I have aneros for a year and my sessions vary, from nothing, some dry-os, and hands free ejaculation (hfwo).
Today I had a session where I had not one but two hfwos, and it made me think even more of something I already thought: I think the hfwos are being an obstacle for more progress in sensations.
I prefer the do nothing approach, and my favourite position is layed on my back, although recently I also use the layed on my right side one.
So what happens.
Generally my sessions last a long time. Some get nothing, in other I have some dry-os. Most of my dry-os are not fully "satisfying", that is, I feel they can give more than they are doing. They are definitively enjoying anyway, and they are not the subject here. I also have more satisfying dry-os, where they kinda make me relax as I feel they are "making me come" unlike the others that have "come and go" feelings. I had never had a "mindblowing" orgasm, the most pleasurable feelings I could get yet were super Ts with aneros and masturbation after a session. In any case, I love the dry-os and alone they are enough to make me go back to aneros.
In some sessions, however, I would say 1/3 of them (generally I had dry-os before this point), I have a hfwo.
How does it happen?
Generally I am relaxed like I want to be, feeling nice things, like dry-os or other pleasurable sensations. After some point I feel the sensations becoming more intense. I start to become more aware of the aneros touching the prostate. It is very enjoyable.
Eventually this very intense feeling starts to make me less relaxed and I start losing control over myself. I generally don't shake, but it can happen. What I start doing, other than start talking/moaning (if I'm alone), is to tense up my body, move to fetal position, move my pelvis, move my legs (not very fast) making them closer, etc.
I don't want to do any of this, and I know after many sessions that this generally precedes a hfwo. I really want to stop it, but the sensation is so intense that I really have huge trouble trying to stop it, most cases I simply can't. So after some seconds of this I end up ejaculating.
I never had a super O, and I fear this kind of reaction from my body (the ejaculation) is kinda preventing it.
The feelings that "make me go crazy" are very very intense but I wouldn't call it very very pleasurable. They are more like a painful stinging sensation than a relaxing orgasmic one - note they are not painful at all, I'm just trying to describe it. So I'm sure, from your descriptions, this is not a super O. It may be something different.
I think it's possible this may be the preceding phase of a super O, where my body starts raising the intensity of the feelings, and making me crazy for the intense orgasm that (should) follow. I don't know if this is possible, and I never had a super O, so I'm just guessing.
When I'm in this intense phase I end up having an ejaculation, generally 5-10 seconds after it started. The ejaculation many times is very very enjoyable, but it still feels short of what I was feeling. As if my body was preparing for a dam release (words of an aneros user for super O) and instead the pleasure leaks through a small river.
I have premature ejaculation, I don't know if it is related or not. I think it may be related, but of course I don't know how it should work.
Have any of you felt anything like this / were in this position? Is it possible that I am unable to have super Os as before that I trigger the ejaculation?
I know these questions may not have answers, but in any case I would like to see your discussions or tips on this
Unfortunately for me what you have been doing with HFWO is what I have tried to achieve with no success yet. I have had many Super O's it feels like your cumming for a very long time and a feeling of bliss when you have a super O but for me I never ever ejaculate just some precum. I don't get full complete release unless I finish with manual ejaculation. The feelings of SUPER O are amazing and it used to take me 2-3 hours into a session to have them but now within 1 hour I have one. Also, Most times now my prostate is always throbbing so I don't even need the toy anymore to have the SUPER O but it does sound like your on the verge of one and then it ejaculates instead of having a dry Super O. But some of the experts may have some further answers.
Generally I am relaxed like I want to be, feeling nice things, like dry-os or other pleasurable sensations. After some point I feel the sensations becoming more intense. I start to become more aware of the aneros touching the prostate. It is very enjoyable.
Eventually this very intense feeling starts to make me less relaxed and I start losing control over myself. I generally don't shake, but it can happen. What I start doing, other than start talking/moaning (if I'm alone), is to tense up my body, move to fetal position, move my pelvis, move my legs (not very fast) making them closer, etc.
I don't want to do any of this, and I know after many sessions that this generally precedes a hfwo. I really want to stop it, but the sensation is so intense that I really have huge trouble trying to stop it, most cases I simply can't. So after some seconds of this I end up ejaculating.
Perhaps your solution is a combination of relaxation and restraint.
When the pleasurable sensations are building up, I suspect you are simultaneously building up tension in your body. This is the normal pattern we men learn from years of masturbatory practice. IMHO, it is this muscular body tension along with penile stimulation which significantly contributes to triggering the ejaculatory response. When you learn to relax your way down from that tension (you can learn to do it!) you will greatly reduce the likelyhood of premature or unwanted ejaculations. Obviously you also need to avoid accidentally stimulating your penis during your Anerosessions.
Additionally, there may be a possibility for mechanically inhibiting the ejaculatory trigger you seem to be experiencing. It involves restricting the action of the Cremaster muscle, the muscle covering the testes that controls the raising and lowering of the scrotum.
It works involuntarily in response to temperature (contracting when cold to bring the testicles closer to the body or relaxing when warm). In the process of male sexual arousal as a man approaches orgasm the cremaster muscles begin to contract pulling the testes up tight to the body prior to the onset of an orgasm and ejaculation. This is quite normal. There are some who believe that if one restrains this tightening action the onset of ejaculation is retarded. This is one of the motivations for use of Testicle cuffs in BDSM play. A cockring may provide a similar action, however, this may also make the penis more sensitive and thus more distractive to the relaxation needed to sidestep the ejaculatory trigger mechanisms.
Hopefully employing both those strategies will eliminate HFWO's as an obstruction in your path to a Super-O.
Good Vibes to You !