Hello Community,
I read here and there in the forum, but didn't found a discussion talking about how to avoid the ejaculation or erection. In the famous Penis-not thread is said, many people are searching for things like erections and hands-free orgasms. My problem is the opposite.
Every time, I receive really pleasureable feelings from my anus, the rectal canal is buldging because my penis is filling with blood. I get a very stiff erection, which causes, that most of the anal feelings change into penile located feelings. I can trigger a hands-free ejaculation without problems, but that's not what I want!
I want to enter a passive state of mind, where I receive pleasure only through feelings located at my prostate. Everytime, when the involuntaries start, my penis is getting hard and destroing everything which build up in the rectum. I cannot really stop it. At some point of arousal I just ejaculate
Is there somebody, who knows that problem? How to get along with this?
Relax. Perhaps this is just a part of your rewiring process. As you progress on your journey, this will sort itself out.
@toolbox,Just try to concentrate on what the Aneros tool is doing. If you have an erection and an ejaculation, just accept that these things happen, be grateful and just move on.
Have you tried continuing on with your Aneros session even just after an ejaculation?
Your problem is rare but not unheard of. There are several things you can try to avoid unwanted ejaculations.
First, you can try doing nothing about it, this may only be a phase you are going through. As your rewiring progresses you may simply drop this response as you learn to focus on your prostate sensations more and shift focus away from penile stimulation. Give yourself a month or two to see if it is just a phase and do as @Pommie suggested, focus on the sensations being generated by your Aneros.
Second, as @Anonymous suggested, relax more fully as your arousal increases. Most men increase muscular tension in the pelvic floor as they approach orgasm which in turn spurs triggering the ejaculatory reflex. By learning to relax those muscles you will avoid/postpone triggering that reflex. There are many techniques for learning to relax available on the internet, take some time to read through some of them, your solution may be as simple as that.
Third, make sure you are not providing any penile stimulation, even incidental touching by bedding may be triggering the ejaculatory response when you are highly aroused. If some slight touching is still occurring you could try applying a numbing creme to your penis to take the edge off. This may provide enough diminution of sensation to prevent ejaculation.
Fourth, you may try employing a testicle cuff/ball stretcher (see this thread) to inhibit the action of the cremaster muscles from pulling the testes up into the body. This may also avoid/postpone the tendency to trigger the ejaculatory response.
Fifth, you may try using a cock ring for an effect similar to the testicle cuff, however, this may tend to also keep your penis erect and highly sensitive.
(Disclaimer - I'm not a doctor, the following is just my opinion/speculation based upon my own reading research, anecdotal evidence and personal experience.)
It has to do with restricting the action of the cremaster and Dartos muscles. Cock rings have been used for millennia as a sexual tool for men to aid their ability to maintain an erection and prolong sexual activity and hence pleasure. This is accomplished by restricting blood flow out of the penis (corpus cavernosum) thus maintaining an erection. This action may also lead to a slight numbing sensation as the nerves are no longer receiving a circulating supply of oxygen rich blood, hence, with decreased sensitivity prolonged stimulation before triggering the ejaculatory reflex is accomplished. If the cock ring also includes restriction of the scrotal sack the cremaster muscles are prevented from pulling the testes up to the body as normally happens when arousal approaches ejaculatory inevitability, thus by restricting this movement the ejaculation is delayed beyond the time it would normally occur. Ejaculation is not prevented but it may be significantly delayed. During this delayed time period continued stimulation can occur resulting in increasing arousal and pleasure.
In Aneros use, focus on stimulating the penis and invoking strong ejaculatory orgasms is not the usual desired path while the desire to enhance the ability to enjoy multiple dry orgasms is. Thus cock rings may or may not be advantageous. However, using a testicle cuff alone allows the penis to remain flaccid and unstimulated while simultaneously providing the benefit of retarding the ejaculatory reflex, prolonging arousal and simulation. A testicle cuff/ball stretcher does not need to be tight fitting (in fact should NOT be tight fitting) to be effective thus blood flow to the scrotum and testicles is not restricted. The resulting skin exposure of the scrotal sack may make you more sensitive to stimulation/pleasure.
Safety first -"Circulation blockage is one of the biggest risks in cock and ball torture, which can be seen with loss of color and edemas. Bondage in which the testicles are tied to something else is especially dangerous. Common injuries in cock and ball torture are abrasions, bruises, cuts and ejaculation of semen with blood (hematospermia). The most serious injuries are testicular rupture and testicular torsion, which require urgent medical attention."
Sixth, (and perhaps most extreme) you could try using a chastity device like the CB6000, this will act like a testicle cuff and keep your penis from becoming erect at all.
Seventh, you might wish to try prostate milking prior to having an Anerosession, this may release enough fluid pressure to preclude you from experiencing an ejaculation. However, depending upon the degree of fluid released, your arousal level may be sufficiently reduced to also preclude any type of orgasm. Personally, I've found a partial prostate milking very effective in dampening the ejaculation reflex without triggering the refractory period or greatly diminishing my arousal level, provided I don't totally drain myself of fluid. I think getting yourself relaxed enough for some drainage to occur primes your relaxation state for a good long Anerosession with multiple dry-O's.
Good Vibes to You !
Several tips I could try, thanks for that. I can receive much more pleasure through the toy now as a few months before. I notice to be in a progress. The first thing you said, that it's maybe just a phase, could be true. Would be nice, if the problem solves itself.
The second thing I have to focus on is the relaxation. I have to admit, I'm not very good in relaxing. Mindnoise and impatience are high.
Lately I'm doing the sessions doggystyle, which includes the advantage of a free hanging penis, no problem with incidental touching through anything
What is with learning to edge? Maybe that causes a better control of my ejaculation :-/
One of my favorite techniques is to use an exercise ball to avoid penal stimulation. I am face down in a pushup type position with the ball under my chest. It allows me to contract my legs and butt and get very strong contractions and movement.
Why not give it a try?
To my mind it's loads of fun, no refractory period and always leaves me on a high.
I have the same issue! Thought I was the only one....
I'm using a ball stretcher now and provide any penile stimulation. He's totally free. A good! chastity device is too expensive for me. I tried with a cheap one, but it doesn't fits well and could not prevent the ejaculation.
I practiced some times but I have the feeling that all tips just delay the ejaculation. It's like that:
I'm concentrating on feelings in my anus. My mind switches and I'm feeling the toy (mostly Progasm) filling my ass, which is very enjoyable. At this time I have to focus just on that rectal feelings, which is hard because of mind noise. I have these short moments, when I'm in the paradigm shift and feel the pleasure only through my anus. I'm far away from penile generated pleasure now.
This is a good starting position, to build up more. To things can happen:
movements and fast shiverings. But to hold that state is hard. I
subconcious tense my whole body, which causes exhaustion. Sometimes I forget to breathe. If I relax all muscles, I mostly have to begin by zero. Another issue is the mind noise, because I often feel an itch or something, which disturbs my concentration on the involuntarys and the ass. It's like self-pressure, I know, I have to concentrate now and that causes to think of all things, I shouldn't think of at this moment. You understand what I mean?
However, it's clearly that I have an erection-barrier. Which at least helps to delay the ejaculation is trying to ignore the PC-muscle. PC-muscle always triggers erection and ejaculation so I concentrate on the spincter muscle. My control of this muscle increased obviously! It helps, but it's not enough to solve the problem.
Absolutely the thing you must not do is worry about it. Just relax.
Try what Jack Johnston calls 'valley breathing'. I like to imagine the sexual energy moving from my penis to my bellybutton , it's a deep breathing which relaxes but also turbocharges the area you've got your focus on with energy. If you're familiar with the microcosmic orbit you'll feel it move up your spine, down the front fillling your bellybutton with orgasmic energy, but your whole body will start to tingle.
The only drawback of this method, jerking off too long gives you a sore dick the next day
I have my problems with circulatiing energy in my body. Sorry, it is a bit too abstract for me, to imagine there is something like energy which can be positioned through my mind.
Sometimes the pleasureable feelings from my anus are expanding through my back and sometimes I feel tingling sensations in my chest, but I can't cause that voluntary. It just happens when my arousal is high enough and my Progasm in a good position.
I don't know whether the relaxation is the problem. Everyone's session is a bit different and someone needs to be fully relaxed. I'm just getting bored, if I do nothing. I think I actually found good ways to build the pleasure, my problem is just the fu**ing ejaculation everytime.
@toolbox, that maybe what needs to happen at the moment, often the body has its own agenda for balance and harmony (health). "It too shall pass" so as said above enjoy and play. Half you luck! Your problem would be my blessing.
Wondering if this is a problem with regular intercourse sex? If premature ejaculation is a problem in regular sex, then it is probably just a carry over from that.
@toolbox - Perhaps the rapid swelling and pressure you feel is what's overstimulating your ejaculatory response sooner than the prostatic response can fully develop and take charge. A lesser volume tool in your toolbox might be a thing to try, but since I'm just a noob, you might want to get advice from the elders here (particularly @rumel) before forking over the cash. Even if it doesn't help now, getting a Eupho Syn would not be a waste, since you'll surely put it to good use later as you get more skilled.
I was also thinking that maybe you might be using the Progasm itself a little too aggresively. If you could slow down the whole process a lot and not be anxious about producing any particular effects, maybe everyting would just naturally fall into place in a more proper order.
Ditto to @isvara - this "problem" would be my blessing, since things seem to be going a bit slow for me. We're dealing with chi energy here, so direct antagonism doesn't work. By trying to fight it, you give it more intensity (whatever "it" is in this context), which only worsens the situation. Instead, try resonating with it, and it will find a more happy place for you. By trying to squelch the energy, you may inadvertently be funnelling it into the penis. Give up the fight, leave all channels open, and the energy will likely flow elsewhere throughout your body.
Finally, if you do ejaculate, just enjoy it, then go do something productive while refractory. Everything will still be there and waiting for you next time. I've found that my libido is heightened whenever I've completed a pending task, so don't try to force youself into playing if you have troublesome work hanging over your head. Even so, balance is important, too. As Kubrick said, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!"
The same happens to me.
In general when I start to get pleasure I get a hard on, and with the strong PC contractions that happen I think it makes me get more focused in penis pleasure than prostate's.
When things get more intense (not in all sessions), I find it really hard to avoid ejaculation. I'm hard and eventually the feelings make the contract the muscles and soon or later I ejaculate.
I do have premature ejaculation. I'm currently trying some penis desensitivers to check if it has any effect on the aneros sessions.
However, with aneros I take a long long time before (main) pleasure starts to come, sometimes hours.
I have aneros for 2 years, and I feel this may be blocking my progress.
Perhaps you should jack off to orgasm (several times), until the low fuel light for your balls is on; then start your Aneros session.
@RSilva - Yeah, your description is very applicable. But I don't have premature ejaculation.
@Pspotsquirter - I don't know exactly what you mean with "until the low fuel light for your balls is on".
@toolbox - Perhaps the rapid swelling and pressure you feel is what's overstimulating your ejaculatory response sooner than the prostatic response can fully develop and take charge. A lesser volume tool in your toolbox might be a thing to try [...]"
Yeah. At some point the penile sensations grow bigger than the prostate
sensations, just through the swelling.
I already own smaller devices,
for example the Helix Classic. In The last sessions I only used my Progasm
because I like his feeling and the fact, that it's perineum tab is not
gliding away. I also noticed in my last session the perineum tab is a
bit too far away from the shaft. I could intensify feelings through
pressure it a bit down, nearer to my anus. I will try to prepare this
for my next session. Wasn't there an extra thread or blog for modifiing
the toys? Cannot find it at the moment.
Well, on top of that, I will
give my Helix a new try in my next session, but I can imagine from the
past I had the same problem with it. Maybe my new sphincter contraction skills effect something new, who knows...
@toolbox --- I would avoid ejaculation through masturbation if at all possible!
The drain of energy and refractory period can reduce your ability to have prostate orgasms. And, by masturbating while using your Aneros, you could be rewiring yourself in a way that is counterproductive to reaching higher levels of prostate orgasms.
If possible, I would find a way to cool down your penile stimulation when you sense it's getting too intense, and once you've done so, start again.
Eventually, your body will start to disassociate penile and prostate stimulation...that IS your goal to successful incredible multiple male prostate orgasms!
@toolbox --- I would avoid ejaculation through masturbation if at all possible!
I'm doing that already All orgasms I had in the last 3 months were caused by prostate stimulation only. I also take at least 2 days between my sessions (trieing to do all right). While a session my penis is totally untouched, not even through contact with the bed or something. The only thing I do is penetrating my penis sometimes between my session, but only near to the point of no return, never over it. That increases my arousal for the next session.
What's with the modification of the perineum tab on the Helix and Progasm. Is there any advice for doing it? Believe I saw an extra thread or blog on this issue, but cannot find it anymore.
I wouldn't modify the Aneros at all...that's my recommendation.
The good and true word is being spoken by Theme_Gasm. Altering the Aneros in any way, will impede its proper functioning.
@toolbox, agree with the previous two posts. However I did alter the position of the PTab on my Helix. The reason was it applied no pressure at all on my perineum in its correct position so it skittered around. It was okay if I pushed it right in but that is not its designed position. I have no idea "why me". FWIW I had to make a jig as it is quite complicated to get the right angles and distances from the stem. It had to be heated to 170C. It works very well now and last night gave me lots of mini contractions - which I cannot define as yet - am going to need help clarifying what they are..
I seriously suggest don't touch the PTab if it applies pressure as designed.
congratulations, why not modifing the toy if something is wrong? The P-tab is not at the right position for me. I just have to reduce the angle of the P-Tab a bit for making it comming nearer to the shaft and my sweet spot. But that's not the topic here, maybe I open a new thread for that...
i see nothing wrong with a good orgasm, penile, hand-free, jerking off, prostate, nipple, its always funfocus on what you have right now, and let it get better with time, i`m not an expert, but everytime i use my helix, its always better.....so enjoy !