest. Thank you for reading.  🙂

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Fulcrum

Ghusa, Faith-Manages, p38 and 4 people reacted
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Posted by: @fulcrum

One big question I people if, when this familiarisation happened to you, what did you do after and what are your practices now?

First I'd like to welcome you aboard the good ship Aneros and the wonderful journey you have embarked upon. It is gratifying to hear you have done your due diligence reading and taken the material to heart. It is obvious it has already served you well. For many men who experience their first definitive Super-O their life is altered in a subtle but obvious way, almost always for the better. Personally, my life style did not dramatically change but my attitude toward sexuality has forever been altered. I am more open and accepting of all things regarding sexuality and sensuality. Each man's journey is unique, as will be yours, it is impossible to predict how yours will unfold but I suspect you are in for more enlightenment.

Good Vibes to You!

P.S. Here''s a copy of a post written many years ago by member @Zenopause that describes some common elements of this journey we are all on.

Posted by: @Zenopause


Damn good questions. I've been Anerizing for a little over a year now, and like you, I haven't experienced the various orgasms others here describe. I could have written that second paragraph about strong build ups and pleasure without full realization. I can, however, speak with some authority about dos and don'ts.

First off, I think most of us here have loosely followed this arc: In the beginning, we have high expectations, excitement and confusion. How do I do it? What happens? You mean I don't touch my penis? There are different, better orgasms? I'm in! Then come new sensations. We feel twitches, buzzing or warmth, maybe an erotic jolt or two. Whoah...what was that? How did I do it? How do I do it again? And much of the time, just the feeling of something filling our backsides.

Next comes frustration. We try harder, read more advice, compare and complain. Someone writes about his earth-shaking, eye-crossing hour-long super-O, using the same thing that does nothing for you. And he's a newer member! Must mean you're doing it wrong. This guy did it with Kegels, that guy had success with the smallest one, some other guy used the do-nothing approach. Maybe you need a different model. Which one's right? Or is it the lube? Or the position? Or the length of sessions? One dude slept with it, and woke up in the wee hours with a gigantic orgasm. Maybe my prostate's in a different spot...or (gulp) maybe I don't have the hardware or hardwiring to experience what others can. Maybe it'll never work for me. *Sniff*. After a bit of time, you get fed up with worrying about it. A session here and there, a shaking of the head, and you put your toy in the drawer and wonder if you wasted $70. You question all the advice and feedback on the forum, and conclude that you're different, that what works for others might not work for you. So you start over.

This is the true beginning. All the other stuff above was the packaging, the hype. You throw it all away. You keep the good advice in mind: patience, relaxation, maybe some light Kegels and soft music. Comfort, always. Avoid your penis, masturbate less. Stroking nipples feels nice. You dump the comparisons and bad advice: Some guy had five orgasms in a row just thinking about thinking about his perineum, someone else says if you don't do nothing you'll never complete your 'journey,' like you're trying to sail over some misty horizon or connect your chakra to the rings of Saturn. And after a little while (unique to each of us), a toy that never did much becomes more dimensional--it gives more feedback, more warmth or tingles than before, maybe a little more sustain in the overall pleasure zone. There might be fluttering, where the toy actually seems to move a little on its own. Or sometimes a warm buzz that spreads through your lower abdomen or up your tailbone. An involuntary clench, or several. What's going on?

My answers: by dumping your expectations, born of comparison, you're able to relax and enjoy your sessions more, which allows you to progress. That's it. There's no magic to our funny pieces of plastic, nor to our anatomy. It's simply a process of learning what feels good, and learning to reroute erotic and sensual pleasures from our dicks to somewhere deeper, more obscure. After all, there's an obvious evolutionary reason for traditional ejaculations; what reason is there for prostate orgasms? Hard to say. What's more, imagine trying to have a penile orgasm by applying gentle pressure to your dick, rather than manly stroking. Now add the fact that we all have to stumble our way to our prostates, and overcome stigma, uncertainty, and ignorance. It's little wonder that the world of Aneros and anatomy is a confusing one.

So my own dos and dont's? (And again, only mine): Do relax, try different lubes and positions, Kegels of different duration and intensity. Do give yourself at least an hour, and treat each session like it's a reward, a lovely bit of quiet time for a man who deserves it. Do fantasize, do try stroking your nipples--it didn't do anything for me for about six months, then my nipples grew more and more sensitive, and now it's a staple, something that always brings delightful pleasure jolts in my PC area and rectum. Do take an Aneros bath if possible; that is, a session in the tub. The water and heat and serenity really boost the experience, especially with your favorite stuff on headphones. I like erotic beats, ASMR and voices, even just listening to girls masturbating on Pornhub, etc, no visuals. Super fun. I also like something around my cock and balls- a wristband amplifies lower sensations sometimes. Don't force contractions, erections, or any building sensations. The surest way to avoid more pleasure is to chase it when it approaches. A bit like trying to grab a beautiful bird that's pecking at seeds nearby. You'll scare it away every time. Don't take anyone's advice word for word, don't conclude that there's one right model for you--I have almost all of them, and they all take turns being fireworks and duds. Who knows why? Irrelevant question. And maybe the biggest don't, don't consider sessions successes or failures. Each is different, and at the very worst, each gives you the opportunity to relax and explore your sensuality and erogenous zones, and provides a chunk of time where the world can go bugger off. What's better than that?

A long response to a simple question: what works best? The answer, as always, is to relax, trust your instincts, and enjoy yourself without expectations. What ever's going to happen will only happen if you do these first. Best of pleasures, and let us know how things are going.

Axii007, helical, Faith-Manages and 6 people reacted
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Congrats and welcome! Sounds like you are off to a great start.  

I personally dislike the terminology of super orgasms, dry orgasm, mini orgasms and p waves as they create lines in a spectrum. I break up the spectrum as follows: pleasure and orgasms (culmination of pleasure) of all shapes and sizes.  That’s just me though. 

life after is great.  I learned more and more for maybe a year, and since then I have had fewer “breakthroughs” but my sexuality has developed in all sorts of ways nonetheless. These days I play alone with a toy maybe twice a month. I do aless most days, but just in passing, not dedicated sessions. In bed with my partner a couple times a week I use my toys or get pegged. Overall my sexuality looks nothing like it was before, and sex alone or with others involves tens of intense orgasms, as well as plenty of otherworldly pleasures. Before I was an spectator in the play of pleasure, now I am the main actor.

Ghusa, p38, Reddog152 and 1 people reacted
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@rumel  Never read it better put. Should go in the instructions under, side effects or Must read section. I suggest everybody read it several times, packs alot of wisdom, ya just can't digest in one read. Thx man

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Posted by: @fulcrum

[...] waves of enjoyment and euphoria [...]

Depending on how euphoric the euphoria is, this could place your experience already in Super-Orgasm territory. Like @divine_o, I don't find all the terminology that useful when thinking about my own experiences, but it gives a rough estimate when we compare feelings to traditional penile Os and when we attempt to describe our experiences. 

I feel that as I progressed, I started thinking in term of buildup, almost-almosts (the transition zones between what is not an orgasm and what is one) and then orgasms. That's enough for my own interior monologue.   

Posted by: @fulcrum

That I need to do nothing for so much in return (just lie down) does make this 'practice' quite thought consuming and addictive.

Yes, that's a bit of a sticky situation as you start to rethink the concept of effort vs reward. Trying to figure out the meaning, next step or purpose of the experience can send you for a spin. 

I don't want to sound like the crazy weirdo on the mountain with a toy up his butt, but I feel like there's an element missing from your "big question", or more likely, I'm not understanding it correctly. If you feel there was a "before" this experience and an "after", do you think this should be bringing important life changes and asking how you would adapt, or are you just wondering about session frequency and the like ? You mentioned addiction, do you have some unease about this ? 

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@rumel Thank you very much for digging this up.  It's really appreciated!

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Posted by: @divine_o

Congrats and welcome! Sounds like you are off to a great start.  

I personally dislike the terminology of super orgasms, dry orgasm, mini orgasms and p waves as they create lines in a spectrum. I break up the spectrum as follows: pleasure and orgasms (culmination of pleasure) of all shapes and sizes.  That’s just me though. 

life after is great.  I learned more and more for maybe a year, and since then I have had fewer “breakthroughs” but my sexuality has developed in all sorts of ways nonetheless. These days I play alone with a toy maybe twice a month. I do aless most days, but just in passing, not dedicated sessions. In bed with my partner a couple times a week I use my toys or get pegged. Overall my sexuality looks nothing like it was before, and sex alone or with others involves tens of intense orgasms, as well as plenty of otherworldly pleasures. Before I was an spectator in the play of pleasure, now I am the main actor.

I'm the same as you with the terminology but may learn to appreciate it more with time.  I think that it is brill that you are where you want to be with your pleasure 🙂

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@zentai You don't sound like a 'weirdo' at all haha  I'm the weirdo if anything.  I didn't think that a 'particularly' shaped piece of plastic up my butt would do what it has really and it shocked me a bit.  The simple person that I am, I was just surprised that this is all I need to do to get pleasure.  I have a really stressful and mentally demanding job and I never had the time for meditation or relaxation, so this has changed a lot for me.  I can allocate time to myself and literally receive pleasurable reward if I do.  I now really want to do this and think about it, but have to think about controlling myself.  This probably  you want reallymakes me seem like a mental case, but it's like being a teenager and discovering masturbation for the first time.   However, this time you can go for as long and as often as you want really and it gives me pause for thought.  This is an amusing article I recently read.


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@fulcrum, a warm hello is returned.  Like @rumel, my lifestyle hasn’t changed much, but my attitudes towards sexuality and sensuality have.  One task for me was to expand my definition of what “orgasm” is.  As evidence of other personal changes, recently I had an online conversation on the topic, “Can you have an orgasm from X?”.  Immediately, Aneros lessons came to mind.  I made “X” generic (here) because it’s better to think in the general case.  I was spouting off cans of worms like, “depends on 

  • the receiver’s ability to let go in many senses of the word (boy is this one loaded!)
  • the newness of the act
  • the existence of falsehoods about the self- I cannot be pleased in “this” way

Stay aware, stay open, @fulcrum.  It sounds like you’re having a great start.


Reddog152 reacted
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Only you can define what you feel really. If you have 10 mini o’s in a row,is that a super o? It’s certainly more super than a 6 second traditional o.  Your beginning your paradigm shift in thinking and you’ll land eventually.

One way to stave off addiction is routine. Perhaps you play on certain days,keep up with daily tasks,such as work,exercise,socialising and the like.You’ll think a little different but that’s ok,it’s because your enlightened. It’s cool to have the info that others don’t and be a member of a small but exclusive club.

Ha! What until your walking through your city looking at all the people walking past who have no idea that you walk a higher path and that they could too if only they’d open their eyes. 😉



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Posted by: @fulcrum

This probably  you want reallymakes me seem like a mental case, but it's like being a teenager and discovering masturbation for the first time.

I've observed the same thing- almost like a second pubescence of sorts- a notable time of wonder and integration of these things into one's self-concept.  The article stuck to an appropriate tone but reading between the lines, I can't help but think the subject is considered to be a basket case and I say that with affection.  If all of this phenomena is "wrong", I don't wanna be "right".

Posted by: @fulcrum

However, this time you can go for as long and as often as you want really and it gives me pause for thought.

It'll be ok.  If I'm reading you correctly, I will mention in my experience you'll likely not become "addicted" in the long-run.  Right now it is understandably very exciting for you.  And you may find yourself having extended stretches of pleasant pelvic "buzz".  Keep us posted.



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Yep, that article has been shared before, and I agree with @helical that it's almost like they are showcasing that strange orgasming animal they have found in the wild, hehe. 

It's not a very likely outcome, but it's possible to get stuck with addiction issues, same as with any other pleasurable activity. I would not worry about this unless you start to see signs in yourself, but if they don't manifest then all is good. 

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I have found that my best super o’s have happened as I am falling asleep.  I get woken up with intense orgasms one after the other.  Wish I could have them while I am awake.

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@john852  I here ya my best happened while I was sleeping. I used to suffer from sleep paralysis, scared the hell out of me, until I discovered what exactly it was. I was able to take advantage of it, you may also be able to take advantage, using the same technique. because to orgasm takes a cetain level of conciousness. It helps if you know when the orgasms from sleep might happen.There is a very breif window btwn. being awake and asleep. The trick is learning to mentally stay awake right at the transition, very hard to do. For a very breif moment you are in control or have access to your unconcious mind, what most people don't realize is that dreams have no time limit, you can have a 1hr dream in a fraction of a second. You must direct the dream the second your body goes to sleep, you will know your there when it feels like your body is plugged into a light socket, and you are paralyzed, absolutely terrorizing if you don't know whats happening. As this is what your body does while you are sleeping, ti recharges, just like a battery. if youv;e done this right you should wake in the middle of the super o, and you won't lose so much sleep.WARNING THIS IS NOT GREASY KID STUFF. YOU CAN GET TRAPPED BTWN SLEEP AND AWAKE ESPECIALLY IF YOU MIS THE WINDOW TO DIRECT THINGS. AND EVERYTHING YOU EVER HEARD ABOUT THE CREEPY SIDE OF SLEEP PARALYSIS CAN HAPPEN.

iF THIS SHOULD HAPPEN CONCENTRATE ON 1 SPOT OF YOUR BODY, I USE MY EYE, AND TRY TO MOVE IT, TRY TO MOVE ANY PART OF YOUR BODY, AND YOU WILL INSTANTLY WAKE UP.  And go turn all the lights on in your house like a little kid who watched a horror movie they shouldn't have. It has been years since I tried this, I won't be trying it now. 


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Posted by: @fulcrum

I would like to start by saying a warm hello to you all.  Although I have researched a little on prostate stimulation in the past and wasted a little money over the years (wastred money on a gyrating, vibrating monster and developed a real-world understanding of volume vs capacity), I had not until relatively recently taken this practice seriously.  In honesty, I thought that any pleasurable sensations that might arise were purely psychological (using this term loosely) and/or overhyped.  After doing some further research a few weeks ago (still wanting to try something different), I bought the Aneros Synth V and I started to read everything I could on this forum.  Patience, letting go, relaxation and being sensitive to the small sensations were some of the points that I look to heart.

Although I found the first couple of weeks frustrating with nothing happeneing, reading that it could possibly be like this for beyond a year, I still found it a good and comfortable way of relaxing - and having 'me time'.  I avoided using the vibration function for the first couple of weeks out of concern for developing a reliance on it or desensiting an already unresponsive prostate.  Then I tried the 'v' function once and it seemed to literally switch everything on and I haven't been the same since.  My sensorial experiences have been transformed and my definition of what pleasure is redefined.  I should also add that the vibration function of the fancy massager has never been used since that one fateful day either.  I have so many questions and thoughts about this new way of being and doing. 

I have been familiarising myself with all the terminology, ranging from p-wave to HFWO to HFDO to SO and STO.  I try to relate the definitions to my own experiences as a way of quasi quantification, comparison and evaluation.  I am not sure I can.  I prepare, instert, relax and then very quickly small pulses cascade into waves of enjoyment and euphoria (it's automatic and I do nothing else).  I can just let it happen or I can even psychologically modulate it if I want.  It's regular-irregular or irregular-regular waves of pleasure that can be physical and/or sensed, a rush or a trickle.  That I need to do nothing for so much in return (just lie down) does make this 'practice' quite thought consuming and addictive.  The day the light came on, I was handed the switch to control it without any reference to 'refractory period' in the small print - or further instructions.

I am not sure if it the sensations will develop, expand or intensify as I practice?  I am not sure how I rank what I feel (HFWO, etc?) or whether it matters because I am grateful for the switch to something completely new.  One big question I people if, when this familiarisation happened to you, what did you do after and what are your practices now?  Sorry if I have come across as pompous in any way.  I just wanted to get this off my chest. Thank you for reading.  🙂


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I get my Helix Syn V probably tomorrow and it will be my first time exploring prostate orgasms. Any helpful tips from more experienced users before I start?

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Very nice post, thank you.

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@rumel Nice piece! Thank you.

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@rumel thanks my friend. I also needed to read this. Appreciate your sharing it.
