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Hi guys,

So, I’ve been using the aneros for over a year now. In the beginning I used a helix syn trident and learned a lot about preparation, what a prostate orgasm is and all that stuff. I read a lot through aneros forums and Reddit along with the aneros wiki. This gave me a lot of understanding and confidence about anal play.

I experimented with plenty of techniques and have a lot of sessions under my belt. Probably close or even over 100 by now. Out of frustration I bought an MGX and then a few months later I got rid of both the helix and MGX and gave up for a while.

A few months back I decided I would try again and I bought a eupho, the white model. I wasn’t sure if the toys I was using before were the right size and even now I’m still not sure. I’ve used the eupho maybe 10-15 times now and perhaps the lack of success or progress is because the toy isn’t actually hitting my prostate. I’m not really sure.

I’ve decided to commit to learning how to have an orgasm through using aneros. I know that might sound strange but in my life whenever I have that kind of unwavering resolve. It’s just a question of time before I achieve what I want.

But I’m struggling at the moment. I’m not feeling much during my sessions and I don’t know what to do. Regardless I am still going to continue but I I’ve hit a wall and need some guidance.

This is how my session goes. I do all my prep work to keep everything tidy and what not. I set aside usually 45-60 mins for a session. The first 5-10 mins I am just getting used to the device and making sure I am well lubricated. Afterwards I begin contractions, where on the inhale I contract and on the exhale I release. 

The intensity of the contractions are low to medium, though sometimes I do contract a little stronger. I just go based on what I think feels right. This is the only technique which seems generate somewhat nice feelings but not that intense. I do this for the remainder of the session. Sometimes I stop early out of boredom. I do listen to music to help with relaxation and engagement and on occasion I’ve watched a tv show whilst passively having the device inserted when I feel tue session isn’t heading in the right direction.

I know this is a quite a long post but I’ve tried to be as detailed and relevant as I can so that you can understand where I am at better and hopefully help out.


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Try some very light contractions just touch the edge of your prostate with the Eupho it really get the prostate stimulated.  Then move the head to top of your prostate for a while then the middle.  Explore those positions and if you’re lucky you’ll find your trigger point for orgasam.  Since you are experienced I also recommend Progasam - for me just inserting kicks off on orgasm 

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@vracer Thanks, i'll try out what you said. Also, which model of the prograsm do you recommend?

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Maybe you could try the do nothing method.  Sounds like you are chasing it. Let it come to you. Just my two cents.  Good luck.

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Posted by: @hithere123
I’ve decided to commit to learning how to have an orgasm through using aneros. I know that might sound strange but in my life whenever I have that kind of unwavering resolve. It’s just a question of time before I achieve what I want. But I’m struggling at the moment. I’m not feeling much during my sessions and I don’t know what to do. Regardless I am still going to continue but I I’ve hit a wall and need some guidance.

I think you may be under the illusion that you can employ siege tactics and force of will to produce an orgasmic response. This is a mirage . While you may need discipline and resolve to remain patient, you need to "Just Let Go !". Learning to effectively use your Aneros devices is very much a mental game but not one centered on one's ego. Please see the threads Aneros and an Optimal Mind State and @rook 's thread Whole Body/Whole Mind - the mental side & @SteelColdiron 's thread Aneros: The Essential Mind State for a little insight. It might also help you to read @Neros 's post The truth behind how to "rewire". . 

You did not mention even once whether you are aroused during your Anerosessions. High arousal level is essential to induce your prostate to respond. Please see the following threads Are you "aroused"? & Aneros, Arousal & Abstinence/Semen Retention, 21 day challenge post & @divine_o 's thread Arousal building methods.

Good Vibes to You!

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@stubby3 Yeah, I agree on some level I am chasing it. I can be patient for some time but then I lose my focus. Something that I need to work on I guess. I'll try the do nothing method again and see how it goes. I've done it in the past and wasn't too successful, I ran into the patience problem that I just mentioned.

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@rumel Thanks for the links to other threads, I just read through them and they are useful. I think that my mindset is a bit too straight forward/logical or whatever and perhaps I need to change things up. 

With arousal, there are times when I am aroused and I have a session and other times when I am not and I still do a session. It's kind of the same as my masturbation habits. Sometimes I just masturbate because why not, and sometimes I do it because I am aroused and need to. these days I ejaculate maybe once or twice a month which feels right to me. I don't watch porn when I masturbate as I find it distracting and makes it when I have a traditional orgasm less intense.

I would probably say overall that my arousal is less during prostate play than it is during traditional masturbation. I'm not sure how to build it up. With traditional play, it's so easy but with aneros it's a lot harder. 

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Lots of useful links that other members have mentioned above. After absorbing these contents, do an individual exploration.

Be excited and in a private moment apply some lubricant to the tip of your finger (preferably index). In a position where this works (crouching position) , place your lubricated finger on your sphincter and leave it there outside, do not penetrate. As you will be excited there will be a (pleasant) response from that contact.

The anus is very sensitive. Next step  is to insert the indicator and leave it in there for a few minutes and see what happens. Note any changes. Some feelings may occur at these moments, such as: "I am feeling pressure against my finger", "I am feeling a pleasant sensation growing", "I think that some spasms are about to happen", "There is a feeling of restlessness and/or mild pleasure growing ". It is very likely that the good feelings you feel from this exploration will be very similar to the feelings when the aneros is inserted.

In the next session of aneros try to observe some similarity between these sensations. For some guys light hires work for others it's just insert and let it happen without interfering. In my case, concentrating too much on breathing and contractions makes me lose the boner and the feelings diminish and disappear.

Keep us posted 😉 and don't forget to pre-session abstinence for possibly better results.

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@soul-pleasure Thanks for the advice. Yeah lots of info to absorb, play around with, come back to etc. Will be busy for some time 😛

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@hithere123 I have the Progasam Ice

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One of the main things you will have to focus on is that achieving a prostate orgasm is the opposite of a penile one.  A penile orgasm is about going faster, harder and you will notice all kinds of muscle tightening up...  The prostate orgasm is brought on by relaxed arousal.  One thing that has helped me is learning that as the arousal rises, and I feel myself getting closer to the edge, I have to remember to relax into it.  If you start tensing up like you do for a traditional orgasm, it will usually stop the progress and it will elude you once more. 


What has worked best for me on my journey is the do nothing approach.  I sit back, relax, and just try to experience what's happening.  Your body in time will learn to move the aneros on it's own.  I don't have to do any kind of clenching, or kegals or anything.  It actually seems like the aneros has a mind of it's own because my muscles are working without me even thinking about it. 

This post was modified 2 years ago by JJA3

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