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Going backwards, from aless to aneros

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Thankyou @Helghast for your kind words and encouragement, and that matrix quote is just 'chef's kiss' amazing.

I suspect my nipple orgasm might be different than what everyone else experience? I have this ability to jerk of my dick with my nipples (completely without penile stimulation) and get a penile-orgasm as response. I don't know if it's actually part of the 'journey', or something separate that very few people actually manage to acomplish? I'm not even sure if i can categorize it as a 'true' A-less orgasm either, since i usally have very limited sucess with actually using a Aneros device.

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I looks like you have a very strong nipples-penis connection, while other guys don't have this and they build a nipples-prostate connection instead. 

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Thankyou @Zentai, the 'double tap' is really hitting the final nails into the coffin for me.

Two days ago i went really close to the edge with nipples, being very careful not going over it and then stop. Then give it a rest during the day and come back, and venture to the same spot again.

Today i did the same thing, but with penile stimulation, and i got consistenly the same result. I finally found something that actually works for me after 13 years and 8 months, my 'rewiring' is almost complete.

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Well done, I hope you continue to make quick progress ! 

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Well,if it’s not involving a massager,it’s A-Less! 

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@brailleskin have found that I have both a nipple-prostate and nipple-penis connection which have evolved as a result of the rewiring process. Hasn’t developed into a penile orgasm yet but is getting very close. Have experienced a nipple-prostate orgasm however and it feels amazing! All of the above have occurred totally Aless. Still on the journey progressing ever onwards and keeps getting better and better after six years with Aneros! Also experience lots of anal pleasure through spasms and pulsing during nipple play!

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Thankyou @Fred27 for sharing your journey with me, much appriciated. For me it's the opposite, i get 'penile type' orgasm as a default orgasm. When i'm having very low energy-levels and force a orgasm to happen using nipples, pretty much similar to that i can force a penile orgasm. I get 'blended' orgasms when i'm having high energy-levels, and don't force it and follow the flow.

The most amazing experience so far in my journey was when i used a method i developed that i call 'double tap'. I get really close to a orgasm using nipple stimulation, then at the moment it is about to explode i completely stop everything.

Then i went to work, and spent all day thinking about other things. It's rather uncomfy i have to admit. Not only did i get nauseous & insane blue-balls, it's also very hard to just drop everything when you're so close to the release.

The session i did that evening was the closest i ever got to a 'full-body-orgasm'. I usally struggle with low energy levels, but this time the energy was through the roof. I got several really powerfull 'goose bump' p-waves that started in the nethers and pulsed outwards to every extremity in my body. My nipples got 'supercharged' and i got insane orgasmic responses while touching them.

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@brailleskin I’ve been pondering your situation. Are you flexing your sphincter enough? Do you squeeze those cheeks together?

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Thankyou @Helghast for trying to think of ways to help me. When i 'force' a nipple orgasm i need to squeeze the cheeks toghether and keep them toghether tightly, and that brings a boost to the pc-muscle so i can squeeze harder. Takes a 'lot' of contractions, nipple stim and concentration to bring myself over the edge into a orgasm. I also need to do that thing where i raise the pelvic-floor. Right before i go over i notice that every muscle in the nethers is starting to shake.

Trying the same technique (squeeze cheeks tightly and max power to contractions) when inserted makes it very difficult to climb towards a orgasm alone without using nipples. I get no sensations from the prostate similar to the ones i get when i touch my nipples. The prostate isn't rewired enough to give me pleasure by touch/rubbing yet, but i'm getting there slowly.

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withe ref. to chuckojo2000 in your post.

i have searched his name and there are many posts ....... i cannot trace the part  about nipple rewiring.

can you please guide me .



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I'd be more than happy to guide you.


I think most of us know, by now, that we have energy in us, yes? And with this energy........we can move it around to parts of our bodies. So, for these tests.......I want you to just have some fun and relax into it. Don't look at it as a graded "test". Rather.........just
enjoy the time you spend. Before starting, if you can remove your penis from your pants now, then do it so it's not touching anything. Let's get started…


This first test will involve touching parts of our bodies.

1. Taking the index finger on the left hand.....: use the VERY tip of that finger, placing it on the VERY tip of the right nipple. You can do this through your shirt. Use GENTLE touch on this, and do NOT move it around. Keep the tip of the finger on the tip of the nipple.......and do NOT move it. Just hold it there...for 3 mins. As you continue to keep it in place, you MAY feel some energy/buzzing in your ass, or between your legs. Let it build. Continue to just let it build, and build, and BUILD. Relax as much as you can during this, try NOT to make anything happen

Now , using this finger, I want you to move it back and forth........tick/ tock........over the dark area of the nipple, crossing over the tip of the nipple as you go from one side to the other. However....do this "tick/tock" movement SLOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. VERY VERY Slowly: Tick................... tock...............nice...........and...............slowwwwwww. Keep doing this...and as you pass over the tip of the nipple, STOP and linger…just take your time. And let your body respond, and it will begin to orgasm. By now, you may be having some nice orgasmic sensations.

Now, while you are doing this tick/tock with your left index finger, I want you to move the big toe on your left foot a bit just a tiny bit, move the big toe on left foot. Slowly move the toe up and down, up and down, very, very slowly.

And now, we'll add something else:

I want you to continue with the finger ticktocking on the right nipple and open your RIGHT hand, straightening the fingers and bringing them together, palm side down. Take this flat palm now......and place it over your belly button...(BB). Hover about 2-4 inches above it and DO NOT touch the palm to your body, just hold it over the BB, and continue to do the nipple thingy while you're holding your flattened palm over your BB area.....

Now, I want you to.....slowly......move the palm toward your chest area....2 inches, then....reverse......and pass it back over your BB, continuing on downward toward your dick/balls. Then reverse again passing the palm over the BB again and continue this 'back and forth motion. Slowwwwwwwwwwly!

[SLOW is GOOD here. Fast is BAD!]

As you pass over your BB, linger again and even stop, letting your body react.

Try it now and enjoy!


So now i want to go to JUST touchless stuff… NO touching from here on out:

I have named some of these tests, so that if you hear the name later, you'll know what it is referring to. The first one I'd like to teach is called…

1. The Letter M:

Using both hands..I want you to join the knuckles of the fingers ..so they are touching knuckle to knuckle at the first and second joints to form the letter M when you look at it from the side. Looking at your hands now, in front of you........do you see a 'M'? The fingers should be pointing down together, bent at the knuckles, to form the center leg of the M. Now, then, take the fingers......and line them up over your BB area. THEN, move this M upward, towards your chest.........then downward, towards your dick/balls, focusing on the bb area, and as usual.........SLOWLY, like a turtle. I'm serious.......the slower.....the better, You're moving toward chest...then down, towards your dick/balls.

Each time you go over the BB.....STOP, linger, and just let your body react. Continue to do this now…This can cause an erection…

Do this a few more times now and feel what it does.

2. The Letter C

For the letter C, just remove 1/2 of the M (remove one hand) and move the fingers over the BB area, not touching the skin. Continue with the letter C for a bit and feel what it does.

3. The TENT

Using both hands now.....loosely intertwine the fingers, and as you do so, this formation should look like a domed tent. Do you see the tent? I want you to take this 'tent' and place it over your bb. The fingers of the left and right hands are clasping loosely. Place this domed tent of fingers over your BB.....about 6 inches in the air, and in a little, you'll be lowering the tent downward............extremely slowly, but not before you read and understand the next two paragraphs:

As you lower the tent made by your fingers, I want you to picture the following: THIS IS IMPORTANT: Picture............that you are using the tent to push a stick 'right through you' as you lower the finger tent.

The stick is putting up a lot of resistance to the lowering of the tent. Push the stick with the tent, Push the stick with the tent… .............push.......PUSH harder.......HARDER NOW. Really PUSHHHHHHHHHH as you very slowly lower the tent towards your BB, trying to overcome the resistance of the stick.

[By now......your abs should be shaking. Your prostate......in full orgasm phase. Your stomach may jerk violently in a convulsion type jerking motion]

This is a really intense movement of energy… Second Session with Chuckjo at about 7:40 am EST on 2/8 (About 40 min)


Make a flat palm with your right hand. You'll be using it to make LARGE circles over your belly/dick/balls area...with the belly button as the CENTER of this large circle. DO THEM SLOWLY. This is like a 2 foot diameter circle....palm DOWN. For each cycle.........take 20 seconds. After doing this for several cycles, make a cycle take 30 seconds now. Your palm is circling the 'universe'....that would be your belly button.


Piano man is more subtle. It's like a mild sensation.......but ohhhhhhhh, so nice. Picture........someone at a piano now....and they are playing random notes........nice and slow. The melody is simple, and their fingers are moving at random rates of speed...mostly slow. Now, Start to make the fingers of both your own hands imitate the piano man. Take this 'movement' of your fingers.......and focus the downward pointing fingers at your belly button, taking care to make the movements just slow and gentle, tiny, tiny movements of the fingers, Just randomly moving over your bb area. Slow, tiny movements--that's all it takes. Your prostate/perineum should be very happy now. This is a very deep sensation. Enjoy it. Let your mind sink into it. Escape ...........let your mind wander now. Now , move the hands with the slowly moving piano playing fingers......ohhhhhhhhh, so…slowly …upward towards your chest, so that your left hand is over your left nipple and your right hand is over your right nipple, but never touching! And continue this movement of the fingers. THEN, move the fingers back downwards, in a V pattern.......so they come near each other, back towards your BB area. [Your abs may tighten. Your prostate may be pounding now. Your balls may be feeling tight].

Continue this, Let it build. Zone out now.......Just allow your prostate to swell, pound, pulse. Just enjoy it !!

3. The PINCH

I want you to take the thumb and first 2 fingers and pinch them together, like getting a pinch of salt., Take this pinch (P) and hold it over your BB, 1 inch in the air over it. Just hold the Pinch still, don't move it. Continue to hold it there for 2 minutes. Your prostate should be super happy right now, like you are on the verge of ejaculation. As we near the 2 min mark, we will be moving the Pinch upward...just a couple inches....along the centerline of your belly, keeping it close to the skin, about an inch away. Move it .......nice............and..........SLOW now. Now, move it back downwards, towards your BB area. How does that feel?

THE NEXT STEP: Visualizing all these maneuvers without actually doing them.

I want you to 'THINK' , with your eyes closed or open....you choose. I want you to think about moving your hands......BUT you're NOT GOING TO MOVE THEM.........just 'think' the pinch, for example : moving over your BB, or THINK the piano man maneuver without actually doing it. Imagine these maneuvers happening to you and their effects on you, and and see how THAT works for you. You dont need to do the movements........you have the magic now.........Picture that domed tent......as it's coming close to your BB.

My nipples used to be completely dead before i met Chuckjo2000 14 years ago, and he became my 'mentor'. He put me through the above test, but it's important not to have any 'expectations' and go into it with an open mind. It's just a first step out of many, and it's going to take time and patience.

When i stroke my nipples i get a sensation from the nipple itself, but the body also tries to echo that stroke, and respond with a very brief jolt of pleasure. Very much similar to how i get a very brief pleasure response from penile stimulation. If i add enough stimulation of the nipples and clenching together i will eventually reach a orgasm (without penile stimulation and not ejaculating).

I've trained this response during many years, what @onares explained as linked neurons/neuroplasticity. The neurons that fire together will be linked together. So say you orgasm at the same time you touch your nipples, eventually your brain is gonna connect pleasure with nipples.

I used a big book/heavy laptop covering my nipples while i laid in bed and did penile stimulation. That way the book/laptop will always wiggle around when you move, and stimulate your nipples while you do penile stimulation at the same time. It will train/rewire your nipples to give the same response as penile stimulation when stimulated.

It took me a long time to actually get a pleasure response from touching my nipples, it happens slowly in increments. At first the response wasn't even pleasure, it was something else.

I was so happy to get 'any' sensation from touching my nipples, other than the direct sensation of touching it. With enough practice, encouragment and 'faith', it eventually morphed a couple of time.

I sincerely hope this will help you on your journey.

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Posted by: @zentai


Well done, I hope you continue to make quick progress ! 

Thankyou @Zentai. I managed to finally get away from my complete dependence on nipples. Now it kinda starting to climb on its own when i have the aneros inside and i nudge it a bit (not using any nipples at all). Only time will tell if it's a temporary thing, or if it's here to stay.

I think i just experienced my first prostate orgasm? 

Just one single sustained orgasmic note eminating from the prostaste lasting maybe ten seconds. It was a very 'clear' note, it didn't 'wobble' around like it does during a penile orgasm. And when i do experince that 'note', it's on the other side of the edge on the very brink of ejaculation.

This time when it was such a long note i'm farily confident to say it did indeed came directly from the prostate. It left as quickly as it came, and left no apparent ill effects, no sense of release, refractory, or blue-balls, fascinating.

 I've had the prostate speak before, but it was just a quick 'stab', split second jolt of pleasure. It's *very* loud though, but when it's sustained i get adjusted to it fairly quickly. It's still quite a shock when it starts, and when it only last a split second, very *rough*

I tried going there again this evening, but as always, it was a one time thing. My nipples starts to hurt whenever i get to close and ruins everything. Oh well...another time, another iteration.

I'm amazed how sensitive the system is towards disruption, the slightest discomforrt/pain will definitly thwart any attempt to reach the heights required to reach any type of orgasm/plasures.

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Good job ! 

I agree that is does not take much to disrupt the process, but once you can get these obstacles under control, then your work is mostly done. You're doing great ! 

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They say hindsight is 20/20, you were completely right @Zentai.

Posted by: @zentai

There might be an issue were you are not supposed to chase the O, yet you're skilled enough to catch it anyway. I would say it's time for a break right about now, but you'll need to send that energy somewhere, so that could be yet another thing to manage. 

I see now that what i did was completely wrong. I was never supposed to climb the ladder to a orgasm, and go over the 'edge'. The funny thing is that i actually succeeded, i got my 'penile orgasm' with nipples. I also got blue balls, loss of energy, pain/discomfort, refraction etc.

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I had to re-read what I had written several times before I made sense of it, hehe. 

I think the idea is that we're often told you cannot force a Super-O, while the truth is that some people can do it. But just because you can, does not mean you should. And if you do it anyway, it's possible to encounter some side effects and we should be aware of this.

The path where you let it happen is probably often the better one, but sometimes you have to see things for yourself, just being told is not the same. Hindsight can only happen after the fact. 

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Yea, it was my secret wish to be able to orgasm forever without limitations. I developed that desire when i experienced a super-T as a teen, and i lost the ability gradually during the years as i aged. Thank you again @Zentai for showing me the way, even though my eyes aren't always open.

It was that experience which led me to Aneros, and also the reason i never made any progress during all thoose years. Deep down I was afraid of the super-o, and i didn't really wanna go there.

This place is so amazing, and yet at the same time, so very confusing.

"Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth. There is no spoon. Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself."

Have you seen that old movie where there is a golden sphere inside a american spaceship from the future at the bottom of the sea? The 'golden orb' reads your mind, and create all that you desire into something real.

Does that remind you of something? It's kinda like this place.

It's because it's you who write all the rules, creating the framework in your mind that makes all of this possible.

It's your own private personal 'matrix', and you are the gatekeeper, and hold all the keys, and can make anything possible. If you want a orgasm licking your elbow, it can be done

I'm a atheist and see things from a evolutionary/scientific approach. But i can't deny that if there was a god, where would you put a portal into the unknown? It's connected to the creation of new life, and it's something that both female and male can access.

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Yes, I used to say that "this is a story we're telling ourselves", but lately I discovered that Yuval Noah Harari uses the same term, in what I find to be a much more nihilistic way. What he says is that justice, truth, democracy are all made up and society is just a bunch of people choosing to believe in these made-up things. I don't think Super-Os are a figment of our imagination and make-believe. 

Super-O wise, things are much closer to what you say : You have this thing you want to achieve, or that you already achieved, and now you have to decide for yourself how and why it works, what makes sense to you, if it has a deeper meaning, and no one can get inside your mind and decide for you or tell you how it is. I like the key metaphor and I used it for one of my very first posts here, Association game : Locks and keys – General Discussion – Aneros Forum. Understanding that you are both the gatekeeper and the key-holder, as you say, is quite a profound thing. I also like this quote from Lynch's adaptation of Dune : "It is by will alone that I set my mind in motion." 

It's funny that the meditative states and Super-Orgasms are probably the only place where we can actually use things we learned from The Matrix "for real". I don't think the movie was an allegory for Super-Os, but it's quite interesting to see how many elements just seem to be a good fit.  

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@Zentai The thing that has always bothered me about my journey is that i've never managed to get a involuntary, and by that i mean major movement in legs, stomach etc. I get small involuntaries daily theese days since i had my breakthrough. I have never in my fourteen years on the path lost control over my body, until today.

Why do i always feel like sisyphus, whenever i manage to get a breakthrough with something, my body always finds some new challenge for me to crack? I noticed today that climbing towards a prostate orgasm was really difficult, which is very strange. It should be easier, my abilities have only grown the last few days.

I spent all evening just building aurosal towards a orgasm, my invols even went mental at some point, generating two invols per second, and i still couldn't trigger a orgasm. I've never been this high before, and then suddenly it struck me after several hours of trying. It was just a short glimpse for a fraction of a second, but oh man, that thing is powerful. My whole body started shaking and i couldn't do anything about it, and the orgasmic response i got was just totally overwhelming.

I used to think that prostate orgasms was extremely loud and *rough*, that thing is like getting slammed in the face with a sledgehammer =)

The amount of aurosal required to trigger it is insane, i really need to work on my skills now. I just wanna express my gratude once again, i don't think i would have ever found my way here if it wasn't for you, so thankyou again. I think i finally arrived at my destination, no more rocks rolling uphill for me.

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Posted by: @brailleskin

I just wanna express my gratude once again, i don't think i would have ever found my way here if it wasn't for you, so thankyou again.

My pleasure ! I try to help when I can, I'm glad my ideas were useful to you. 

Posted by: @brailleskin

I used to think that prostate orgasms was extremely loud and *rough*, that thing is like getting slammed in the face with a sledgehammer =)

The amount of aurosal required to trigger it is insane, i really need to work on my skills now.

I call this "breaking the dam", where arousal is so high that everything else does not matter... Make sure you don't go too hard, sledgehammer to the face is maybe not exactly what you want. Let's say things really click together and the stars align and you get 10 or 15 or 30 minutes of this, and you can pull back, would you enjoy this, or not? This is worth thinking about. Be careful and stay safe my friend !  


Bill Bately
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@brailleskin I sometimes think Aless dry orgasms are purer than device driven ones. Like you, I started with Aless when young, and way later in life discovered Aneros. For me I can do both. As I said Aless can tend to feel purer pleasure. Device pleasure can be stronger especially as it rubs over the prostate. But again like I said Aless can be a purer pleasure. Maybe for you you’ve found gold in Aless and your body refuses to settle for 2nd best with Aneros. In no way do I mean to belittle Aneros. I have eight models and use all of them.  But as someone has said their use can be likened to training wheels. Just my two cents.

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