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How to avoid handsfree wet orgasms

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Hey, I was hoping someone could help me with this question of mine. I have tried a lot of different aneros models, and I have been having great experiences with all of them. After a session has lasted some time, could be a few minutes or up to 30 minutes I start feeling some really enjoyable sensations in my penis and anal canal. Im not touching my penis at all, I just lie there and maybe do some kegels, and Im not touching the aneros either. But then my anal canal makes a few cramps, and then I have a wet orgasm. After that all enjoyable sensations stop. It feels like, if I can stop myself from getting a wet orgasm, I could just carry on to the super-o. Does anyone else have this problem, and does someone know how to solve it? Thanks.

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Hey, welcome to the forum. Others here like me are trying hard to achieve a hfwo. Perhaps I should stop trying. To concentrate on my vibes instead of letting involuntaries happen, that might induce your hfwo as well, I like to imagine restraints like in bondage setups. To me it seems it helps me to feel deeper into my vibes and let them go for a superO.

Would you mind to tell us your age? Perhaps you have to blame it to your juvenile testosterone level or to some routines etched in your mind which first must be unlearned.

Edging may help you to extend your resistance to ejaculate. To me was a great help on this subject. You may also like to try "cock hero frenzy", you can find on p*rnhub.

Good vibes!

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... But then my anal canal makes a few cramps, and then I have a wet orgasm. After that all enjoyable sensations stop. It feels like, if I can stop myself from getting a wet orgasm, I could just carry on to the super-o. Does anyone else have this problem, and does someone know how to solve it?

Hi @Not there yet , welcome to the Aneros Forum. The ejaculation induces a hormonal cascade leading into your refractory period, its a biological 'reset switch' which typically causes your sexual arousal to plummet. While I've never experienced that HFWO phenomenon myself (I have tried to), I suppose it's good that it has not been a detriment to my Aneros journey. Your situation is not the norm but it is not unheard of either, as @SOwithoutAneros noted above, some men are seeking to experience this phenomenon for themselves, "...different folks... different strokes".

Perhaps you may find some helpful information in the threads How to avoid ejaculation?, Anybody ever tried a nuttsling with Aneros? & Hands free ejaculation being an obstacle.

Good Vibes to You !

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Off the top of my head I'd suggest giving yourself an orgasm sometime before the session.. Like have an orgasm in the morning, and then in the evening have your aneros session. It could be that you're less likely to achieve an ejaculation as you will be less sensitive, but the refractory period will finished. If you still have a hands free ejaculation you put less time between the session, and pre session orgasm.

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@SOwithoutAneros I achieved a hfwo the first time I used the Njoy Pure Wand. It was basically the opposite of using an Aneros. I hammered at my butt with that heavy slick luscious metal and it didn't take long. This isn't relaxing into it. This is full on contracting the PC muscle. It wasn't entirely hands free because I was using my hand to move the Pure Wand. Definitely not touching my penis though.

Deep relaxation seems to be the key for avoiding the wet orgasm. If the PC muscle is fully relaxed it just won't happen!

I recommend this post for more:

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@Vanderslicer, thanks for your hint, the Njoy Pure Wand is already on my wishlist. 🙂
Now it has become a must be. :p Eager to read that post! Good vibes to you!

P.S. NPW will be delivered on Wednesday. 😎

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@Not there yet :
I have exactly the same experiences as you do. For me, what helps is to fully relax all your muscles (especially in the pelvic region) once you feel the 'cramps' are starting. Also, try to (belly) breath in as deep as you can to relax yourself ( I always imagine it helps to divert the energy that causes the ejaculation). Try to think of non sexual things for a moment. Once you've learned to recognize the beginning of a handsfree wet o in an early stage, this technique will help you avert it . At one point , you will be able to 'edge' on this brink of a handsfree wet orgasm, which is very pleasurable in itself. By the way, if I have a hands-free wet o, it is usually not a complete orgasm: some excitement will remain and im able to orgasm again in a short period of time.

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im experimenting with prostate stimulation since a few month...first i tried a really cheap vibrator...this was pleasureful but really frustrating because it does not get me over the edge. After some time i decided to go for the loki wave...this one gave me the first hands free orgasm...
But like you state...i also receive only wet hands free orgasms...with the lose of arousal...
first time i was "fighting" for one hour...and i was really happy...second time i only needed 30 min...always wet...
I will reach the goal of multiple orgasm...and i think this is the trying to force the orgasm...i press the toy against my prostate and cramp my PC muscle to win the race...
Next Thursday i will try the next session...and i will try to keep relaxed and to enjoy the moment or better saying the "journey" ...
Additionally i will try to avoid PC muscle cramping...i thought this is necessary to achieve prostate orgasm...but it makes sense that the pc muscle cramping may cause the ejaculation reflexes. I hope i can manage it with constant breathing and full body relaxation...
One small additional thing i want to try is to ejaculate one day in advance...just to be not too aroused...
the last to sessions i avoided masturbation and sex for 3-5 days in advance...maybe because of this my nerves where too sensitive and the prostate orgasm triggered the ejaculation with no way of return...

I will give a feedback after my next session
(sry if i did some grammar mistakes...English is not my mother-tongue)


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@ProStaTa90 : please do keep us updated. Would be nice to know if you find a technique to avert the ejaculation reflex.

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Hey @Not there yet,
I am about 40% achieving HFWO and although it's probably my barrier to a Super-O, I'm also not complaining either.
Many posts on the forum clearly state to not chase the SO, but to let it come to you - coax it out, slowly.
If that then leads to a HFWO for me, then that's ok - I am satisfied that I am not trying to force something not ready nor 'hammering' away at trying to rewire.
As stated, there are dozens+ people on this forum that would be greatly satisfied at achieving what we can - and at relatively consistent rates of success. That said, my sessions are usually 2 hours and and by then its anyhow time to do other things so that is also ok...
I do respectfully disagree with earlier statements of a refractory period ending the fun after the HFWO... if and when I have time, I continue to enjoy the ride for as long as I like including a rare 2nd HFWO.
I guess my points are these: don't force the Super-O- don't even start a session trying for it, enjoy the ride with no expectations, if a HFWO does occur try to continue if you like, lastly, when you are relatively competent at achieving consistent HFWO then try to hold them back through enjoying the pleasure and 'pushing it away mentally' to see if you can build on the withholding sensation... just maybe then you'll break through.
Full disclosure: I am also pleasantly stuck here without a Super-O... but I really enjoy the rides!
Happy hunting all!
(also, definitely not a 'newbie' contrary to aneros forum ratings... I practice 2/3x per week for 2.5 years and own 4 aneros devices).

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im starting to loose my confidence of achieving a dry prostate orgasm...when you have this huge amount of experience without ever getting a dry O....
anyway...i will try everything i can!
Can someone give a feedback if daily masturbation in advance could be helpful? Are there some relation like: man who masturbate a lot have mostly dry prostate orgasm...and the guys who achieve wet prostate orgasms masturbate less? forum shows me a story were a guy posts this "problem" of wet prostate O and states at the end of the thread : yeah it worked...i had my first dry prostate O....

maybe it is a simple anatomic thing...or it is the choice of the toy...the loki wave is really strong...maybe to strong...

Luckily i found this is by far now the best experienced community...

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I too sometimes wonder whether it is a anatomical thing. Why am I able to achieve a hands-free wet orgasm quite easily when using the aneros (it happened to me the very first time I used the aneros), while others have dry orgasms when using the aneros? It puzzles me, but I hope that one day I will be able to achieve a dry o.

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Btw i wouldnt masturbate everyday to avoid a hfwo; arousal is necessary (or at least beneficial) for a good aneros session.

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I agree that arousal is nessecary...but i have the feeling that i am maybe to aroused...3-5 days without ejaculation is quite a lot for me...
Lets wife is on a conference on Thursday and i have all the time i need...

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im starting to loose my confidence of achieving a dry prostate orgasm...

Your frustration is palpable, what you are experiencing is a very common phenomenon with new Aneros users, I advise doing some more reading and give yourself more time. The Aneros experience is not a race or competition but a learning journey without an end point. Frustration is the result of expectations not being met, when you start dropping your expectations I suspect your frustrations will abate with them. I would recommend you read the two threads Identifying Obstacles to Progress and the companion thread Identifying Facilitators to Progress.

i will try everything i can!

That's a great attitude! In a previous thread (How to avoid ejaculation?, ) I noted seven actions which you can employ to reduce the incidences of undesired ejaculations, try them out, you've got nothing to lose except unwanted ejaculations.

Can someone give a feedback if daily masturbation in advance could be helpful? Are there some relation like: man who masturbate a lot have mostly dry prostate orgasm...and the guys who achieve wet prostate orgasms masturbate less?

I haven't seen any studies or anecdotal evidence suggesting a correlation between masturbation frequency and incidences of wet or dry prostate orgasms. IMHO, daily masturbation with ejaculations is counterproductive as it keeps you on a hormonal 'roller coaster' as you repeatedly reset your arousal level and don't get to experience your full energetic being of reaching a homeostatic balance point. You might consider taking the 21 day challenge... to find out how you feel at your homeostatic balance point.


maybe it is a simple anatomic thing...or it is the choice of the toy...the loki wave is really strong...maybe to strong...

Nature has built into our DNA the reproductive drive with the pleasure of orgasm to stimulate ejaculation. Any added stimulation source (including sex toys) is likely to increase the incidence of ejaculations but we can learn to decouple the orgasm from the ejaculatory reflex by self training, mental focus and selective stimulation devices. An Aneros massager is one such device, how you employ it is your training choice.

Luckily i found this is by far now the best experienced community...

I agree with you there!

Good Vibes to You !


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@rumel thank you for your support!
Based on your literature i will try to relax more...some type of ball stretching I could also give a try.
this 21 days challenge is impossible for me because i am a married man ^^

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This happened to me once, I'm not sure on how it happened, but it was pretty amazing.

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Hi all and especially @SOwithoutAneros I have been usings a couple different aneros toys for a while now and have had some good feelings and even a few pwaves but not alot more.. I also have a few other anal toys like the jnoy pure wand and a rosa rouge which vibrates and is kind of shaped like an aneros. I guess my question is how do you guys manage to get a HFWO, I can very consistantly produce prostate/anal dry orgasms with my rosa rouge, even multiple ones fairly back to back.. the intensity usually pushses the toy out of me which of course stops the orgasm fairly quickly.. but I cant seem to get a wet one. any tips on what might help?

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@frenchme236, sorry, but I can't help here at all. Using Aneros for two years now, I never have achieved an HFWO.

In between I don't know whether I should long for that any more. Why?

Some guys who have HFWOs report difficulties to achieve dry orgasms. And due to tantra rules a man in his fifties should not ejaculate too often or even call it quits some few years in the future.

But if you like, you can read and try what @wetdream63 lately answered to my question how he achieves an HFWO.

Greetings, Mart

[From Mantak_Chia_The_Multi-Orgasmic_Man] - originally posted in this thread -

The Taoist ideal is to ejaculate as infrequently as you can, but every man can and should refrain from ejaculating for a period of time suited to him. In the words of Su NU, "One must measure one's own strength and ejaculate accordingly. Anything else is simply force and foolishness." Your strength depends on your age, your health, your state of mind, and your willpower.

Sun Ssu-miao, one of the leading physicians of ancient China recommended that men attain good health and longevity by ejaculating twice a month, as long as they ate healthily and exercised. He also offered the following more specific guidelines.

A man at twenty can ejaculate once every fourdays.
A man at thirty can ejaculate once every eightdays.
A man at forty can ejaculate once every ten days.
A man at fifty can ejaculate once every twentydays.
A man at sixty should no longer ejaculate.


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"Off the top of my head I'd suggest giving yourself an orgasm sometime before the session.. Like have an orgasm in the morning, and then in the evening have your aneros session. It could be that you're less likely to achieve an ejaculation as you will be less sensitive, but the refractory period will finished. If you still have a hands free ejaculation you put less time between the session, and pre session orgasm".

