!!!First A-Less Sup...
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!!!First A-Less Super O Today!!!

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I Super-O-ed HARD for the first time this morning. And it was completely A-Less!


I was edging all night and I was so horny but on the verge of falling asleep, I started to feel the most subtle tingling in my prostate and out of half instinct, half curiosity I pushed, and out of nowhere it built and built and built to the most intense vibration I’ve ever experienced. I pushed again and BANG! It was like a fucking supernova.


Such an ENORMOUS sensation that engulfed my entire body. I was lying completely still, in silence, too overwhelmed to even open my eyes, but I could SWEAR I was writhing and convulsing and screaming at the top of my lungs. It felt like a mix of the most intense sexual, orgasmic “just-about-to-ejaculate” feeling, mixed with the most intense butterflies, mixed with the most intense shaking, like when you see a wine glass resonate and warp and vibrate with a high pitch frequency. I truly felt like my body was resonating with the universe or something. I’ve never felt anything like it. My hands were the most prominent sensation I remember, almost numb from tingling, my ears went deaf with the sound of the blood rushing to my face, my hands and feet had tingles like you wouldn’t believe. But my tummy... oh my GOD! Instead of “releasing” outward, I was imploding with pleasure, it was so infinitely internal it was jarring. It was the most pleasurable, orgasmic sensation I’ve ever experienced in my life! The only thing I could focus on in order to maintain my connection with my body was the slight throbbing/pumping/contracting that came every now and then from my rectum/prostate.


This entire thing went for what felt like hours I swear! It started fading out and I thought it was over, and BANG!




Then BANG!










I lost count after 25!


I almost left my body I started getting so overwhelmed. I was gripping my mattress with all my strength, in stunned shock and silence, tears streaming down my face, almost seeing god when it culminated in a hands free wet orgasm. And that’s when it hit me.




I’ve never wanted anything more than cumming in my life! I love cumming! But for the first time I TRULY understand that when guys here say prostate stuff is way more pleasurable and way more satisfying than any ejaculation ever could be, NOW I BELIEVE IT! I’ve never felt anything that comes even half as close to how POWERFUL any single one of those orgasms felt. I was fully awake and it left me exhausted so I passed out for about 6 hours.


It really put all my previous “successes” into perspective. I’ve felt some GREAT things over the past 3 years that I truly thought were super o, even prostate o or dry o. I’ve written about them here in as much enthusiastic detail. But based on what users describe their orgasms feeling like I assumed super o was “nice” and “long” but “no peak”. FUCK, whatever I thought that meant, I was WRONG! These orgasms weren’t just nice, they were DELICIOUS! They weren’t just long, they stayed with me for minutes at a time, caressing every inch of me, holding me almost, keeping me in an almost constant, never fading, never changing sense of infinite pleasure. They didn’t peak but they built and built and plateaued and stayed up there for anywhere between 30 seconds and what felt like hours, then faded away for the next one to engulf me. My most intense Aneros sensation previous to this was what I assumed was a super o, now I’m starting to guess it was just a really intense p wave because it was MINUSCULE compared to what happened to me today.


Honestly, I don’t even know if this is a Super-O at this point with the amount of times I’ve told myself, “Oh, THAT’S what it feels like!”. Has anyone felt what I felt to be able to confirm? Is this truly a Super-O? Every time I think I reach one the next time feels better.


If it was, it was better than I could have ever wanted it to be.

Bill Bately, Fred27, 7sDoor and 27 people reacted
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Yes, Super-O confirmed. 

Hehe sorry just wanted to be the first to answer and congratulate you, great job. I need to run but will comment more later, everything you wrote makes sense, great summary of a Super-O experience. Loss of sense of time and becoming deaf, I don't know if that's typical but I experienced this also, several of the events you describe are also familiar to me. If you want some sort of benchmark, I'd say this is pretty high level stuff, must have hit like a fuckin' freight train... You did it just by edging ? Wow! 

Masked, SOwithoutAneros, Masked and 3 people reacted
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Congrats! And second confirmation!

Welcome to the SO circle, @masked, sounds very familiar, I can tell but hardly describe in such an eloquent and descriptive manner as you did. A pleasureful read, thanks a ton for sharing! 

Next step?

As you already begged for, try to avoid the ejaculation and save your energy for your sexual power, your body and mind, your health, your whole being. To learn why you should do so and how you can achieve it, I‘d recommend to read  Mantak Chia‘s Multi-Orgasmic Man, or as one reviewer named it „the owners manual to the male‘s body“. 

Now, believe it or not, still the best is yet to come. You will bite your cushion from bliss. 😉

Only avoid one mistake: to expect the same.

Instead don‘t expect anything and by no means the same, because the next milestone will be as unique as this one and the next but one and so on. Or could you have imagined what just did happen? See?

Only my 2 cts here. Cheers and good vibes!


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@masked, congratulations on your achieving the SO and it's amazing you did it in the Aless version.   It's always inspiring to read other member's success stories!   It will only get better for you from now on.


Good vibes  to you. 

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congrats on your wild experience!

I would say that a “super-o” is whatever you think it is. I don’t like the qualifier “super” and call all orgasms just orgasms, of more or less intensity and duration. All your previous orgasms were probably orgasms too, if that’s how you perceived them. There is no way of comparing with anyone else, because we are privy only to our own unique experience. This is why I think catégories of orgasms can only be personal. But it sounds like you are flying really high, however you may choose to classify your sensations.

@sowithoutaneros You bite your cushion until you leave a giant splotch of drool on it, which ressembles à Rorschach Test, of which your interpretation arouses you further to yet another pillow chewing orgasm, and so on...*

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@divine_o, do you have cams in my bedroom? On Thursday I had to hang out the cushion to dry from the „giant splotch of drool on it“ after having fallen asleep at what I assumed the end of my ride with my Eupho Syn but became the beginning of an uncomparable realistic dream giving me an extremely exciting sexual fantasy I still can recall in most details. Sigh! What a joy! 🙂

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I just wish I could make a visual of what it felt like because it was exactly how I imagined but so different at the same time. 

For those who work in music or are familiar with the sine wave shape; If I masturbate to ejaculation, it’s a steadily increasing attack, sawtooth wave sort of thing. Peaks with diminishing pulses as I ejaculate. 

This was like a Shepard Tone illusion. It just built and built and built. And as one faded out at the top, another one would sneak it’s way in at the bottom to replace it. 

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Posted by: @masked

It just built and built and built. And as one faded out at the top, another one would sneak it’s way in at the bottom to replace it. 

That's a perfect descriptor of what I've felt. Really delicious too, as you've described.

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Posted by: @masked

Honestly, I don’t even know if this is a Super-O at this point with the amount of times I’ve told myself, “Oh, THAT’S what it feels like!”. Has anyone felt what I felt to be able to confirm? Is this truly a Super-O? Every time I think I reach one the next time feels better.

Congratulations ! IMHO, what you have described is a very intense Super-O . It certainly fits the WIKI definition "...for an orgasm that steps out of the normal frame of reference." Remember "Super-O's come in all shapes and sizes. Some are small, some are large, some are single, some are multiple, some are centered in one area while others are in another. Some are particularly intense, while others are more subdued."

Good Vibes to You!

Masked, SOwithoutAneros, divine_oblivion and 6 people reacted
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Let me be the next to congratulate you!  My suggestion: write it all down now in as much detail as you can, while it's still fresh in your mind.  The more you can remember later on, the easier it should be to get back there. 

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I've also already told myself that this orgasm is so good that it's a Super-O. And like you, a few sessions later, an even better orgasm occurs.

Sometimes it happens in the same session. The next one is better, it could be the prostate massage mantra! I have come to the conclusion that a Super-O is different for everyone. Maybe what I call Super-O is just a wave of pleasure for someone else.

I haven't yet felt a pleasure as wonderful as the one you describe. But it doesn't matter. What is amazing is that my various sessions have allowed me to experience the best sexual pleasure of my life and that every time a Super-O happens in my body, it is better than the one before it.

And that the whole process seems endless.

Masked, SOwithoutAneros, Ggringo and 6 people reacted
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Congrats,I think it’s safe to assume it was a super orgasm.

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Posted by: @faith-manages

write it all down now in as much detail as you can, while it's still fresh in your mind

I only can agree, because alone by trying to write them down I've been able to catch on my latest experiences and to internalize what just had happened. And often enough some blissful arousal already started over while still writing.

Cheers, Mart

Faith-Manages, Masked, Faith-Manages and 3 people reacted
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Congrats and welcome to the SO club! You have perfectly described the intense feelings that progressively build and continue over a period of time, over and over! Until you experience the awesome experience, it’s hard to image the intensity! Aless occurs quite frequently for me early in the morning - what a way to wake up! Keep us posted on your experiences! Have been a member here for five years but had to start over as I accidentally cancelled my account and have not been able to reactivate my previous account!

Masked, Masked and Masked reacted
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@masked, I saw your blog post earlier today about your achieving your first A-less Super-O and I congratulated you there.

I believe that you and I are similar in that we both enjoy exploring what our bodies have for us in sexual pleasures at night as regards A-less. Many nights in bed I can relax and have the leisure to explore these pleasures. I do this just about every night through diddling my nipples.

Also I believe that in achieving your first Super-O either through an Aneros session or through A-less, you open yourself up for more Super-O's and even MMO's. As for myself, I enjoy relaxing and having fun as I enjoy various types of orgasms and Alessness. I seldom experience negative side affects, but mostly sexual sweetness of the most sublime sort. So, just relax and have fun! 🙂


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