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Anybody ever tried a nuttsling with Aneros?

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I got curious and got one of these: After I started on Testosterone several moths ago my testicles were always up tight and I would try to pull up down cause it feels better, I discovered this to hold them down for a while.After I got it and put it on it feels damn good. So I had a session with Maximus. I noticed something right away, when I did PC contractions, the testicles want to pull up too, the Sling puts a flexible resistance creating a really nice sensation. But then, I noticed as I went on longer, the feeling inside changed .... I am uncertain what caused it, but there was NO DOUBT I found the spot. It was like the Maximus was making better and more powerful contact. Plus I was making precum left and right and since the sling adds a bit of pressure on the base of the penis, you feel it every time it surges out. It could be the sling just added to the erotic nature, but I honestly think there is more too it with the sling creating extra leverage or something. But it sure has jumped started my sessions.

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When we are aroused our testicles tighten up. I do find it feels great to pull them down, and partners I have done it to liked it as well. I don't quite see how the contraption in the attachment pulls them down. I take it the cock goes thru the holes at the top. Surely your balls don't go thru the top hole and the bottom one unless the picture is deceiving as to the size of the instrument.

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Don't you think the Aneros folks know this? Why else would they be selling those metal cock rings?

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@imp why do they sell fleshlights? This is how it works .... pushing them down is more like it.

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holy s--t! I wouldn't be able to get even one of balls through there. Nice cock there by he way,

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@aneros_user13872 yes you would, it stretches a lot. This is absolutely disturbing but makes the point.

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Hi @xtimedt69,

Where on the Net did you get this second ball harness device? Looks very interesting.


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@BigGlansDC so is that how you got your name??? LOL!

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Start with the cocksling and if you put your aneros by the same time you can cum handsfree !

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@CyrilD you mean use them together?

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Haven't tried that but when i tie my balls up with a string or use a cock ring i get a cool throbbing sensation which makes the ride that much better. It also helps me when I edge my dick and have full bodyu orgasms.

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@BigOluver same principal.

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Sometime ago I made my own version. Double sided Velcro, strip of felt cut to length with the Velcro hook side exposed 25mm. About 12mm wide. Before aroused fit it between the testes and the body. Tight enough to stop a testes slipping through. Exposed hooks side locks onto the soft side. Easily removed. It does heighten the Ej as the testes can't be drawn up as normal. Simple, safe, effective, fun!
Shops sell a plastic noose through a bead which can be closed same effect but mine was better!

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@isvara very ingenious! Before I purchased the commercial version I had tried something similar, I had not thought of the felt.

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All I know is this enhanced my progress. There is a different feeling inside. I can feel the device directly now on my Prostate and it feels amazing

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@xtimedt69 Hey I had a nut sling when i was about 12 but it got taken away from me! It was called a different thing back then....It was called a sling shot. You put nuts in it and fired them at unsuspecting targets. LOL 😀
How far do your nuts travel when you fire yours?

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@braveneworld well I can put my eye out with it!

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@xtimedt69, i have a nuttsling from oxballs. I've used it a few times just for the fun of it not during a session. Its definitely a different sensation having your balls stretched down like that. So anyways I tried it with a session the other day and my nuts turned real purple looking, freaked out and took it off LOL, so cant really say if it helped. I have worn it before and never had that happen, maybe I did something wrong this time, either way it scared the shit outta me.

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Just for fun! This one is 12mm wide but i have one 20mm (too aggressive). Double sided black Velcro,Picture won't upload will try again later. cut and paste may not work

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failed x 5

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@ineverknew I emailed Oxballs, they said and I quote "Hey buddy, wear as long as you want as long as it feels good, if any pain or coldness develop take it off for a bit." Now I have both the CockSling and NuttSling. The Nuttsling is really aggressive and I only wear it a little bit at a time. The CockSling is the one I use the most. With Nuttsling, I have had them turn purple, buut it is pretty! No pain or coldness or numbness. Probably need to work up to the Nuttsling. Love the way they feel, but as soon as I take them off the testicles return to their original position. @isvara you may need to find an online image host like: upload there and then just post the link. I have had a couple of PM inquiries about your invention.

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Link was contaminated so deleted.

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Sorry no good, can't post pic.

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The above picture may not last. It has taken most of the day to get it there. Copied it from my Dropbox.This one is 12mm wide. The soft felt is attached to the inside hooks, exposed hooks lock into the loops on back of the collar. The felt is the desired circumference. Thumb to my forefinger.
I tried it again this morning, it is most effective in keeping my prostate eager!!!!.
The enhancement comes because the band suspends a natural process by stopping the Testes going into the firing position. To overcome this the 'excitement' has to increase.

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Well I tried this very unsuccessfully! I used a Velcro strap but either it was a little too short or I am too tight. One of my balls always slipped through while trying to get it right! Maybe i will have to try two Velcro bands end to end so i can get some tension on the sucker.

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@isvara I think you are right about the firing position, but with the sling being rubber I feel like as they try to get pulled up and can't then I get more leverage from my PC contractions and get more pressure from the device directly on my Prostate.

I discovered this when using the conductive rubber loops that came with my TENs unit and was able to get it tight enough to restrict my testicles and hold them down. Later I discovered that a silk bathrobe belt also would work and added width, was still soft and had the flexibility.

But just like Aneros and their different models some things work for some and not for others

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@braveneworld, it is trial and error getting the circumference right. It cannot be successfully placed if the testicles have been drawn up or partly drawn up. I sneak up on them while they are relaxed, once I start to put the band in place I have a very short lead time as they respond almost immediately. At some other I worked out the required size, good to do when on a hot day and they hang lose- like the silver ones I see hanging from the tow bar on some pick up trucks around the place! . It seems that the band can be quite small allowing room for the essential services. I will try again today to post the pic from another computer. (For me it is not a bondage thing)
I am reluctant to use an elastic band as it could be too tight- I used to put rubber rings on calves si I am a bit wary. I feel I can leave my Velcro band in place for a long time.

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@isavara I too used to band calves, but those band were almost closed to begin with. I would use rubber bands to hard to tell how tight they are the Sling actually leaves quite a bit of room and Is rather comfortable.

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Ok I have not got calves but I do have sheep. here are some pictures of the bands and the applicator Are you sure this is a good idea? It wont hurt will it? Not much anyway......... Jokes only DO NOT DO THIS or your mates will die and fall off! Seriously! It makes the sheeps balls and tails fall off so it will yours too!

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Yes, they go black first! :-O

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