Revolution Now
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Haven’t had time for many sessions lately, so I opened up an old thread of mine I never posted. It's a little bit out there, but I've always been of a mind that there is something more to existance than just what you can percieve with your 5 senses.

Anyways, there was a post circulating this forum a while back that has the phrase the “planets must be aligned” in reference to several members who had great sessions on the same night. That night, in late November, I was gazing out at the twilight sky as Jupiter and Venus made a smiley face with the moon – and that got me thinking… What if we here at the forum formed a Full Moon Club? There are more than 6000 registered users now. What if we all plan a session on days/nights during the full moon? Kind of a cosmic wave. Here are a few thoughts as to why this intrigues me:

1) The internet, cell phones, GPS, computers and all the rest of industrialized society is stripping away innate abilities are brains have to utilize their surroundings (i.e. search this forum for Polynesians). We are technologically dependant on things are ancestors had none of. I’m not going all anti-industrialist here, I’m just pointing out that the Super Orgasm is not about technology.

2) Before written language, we used to use astrological indicators to keep time like the solstice or high noon. Standardized time, for instance, in the United States was not even needed until the railway system was built. Until then, every town kept their own time. Utilizing a Full Moon to signal the start of a global session requires no technology.

3) Pleasure is one of the ultimate human non-verbal experiences. Why do you think so much space in this forum is dedicated to describing it? It cannot be measured. Words don’t exist to capture its nuance. Get in touch with your amygdala. It doesn’t need words. Get in touch with your neocortex. It knows things beyond words.

4) We need things in this forum to think about to perpetuate/stimulate the needs of intermediate to advanced users – like Artforms’ Spiritual Orgasm. I can barely crank out a mini P-wave much less a Spiritual Orgasm but I like to think about the good things to come.

Have you ever been to a stadium event were the crowd does “The Wave”? First one section tries to start it, but it fizzles. After several attempts, more and more sections get into the act. After a couple of near misses, the entire stadium starts to act in concert and the wave starts circling the stadium. It’s mesmerizing.

As scatter shot as this post may seem, I’m trying to go after an idea here. Something along the lines of Coherent Orgasmic Synchronized Energy Release – COSER – an orgasmic pleasure laser if you will – circling the planet like protons around a particle accelerator. If you’ve progressed beyond wondering if the Aneros hits your prostate or not, maybe this thought process appeals to you. If you think that consciousness is just a little bit bigger than evolution or if you think that the quest for the Super-O is not just about pleasure … welcome to the Full Moon Club.

During the next full moon, on Monday, February 9th, I will be having a session. No porn. No music. No words. No technology. Just laying there feeling the pulse beat below my navel.


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This is an interesting experimental idea, a concurrent Aneros 'happening', to think the energy being created in simultaneous sessions around the world might lift the vibrational frequency of the earth. It certainly couldn't hurt trying. I'm thinking the Full Moon Club is really a new focus group within the Super-O Society , so, I'll join the rest of the joyous howling werewolves in celebration during the apex of the lunar sojourn. At the very least it is a fun idea. Good Vibes to You !

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J4 and Rumel,

Count me in guys!

We must ALL be in the same frame of mind where sexual experimentation
and trying to explain or replicate a world-class orgasm is concerned!

I just set my appointment scheduler (Chaos Manager) for Sessions
on the Full Moon days over a six month period! (Starting Feb. 9th)

Wouldn't it be wonderful to discover that the optimum time for an
Aneros session is during the full Moon period???

As an SOS member in good standing or sitting or on my back, I
have scheduled sessions on these days! LOL!

I have always believed that ALL things are possible . . .
Come on and sign-up for this grand experiment!

Hey, I know it's a hard job, but I know we Forum Members can
produce some interesting results . . . or at least have a great
time trying!

Cum Howl at the moon with us! LOL!

Later, Hlaser99

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Im with you brothers Feb 09...............!!!!!! n

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Well written as always J4.

Yes the modern world keeps you insulated from your primal scences.
As for me I am an old fashioned pagan at heart.

I took a picture of the smiling face in the night sky.
1st Dec I think.
I use it as my screen saver.
No doubt there are better examples of it on the net but it is mine.

I will join with you on the night of the full moon.
Until then.

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Hey Voyager!

I love your Signature at the bottom . . .

"On a voyage of discovery through inner space."

It describes ones sexual Journey to enlightenment
very well!

Just had to say this . . .

Later, Hlaser99

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I somehow missed this post yesterday, but I am a definite in! I know it is difficult to to set a specific time here, but could we get more specific on the different time zones? Maybe everyone trying for say, 9:00PM (in your respective time zones) on February 9? 9 on the 9th in 2009....there is some symmetry there!

Come on, ohmy06, you have got to be in on this one!

This has been discussed in earlier threads and I believe there is validity in it.

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Absolutely - Hey I've been touting the concept for some time much to the dismay of those seemingly unaffected. I will certainly be in their howling(as I tend to do anyway 😀 ) with the best of them. So is it 9:00 EST?

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I am on Eastern Standard Time (EST) so that is when I have it marked on the calendar. I think we have a plan.

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If we're benefiting from combined energy then everyone will need to make adjustments based on the 9 EST, example 8:00 Central.

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Here's a site to help you work out what local time it is for you:
For me it's 1pm Tuesday. I'm not sure how possible that will be for me.

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Although it would be cool to all be experiencing sensations around the world, concurrently, for some people, it won't be feasible if they must time their session to coincide with 9:00 EST.

Harkening back to J4's analogy of 'the wave' in the stadium, would it dilute the effect of the original idea if we all stuck to 9:00 pm in our specific time zone? I envision this wave of energy standing still in space as the earth revolves under it, and holding it's position relative to the full moon.

Please let me know the final decision. The amount of energy I can generate and contribute to the greater cosmic wave is pretty miniscule. I have to be careful not to waste it!


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I'm in.

Officially how long will this session be? Do we have a duration or we just all start at the same time and then some might go 30 minutes some might go 3 hours?

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I am planning on 9:00PM Monday February 9 for a session of at least an hour. I am trying to stock up on the fish oil, but I am discovering that my pills are just not potent enough to do the proper trick.

BTW, I may cheat and start a little before 9 so I am howling by then. Sometimes I need to ramp it up a bit.

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Don't forget about me ~~

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All righty, sounds like we have a quorum! I am glad to see interest in this topic.

Slipperybugger gets the wave analogy. I’ll be turning in a multiple hour session on the 9th, but it is more import that as many of us participates as we can. I envision the traveling wave will propagate and amplify, like a ripple, perhaps far outlasting any individual session. If you want to coordinate 9:00pm sessions, it might provide a great bump, but we need Voyager and Plantation and the UK contingent strung out around the world to keep it going. I may need more than a couple of full moons to tune myself in anyways.

Hlaser99, it’ll be a few months yet before I’ll be going outside howling at the moon, but I’m looking forward to it in the spring!

Rumel, you hit it on the head with the “focus group” thought. I considered having the R in COSER as Research.

Slipperybugger – thanks for the encouragement to post the topic.

The whole moon thing is meant to draw on primal energy. On some level your brain detects electrical/magnetic/gravitational stimuli. This isn’t a Facebook event.


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I think the pineal gland might be responsible for the connection you are talking about..the earth has a megnetosphere right?
Perhaps that sphere is a medium through which our consciousness can swim and we connect to it using the pineal?
Could it be that aneros helps to stimulate the chakra system awakening the pineal ?
Anyways ...just a thought.
Oh and how to coordinate between the time zones..who 's zone is alpha?

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As the dance between Gaia and Luna is a continuous flow of gravitational energy cycling through apogee and perigee with energy and power to pull oceans, surely this energy also influences human beings. The historical data would indicate that human behaviors are indeed influenced by Luna’s powers, hence the word ”lunatic”.
Groups of women have been known to synchronize their menstrual cycles with the phases of the moon and tap the metaphysical energy to enhance their fertility , a practice called Lunaception.
Whether you believe in the legends, myths, astrological influences or other metaphysical implications of the moon is immaterial. The moon and its cycles influence you in subtle ways. Perhaps we can harness some of the energy of Sol as it is reflected back to us through the interpretation of Luna.

While global synchronization of Aneros sessions would be the optimal strategy, it is not conducive to practical convenience.
I believe ‘J4’ and ‘slipperybugger’ are correct in foreseeing this as a wave effect. On the day of the full moon, as each member enters his or her (yes, ladies are invited to join with their Peridise & EVI models as well) session, your energy will added to and will amplify the orgasmic wave form which can embrace Gaia with our beneficial thoughts.

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So...what are you saying Rumel?
That we should'nt do it at the same time?
You say this is not conductive for convenience and thats all good but I was under the impression that this is a type of voluntary experiment.
So what I said was a suggestion and that suggestion had nothing to do with the moons pull on us only the use of the earths magnetosphere as a medium. So with that in mind I was thinking synchronus user events much as possible anyway.
Once again...just my thoughts.

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Rumel, on a side note I agree with you 100% on the Moon phase influence.
Anything with the power to influence the tides should be taken into consideration. )

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First, I am not saying that we shouldn’t do this at the same time, I am merely pointing out the timing on a global basis makes it difficult, if not impossible, to coordinate conveniently.
Second, Of course this is entirely a voluntary experiment, no one should feel obligated to participate. In fact anyone reluctant or starting a session in any kind of negative frame of mind will negate some of the generated positive energy. We certainly don’t want that to happen.
Third, you are quite right that the earth’s magnetosphere is also part of the medium being employed, I didn’t mean for that to go ignored.
While I agree that a single coordinated event would probably have a greater effect on raising Gaia’s vibratory energy level (and ours as well), even small, cumulative contributions of vibrational energy in synchronous harmonics can have profound effects on the overall energy amplitude.
I think if you have a significant number of people generating orgasmic energy waves, over time, their cumulative effect, if in harmony with the global wave form will also raise the energy amplitude.

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So why dosen't everyone shoot for a 9:00PM session in their respective time zones? That should have a wave effect, especially if we plan on at least hour long sessions. There will certainly be some overlap. I do believe that there will be some good representation in the EST, but for our friends across the pond, they would be having theirs earlier than us.

It is just a first step and it certainly can't hurt. I am stoked for it!! We can have a "chat" about it this weekend.

Glad to hear you are in Tip.

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Fine with me - actually better - then we can catch the wave as it crosses the big pond 😀 Looking forward to the chat this weekend, start of the lunar cycle and the big event Monday with my Brothers of the O!

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I will eagerly listen for the collective moans beginning in the East!


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A 9:00 PM session in respective time zones around the world? That would make a worldwide P-wave, wouldn't it? Would others feel the ripples from it?

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Hey Guys - Look at the names of the February moons from the "allgoodthings,com" site as mentioned earlier. Sounds like great timing and appropriate for us howlers!

February: Full Snow Moon—Chaste Moon—Hunger Moon—Wolf Moon

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What a great bunch you've gathered J4!

Love the enlightened Lunacy! Love the planetary P-wave!

You know the labs are cranking out out more proofs of quantum entanglement in our sensory/perception/mentation activities.... Get your mitochondrial quantum hive-minds humming gentlemen and Peridise ladies!

Tidal waves of ecstasies float and flow for all!

Great to be back just in time for this...

As Paul says: "Sail on silver moon! Sail on high!..."


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Hello Gentlemen,
It's been a bit since my last post, but I check in and read many posts and answer my PM's often, just to keep in touch... I feel a fondness and closeness to you all since my voicing the CD for Rumel's Project, just about this time last year.

I have always been a deep researcher throughout my life, since I found mankind's systems of belief somewhat unreliable and limiting. I have always remained throughout, a hard and fast skeptic, until I had strong evidence of a subjects validity and consistency. In my professional career I have taken a many years depth of research in the subject of Advanced Astrology (not the Sunday Paper variety!) and you all would be very surprised to know that the date you all picked for a 'Group Aneros Experience' falls directly into the influence from these 'advanced heavenly bodies'.

We all know, thank to Galileo & Newton, Copernicus, etc...that 'Beliefs' Society, Academie, etc. held prior to their esteemed contributions for thousands of years were proved utterly erroneous. Yet most of these men were scorned, imprisoned, tortured or exiled...because it was not the 'common belief of the many'.

The moon we know has a decided impact on the ebb & flow of the tides, criminal activity, copious blood flow during operations and Loving amorous behavior, or intense anger and tension....BUT so do the other planetary bodies, have a decided effect...on the mundane level and in us personally...everyday.

Because in our society we were only taught to emphasize the 5 senses...we forget about our 6th sense... which is actually the largest part of us that has long been suppressed.

NOW back to how many of you, without realizing it 'sensed' the need to 'Come together' on this day...I have o let you know many planets will be in the sign of Aquarius, which rules, among other things...Groups, Clubs, Organizations, Brotherhoods,etc.!! And they will largely be in the 7 & 8th Houses so to speak..which means emphasis on friends (7th) and sex and personal deep transformation(8th.)
Aquarius also rules the 'unusual' or not the societal norms and Aquarius is the 'kinky-est' sign of the zodiac.

And, I'm sure many of you are NOT aware that the sign of Virgo rules the Bowel and ANUS!! So many of you here in the forum have Virgo strong in your Birth charts as your Sun, Moon or Rising Sign or prominently in your Birth Charts!!! So, you choose to experience Life Lessons in this way of deep ANALyzation!! It's Necessary!!

So, if you truly look at the Science of Advanced or Esoteric or Evolutionary Astrology in its Highest way as intended, before the 6th sense was suppressed... You see it is more than valid an is a terrific guideline to transcend.

Sooooo, I'll be Right there with you at 9pm, since I know All that energy will be generated AND felt by those who remain aware...but its effect will be on all AND the world!!


May the Pleasure be yours!


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It appears that your 6th sense has chosen an auspicious date for the Super-O Society membership to share a group howl as verified by ‘Alana’ reading the star charts. Let us hope ‘artform’s proclamation of “Tidal waves of ecstasies float and flow for all!” proves true. ‘Lurkish’, perhaps you can add your spiritual energy to the magnetosphere as well as we contribute our small components to Gaia’s vibrations.

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Dear All,

I have extended the invitation to participate to our friends over at the Key Sounds Multiple Orgasm (KSMO) site. As I told them, there is strength in numbers and there is some mighty significant orgasmic energy flowing that is not Aneros based. I am thinking that I will be incorporating my KSMO practice as part of our experiment.

I directed them to this discussion for reference and a background on the event. Welcome KSMO friends!

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