Received the Progasm classic on Saturday. Opened the package and the size of it wasn't as intimidating as I anticipated. I have on occasion used one of my wife's toys that is half an inch bigger in diameter so I knew that this would be no problem. Used it for the first time this morning and I am really happy that I bought it! I warmed up with my MXG classic for a few minutes and then went for it. I took my time with the insertion and that was pleasant. Spent a few minutes getting settled with it and started on my back with my legs propped up on a pillow. The Progasm didn't hit my prostate as hard as I thought it would but it did produce some great P-waves that I know will eventually result in the super-O (which I have yet to achieve). All over the body warm tingly glow. Look forward to my next session!
Looks good @Reddog152!
I think the Progasm will be my next purchase, to celebrate my first year in this adventure.
Try doggy positions. Progasm (ice) has substantial weight and having gravity on your side helps. It puts pressure on your prostate even when you relax your muscles.
I've got a Black Ice.
It's slippery and moves a lot. I find kneeling by the bed and putting my arms across the bed and laying my head on it works well. It really gets gravity into the game as you're vertical.
Try doggy positions. Progasm (ice) has substantial weight and having gravity on your side helps. It puts pressure on your prostate even when you relax your muscles.
I tried doggie once briefly and it didn't seem to do much for me. I'll give it another shot though.
I just got my Progasm in my mailbox a few minutes ago. The next shooting window is Monday morning... I'm looking forward to trying this new item to celebrate my first year on the road to prostatic pleasure.
If you like reading my earlier blog posts about my Progasm Ice, you may find some tips that could work for you too.
Good vibes, enjoy your "Bad Boy"!
Though there can be side effects - like endangered floor tiles in your bathroom.
Take care!
@sowithoutaneros I have read your blog on Saturday and was, of course, even more eager to try the Progasm. Well, there it is... It's Monday afternoon and I spent the morning in an ecstasy of pleasure the likes of which I've rarely had! This massager is amazing! I had the best orgasms of my life. one hour and a half of cascades of orgasms all better than each other. This first session with the Progasm Ice is to be classified in the three best of my journey until today.
@sowithoutaneros I have read your blog on Saturday and was, of course, even more eager to try the Progasm. Well, there it is... It's Monday afternoon and I spent the morning in an ecstasy of pleasure the likes of which I've rarely had! This massager is amazing! I had the best orgasms of my life. one hour and a half of cascades of orgasms all better than each other. This first session with the Progasm Ice is to be classified in the three best of my journey until today.
They all have their times and places. Which one will work better in a session is always a crap shoot. I went from a Helix Trident to a Progasm Ice and bought a High Island Health PS-New model.
Helix rocked my world after a while. Wanted something bigger and bought the Progasm. Think it was all I used for a few months as it was better than the Helix by far. Bought the PS-New because I wanted something a bit longer.
Right now I'm back with the Helix as the tool of choice. They've all been the tool of choice at times.
Also, there's no telling which position is going to work best either. Don't get stuck with one position. Don't give up on a new position because it doesn't work instantly. Started on my back with my knees pulled up, then face down on the bed, kneeling by the bed, now doggie seems to be best. Nice thing about kneeling is gravity works with you. I think I get better motion especially with the Progasm.
You're right. Often I know which massager I want to use, but sometimes I don't have a specific desire. In that case, I let my prostate decide. Sometimes there's a little peak of pleasure when I think of a certain massager or when I look at my collection spread out on the bed and my attention is focused on one device or another. Often the session that follows is remarkable.