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Has anyone experienced a hangover the day after a session? .When i say hangover i don't mean sick or nauseaus like after drinking I mean feeling just spaced out and just not with it and just wanting to lay out on the couch all day like when recovering from a bad drink up, I find even if i have a short session say around 40 mins i will feel a bit like this but like after yesterdays 3 hour session the more i do the worse the after effects,really annoying as i've been re wired for nearly two years and have great orgasms but like today i feel like it's not worth the after effects , I had to force myself to get up and do something and ended up running for an hour just to shake the fuzz and liven up. It can take a couple of days to fully recover sometimes, any ideas or thoughts?.

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Yes, I get this, especially if I have a dud session. Not really sure what causes it. I suffer from depression, and sometimes after a dud session, I'm easily annoyed, and have little desire to do much of anything. Maybe it's a lack of serotonin that is expelled during the session or something. Hopefully others chime is as well, as I'm just as curious as you.

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I've had this enough that I'm giving up on the internal prostate massage thing. At first I was OK, but then I started feeling nauseous and sick the day or more after a session, sometimes to the point of distraction, lethargy, lack of motivation and general malaise and several times to the point of despair. Lately it's just been mostly distraction and malaise without the sickness feeling, but I can't concentrate and I just don't feel good. So I've cut it out. I wish it weren't like this because I do enjoy the sessions, but I'm very new so I don't get too far unless I masturbate to finish. Other thing is I have serious ED so it's about the only way I can enjoy sex enough to ejaculate. Good luck.

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Yeah I've gotten days where I felt completely drained and depressed, usually after having particularly intense sessions every day for a few days. "Hangover" is also the word I use to describe it. But I don't get it after every session, probably more like after 3+ days in a row. It took me a while to make the correlation.

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I've never had that hang over feeling, the day after im usually very calm and floating on a nice fluffy cloud, perfect for me because my job is very stressfull and helps me tremendously, but i only have 1 or 2 sessions a week if im lucky, time alone is not easy to come by in my house

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Im grateful to have found this topic. I had some time over the holidays for several long a-and-aless sessions. This morning I felt just awful. It was a similar feeling as if I had been drinking too much last night, but didn't have any nausea and headache, just feeling drained and no motivation to do anything really. I thought it might be from 'over doing it'.

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My "hangovers" are the complete opposite. The sexual energy in me becomes so charged...either I have to do another session OR I have to edge some and perform a ton of Cool Draws.

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No. I may be sore but I'm usually buzzing with positive and sexual energy the following day which is amazing.

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I would have suspected it’s the depletion of dopamine,oxytocin and whatever other chemicals that are released during orgasm,or perhaps the central nervous system is shorted out a bit. Either way,probably not good to feel like that,maybe big sessions are a no no all the time,once a week with short 30 mins sessions in the week.

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