sunflower has convinced me to undertake a challenge with him, so I am starting this thread to track progress. The challenge is to go 21 days without masturbation. Anyone else wanting to try can post as well.
So far I've gone 2 days without ejaculating, but I realize that a very slight bit of masturbation I did earlier breaks that rule, so I'm on day 0 today!
@Jspad,Just to clarify, is your aim to avoid ejaculation or to avoid all contact with your penis?
I applaud your acceptance of the 21 Day Challenge, if you sign up, they will send you an email with a short supportive video each day to help keep you on track. I think you will find noticeable increases in arousal, sensitivity and energy which will enhance your ability to enjoy your Aneros massager.
It may help you to read the thread Aneros, Arousal & Abstinence/Semen Retention for some additional information and reasoning from some of your fellow Anerosians.
Good Vibes to You !
Update 11/08/2019 : The 21 Day Challenge is now available as 21 Day Challenge - Tantra App
21 days is not a long time. I've gone for up to three months without masturbating and ejaculating. It's purely mind over matter. If one is to do the 21 days, one had better stay away from anything sexual. Websites, videos, literature, magazines, etc. The 21 day website maintains a man's stamina will increase, after the 21 days. Maybe that is slightly erroneous, because if a man did not have any stamina prior to the 21 days, as soon as gets some mouth, asshole, vagina, or whatever (after the 21 days)....KABOOM (in an extremely short period of time). Denial does not increase stamina. I feel 21 days of no dick beating and testicular orgasm, will not lead to a 20 minute full body orgasm. Aneros sessions may help some to achieve 20 minute full body orgasms. 21 days is easy-peasy! It requires a little bit of self-discipline. Just my .02. Best of luck on your challenge.
The rule (as far as I know) is to not masturbate, so sex would not count against you even though it's penile stimulation (though I don't have this as an outlet.) I don't know if I had the right site though, because I never saw anything about signing up for videos.
Anyway, now on day 1.
Doing alright, accept I may have slept on my neck funny because it's a little stiff and it's hard to turn my head to the left. I'm not sure how aroused I would get if I tried to get aroused, but I'm not interested in trying at the moment. This week I start another college course, so I'll wait until I get my work done before worrying about having a session with the paredise. I'm going to alternate each day between having sessions with paredise and with helix syn. Since getting back to having sessions again, (after three weeks away do to hemorrhoids) things seem to be picking up again as far as feeling pleasure in my rear and occasionally other places. I wonder how much things will escalate when I force myself not to release arousal levels through masturbation like I usually do after 2-4 days.
Edit: OK, just signed up on the site since Rumel posted a link.
Going to be getting each video a day late, but oh well.
As in aneros sessions? Because it feels good I guess. And it's healthy. My main goal is to progress with aneros and learn to feel things from my prostate. I suppose it can also help to keep the prostate from getting congested or something. But if you're talking about sex, I dunno. I'm personally not having sex. I heard on the actual site though that the goal is to avoid normal orgasm, whether ejaculatory for men or clitoral for women. The site says that there's a 17 day hangover sort of effect, and getting past that is the goal of the challenge.
If you (Jspad) are on a 21 day challenge. Then you (Jspad) should not have any sexual activity AT ALL. No Aneros, no sex, no masturbation, no edging, nothing.
I personally don't see the point in forgoing aneros sessions. My personal goal is to progress with the device and rewire. If anyone else would like to try it without aneros sessions, that's fine as well. And if you would like to elaborate on why you think I should forgo the sessions I'll consider what you have to say, but I don't have a reason not to have sessions.
I have done this challenge before and I lasted 22 days and it felt beautifully to release. It made me feel like now i don't need to jerk almost every day of the week. I was edging while i was on my break but still no release but it felt great.
I agree with your approach of continuing to have Anerosessions during the 21 Day Challenge. While I respect 'Pspotsquirter's viewpoint for total sensual abstinence as a path, I think that is more extreme than need be. In my interpretation of the challenge, there are several goals to be achieved.
The first goal is to get you to recognize your homeostatic hormonal condition. Ejaculations (see Alex Vartman's definition of 'peak orgasms') trigger significant hormonal releases, the three main hormones being oxytocin, prolactin and dopamine. These hormones play significant roles in modulating our moods, emotional states, thought patterns and arousal level. For most of us who have been on the ejaculation hormone roller coaster getting back to knowing what our body should naturally feel like can be difficult, even scary but worth the effort. Halting ejaculations does not preclude you from masturbating or edging (though such activities may tempt you to "go for it"). Halting ejaculations does not preclude you from enjoying sensual play with yourself or with a partner. Halting ejaculations does not preclude you from using your Aneros for healthful massage benefits.
Getting back to your homeostatic hormonal condition takes a bit of time. After 7-10 days of ejaculatory abstinence your testosterone levels peak about 40%-50% higher than post ejaculatory levels. This then pretty much stays level until your next ejaculation, the effect of the higher testosterone is generally higher energy levels, alertness and libido. It may take 15-17 days to get past the hangover period needed for your dopamine levels to normalize.
As far as the 21 day period is concerned, it seems to have first been set forth in a self-help book called "Psycho-Cybernetics", in that book it was postulated you can create or break a habit in just 21 days. This idea took on a life of its own an became somewhat of a dogmatic concept which was widely accepted as a standard behavioral model despite many contradictory anecdotal experiences. It's just a working framework date so don't get too hung up on it.
The second goal is to break out of an ejaculatory habit (the 'peak orgasm' referred to in the videos) so you can focus on and tune into the many other sensations that are components of orgasm. We men have, too frequently, gotten into the habit of masturbating to reach that short lived 'peak orgasm' of ejaculation. Breaking away from that habit gives you the opportunity to experience the many other ways your body can provide pleasure. Halting your focus on ejaculation allows you to focus on all the other sensations which lead to orgasms and to learn your real ejaculatory trigger's.
The third goal is raise your level of understanding about your sexual 'beingness', your understanding of the nature of orgasms (with or without ejaculation) and the integration of this understanding into your daily life and relationships.
'TheNewTantraSchool' sends short daily videos to those who have registered for the challenge, I'll post links to those videos here, as they arrive.
Day 1 video - Day 2 video - Day 3 video - Day 4 video - Day 5 video - Day 6 video - Day 7 video
Day 8 video - Day 9 video - Day 10 video - Day 11 video - Day 12 video - Day 13 video - Day 14 video
Day 15 video - Day 16 video - Day 17 video - Day 18 video - Day 19 video - Day 20 video - Day 21 video
Good Luck guys, and don't chastise yourself if you succumb to temptation and ejaculate before completing the challenge, you can start all over again and push the envelope a little further the next time. Incidentally, you may find your Anerosessions taking on a whole new level of intensity by day 7, hang in there, you can do it !
Good Vibes to You !
I've taken a look at that site and learned much about what you've just now posted. I feel like a lot of the challenge comes from fear of forgoing release, which I feel like is normal and should be done. But I need to keep in mind that these negative "pent up" feelings are temporary, and later I will feel better. I must learn to embrace the high energy levels rather than resorting to release. As for today, I seem to be having a period where I am having frequent p-waves from my prostate. The feelings are deep, and are lasting longer than just second or two! If I've been in that low state ever since I started masturbating, I can't imagine how I will feel once I reach the high state after about 17 days!
@Jspad, I like your challenge. That is to carry on sexual activities as normal but not ejaculate. I would have to speak with my partner so we still have that magical connection but not to my point of no return. My Ej, like most, has become a habit! Not a bad habit, but a habit. It may actually build up energy in an oldie in a positive, creative and fun way.
Yes, I see now that the main idea is to go without ejaculation. Or is there something else you're talking about regarding intercourse?
@Trei, I respectfully disagree with you that having sexual intercourse, in and of itself, negates the purpose of the challenge. In a separate video Alex Vartman specifically addresses this aspect of the 21 Day Challenge, he states having sexual relations or masturbation is OK, just avoid the 'peak orgasm' (ejaculation). While, sexual activities and arousal in general do affect the hormonal releases, for men, it is the ejaculation which triggers the significant hormonal changes. If you do not ejaculate during intercourse you are still going to benefit from the challenge, as your body will still be on the course toward hormonal homeostasis. This is an ancient Taoist sexual practice, and may be better known in the western world as Karezza.
Good Vibes to You !
Okay guys, I'll do my thing. But thank you for the idea! I think my idea is good, at least for me, as it keeps harmony, does not punish my partner, keeps me on edge, wakes me up, lifts my testosterone, and no fear of losing it (ha ha). The idea of true chastity does not impress me at all.
To sumarize:during the 21 Day Challenge, you can participate in any sexual activity you like so long as you do not ejaculate during that time. Am I correct?
If so, the challenge only becomes a real challenge if one is very sexually active and participates in some activity that would normally result in an ejaculation at least once every day during that period.
This sounds like fun. Bring it on!
@Pommie, yes, yes and Yes. :)>-
Well that's my understanding. Except I can't 'do it' everyday even in a good year! So it will make it a challenge when I might be there.
My partner is amused!
@Jspad - enjoy it - the principle of temporary ejaculatory abstinence has been a linch pin to my multi-orgasmic progress. During the periods of ejaculatory abstinence, I simply avoid ejaculation (as it says on the tin), but I masturbate, have sex, have aneros sessions, or aneros-less sessions, and get an awful lot out of them, as Rumel has described.
I feel more energetic, have better moods, feel sharper in my thinking, I think I am healthier, AND I have a great sex life. It doesn't have to be one or the other, as others have suggested, it CAN be both.
@Rumel - if there was a like button for your first post on this thread, I would have pressed it a thousand times over.
OK, so if the goal is ejaculatory abstinence rather than no masturbation, that would put me on day 4.
I'm still going to avoid masturbation, as I feel it will make me feel pent up. Then again, I might feel that way at some point anyway. Supposedly day 4 is when the dopamine bottoms out before slowly rising until day 17. Just woke up, but I don't feel bad in any way that I can tell so far accept that I'm thirsty. Might be subject to change, I dunno. But I'll try and stay optimistic. I feel fine right now, and ready to start doing some studying.
I would avoid masturbation as you say because for most very sexually active folk it is a conditioned, mechanical path to ejaculation. Probably as some may need to approach intercourse with caution. Many oldies may be able to play a lot more because they are not so highly triggered. Make the whole challenge fun as @Pommie said. If you don't make it, laugh! You are going good.
Years ago I challenged myself to abstain from was an eye opening experience....everything from my underwear to my bed sheets aroused me but i found it all pretty boring...I lasted just over 2 I realize the beauty of abstinence is the learn about find things about your body that only a heightened sense of arousal can teach you....I have spent up to 2 hours or more lost in my feelings, sometimes with an erection that has lasted the whole time and ending with no to go 21 days and not enjoying the journey would be pointless
5 days, so far so good. Close shave this morning. Stopped just short, stopped dead, like stone dead. Interestingly I got tingles all over my body which is usually the precursor but all contained. When safe I moved and all was still well. I still feel good so the tingles weren't the dread hormone release. I seem to be on a different path on the common mountain, perhaps more about that later. All good.
I hope I am not hijacking the thread. It is giving me heaps of motivation to create new unexplored boundaries.
Don't worry about hijacking the topic, it's all within the bounds of what this thread is about Anyway, day 4's been a pretty lazy day. I'm in that state where I'm not motivated to do much. I guess it's true that day 4's the lowest point. I also can't easily get aroused through imagining things. Things ought to slowly pick up from here on apparently, so I'm not too worried about being unproductive right now. Even though I'm at the low point though, I still occasionally feel a bit of pleasure at times from my prostate... I wonder how things will feel in the days to come?
I'm on day 9, although it started before I ever heard of this challenge. I have had A-Sessions, A-less Sessions, and edged myself repeatedly, in this period, but not ejaculated. I don't think I've noticed any differences in attitude or feelings.
I have been using Aneros since last November, and I have noticed that I masturbate much less frequently. I used to ejaculate at least once a day, everyday, but I just don't need to as often. I think it's a combination of trying to rewire myself, and my knowing how much more satisfying a session is than just masturbating.
Day 7 here though I’m unintentionally following along.