Empty the outbox.
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Empty the outbox.

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Poo is not a pleasant subject for discussion but it is, in MHO a very important one. I can only comment in the light of my own experience.
Now some guys are so lucky that their"computer"s are new and in excellent working order. Well they may be young and well maintained and so every time they delete the outbox, everything goes. There are no obstacles to opening up and getting on with the work (Aneros sessions).
Some guys like me , have sluggish machines, slow and cumbersome and while we try to clear the outbox, not everything is deleted.
This has the annoying effect of interfering with the inbox. Many of my sessions are cut short or sensation-ess periods of wasted time and energy. The reason, I believe is residual junk in the outbox. It seems that even a little bit left in there seems to prevent the aneros from moving about freely. I have decided to watch my diet and take a little laxative at night. When I do that, the way is clear for great sessions.
I had this experience today. Having had a very poor response over a long period, I took a good laxative last night. I was able to completely empty myself this morning. I could feel the freedom and imagine the results. I had a session this afternoon. It was just fantastic.
As we get older, our digestive systems don't always function efficiently like in young people. I seem to always need to go to the loo two or three times a say. So getting rid of it in one go it ideal. My sessions may well be better now.
Sorry if this was too rambling but it might help someone in a similar situation.

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As Hard as it is @Tomasheen see if you can time your Outbox movement to just before your session.Once you think it is empty then shoot some water up there and hold it for 1 or 2 mins then releases. wait a while , if nothing more comes and you wipeup then you should be right for a hour or two.
Its more work but if you use larger model of aneros it is really a must.

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You are so right BRAVENEWORLD. I have done the water thing and it does help. It does tell you that the outbox is empty. There is so much more room for the Aneros to move about. I realise that I have wasted many sessions because I wasn't empty. Well worth the effort.

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I have grown to love the after affect of being cleaned out. I can actually feel when junk passes through the inner sphincter. I makes me feel full and uncomfortable and even starts anerosless sessions.There has been times when I uses water to clean out even though i am not going to have a session just so i feel empty and clean. I can the relax. I think it was in summer too so it sort of cooled the insides down abit.
Rewireing (waking up the nerves in your outbox ) can make you aware of all kinds of things that happen in side your body that you never noticed before.

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I totally agree. Enemas can be sort of addictive. After you discover them, they become a must for each session, and a very common thing to do on a daily basis. Being 100% clean down there so that even after the session the device has no discernible smell, is very different than when it comes out with a stain.Once you learn how to feel down there, you start to be aware of things that happen inside your body that you never noticed before, like braveneworld said.

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I've gotten in the habit of using my water bulb enema most days, whether I have a session or not. I love the sensation of being totally emptied out down there. The only downside now is that if I'm out somewhere and I use the bathroom, I can sense that I'm not completely cleared out and it can bother me. Ideally I'd like to have bowel movements that are regular and do all the work naturally, but the enema bulb is the next best thing I suppose.

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I like the clean and fresh feel session or no session. But @braveneworld you really leave the water in for two minutes?

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@Xtimedt69 yes upto 2 min. And sometimes while sitting on the Outbox Modem 😉 I lean forward so the water floats up my body inside and can rock a little. The time and the fluid being sloshed about in my pipe softens any materials before removal. Using this funny method means only one to two water rinses are needed to be sparkling clean. I use cool pre boiled rainwater with a dash of salt to make the water slightly saline. I dont use tap water because they put chlorine in it. I dont do it every day so that my insides have time to recover and produce the mucus which protects the inner surface.

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I'm pleased that the idea of an empty outbox is taken seriously. I am so sure that sessions are so much better after a good clean out. I will invest in a "thing-a-me" soon and have a wash out more often.

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One of the first things I bought at the Aneros site store was the Higginson Syringe to be able to douche my outbox thoroughly. And it is quite an enjoyable prep indeed. All the best Tomasheen!!

Since starting anal/prostate massage decades ago, I have found that the outbox does have a self-cleaning function, and it seems that it can be tied to the soothing effects of having something inserted comfortably for some time. I have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrone) and now my aneros models are like south face soothers.!. 😀

Even with all the preps and relaxation for sessions, I occasionally can find that well into a session (usually more than half an hour) there can be a "suppository effect" and a fresh delivery into the outbox from the higher ups!! So, "the best laid plans of mice and men..... " Just move on and prep again 😉

all the best ano-rectal health, muscle tone, and pleasant sensing all


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@artform, you have better luck than I do. I bought two higginson syringes when they were on special at the Aneros Shop. I have managed to fill my shoes, wet my socks, spray the ceiling and generally make a mess on the floor but never seem to get it in the right place, or when I do and grab the bulb the end falls out. It is definitely a two person job! Perhaps the tubes are too short these days. I have given up ordered a bulb enema/douche. I hope this works! Good fun!

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I use cool pre boiled rainwater with a dash of salt to make the water slightly saline.

...and only pure-grain alcohol? 😉

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@Isvara As with most things watch out for the pointy end 😉 I use a colt syringe. Very easy to use.heres a link just for a picture of it.

you can pull it apart to clean it too. I dont use the knobbly point at all but from memory it felt ok 🙂

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...and only pure-grain alcohol? 😉

Yes thats right but only for the inbox or it burns so bad :-bd

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Just looked at my link please note Apple not included! =))

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I just use a bottle from an emptied fleet enema. Afterward I just wash it all out. Seems to work just fine.
@braveneworld I would think that adding the salt would cause a a laxative effect. The saline is what makes the fleet laxative work pullin water into the lower bowel.

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It works: I bought a Unisex Douche/Enema, silicone and it works. Fill it with de chlorinated water, insert and squeeze as I withdraw it. I used about 3/4 of its contents. Simple effective and clean.

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Yeah ! I share in all that's said above including @JMay's thoughts regarding the joys of getting and being clean and empty !

I went through childhood and my teen years during an era of family diets that were rich in starches and fat in preference to vegetables, fruit and fiber. The family enema gear was frequently employed not only to correct a messed up digestive tract but also for whatever else might ail one.

Over the years the rewards of a generous enema accompanied by anal play became my routine desire every few weeks. Now in my fifth year of the Aneros journey, the orgasmic reward of an Aneros session has replaced enema on my list of, "things to do this week!" A fiber-rich diet and an occasional serving of a pro-biotic yogurt keeps me clean enough that one or two small rinses is adequate to get rid of the few residual chunks of waste.

More good news is that Colon flora is more easily maintained by common pro-biotics then when I did large enema series on a regular basis.

Somewhere after my 72nd birthday I began to find that a large, invasive enema (one that reaches way beyond the rectum) reduces my sexual energies and my orgasmic intensity. So, I restrict my usual pre-session rinse to a small standing-up douche of my canal and rectum. I'm well enough trained so that I can sense the water pressure against the sigmoid sphincter, am able to avoid opening it and seldom spend more than five minutes on the two or three small rinses that yield a "good clean" feeling and a clear output.

Two years ago I got rid of the enema paraphenalia and nuisance of sanitizing it by adopting a "Shower-shot" with a flow control valve and a clorine filter. It's always avalable in my shower next to the toilet. When the douche nozzle is replaced by a standard hand-shower it looks innocent to the casual eye.

During travel I carry a Higginson and use it to draw water from a bottle of drinking water. Contrary to the experiences of others I find it quicker/easier to use than a conventional bulb syringe. IIRC there was some web comment last year on Chinese-made Higginson's that had bad check valves in the bulb--that could be a cause of the issues mentioned above.

My wife has started 'sawing' me with a generous long dildo. That tends to excite some peristalsis and, not wanting to have my long awaited joy terminated due to a mess, I use a moderately sized enema several hours before we intend to play. (Note: Ruby Ryder's latest enema advice is more conservative than it was last year -- here's her latest: )

That said, clearing out the whole colon and waiting a day for the bod to restore it's energies does seem to support long sessions with larger toys such as Vice and Progasm.

At two or three month intervals I sense some diverticulae issues. I tend to those with a 'complete cleanout.' Twenty-four to thirty-six hours later my electrolytes seem rebalanced and my sensual energy is restored.

As @bravenewworld notes, a load of waste or gas can degrade 'large toy sessions' (perhaps more so for the older man.) With an 'empty abdomen' the larger toys tend to have a deeper neutral position and I'm more relaxed with either Vice or Progasm than I usually after a simple rinse. Perhaps that's the result of lower internal pressure in the abdomen and/or more relaxed smooth muscle in the colon and rectum. The 'super empty feeling' seems to slow the onset of involuntaries though and the big-toy sessions are leisurely. (if you try this, remember a pinch of salt or salt substitute as suggested above by @bravenewworld and Ruby Ryder. That may help you avoid getting your body electrolytes out of kelter.

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Agree very much AneRico regarding the great benefits of probiotics!! And thanks muchly rook for your comprehensive review of your transforming practices!!

Here is a post (from: https://community.aneros.com/forum/discussion/15145/a-question-about-anal-salve-mucous-on-your-aneros-tools#Item_4 ) about the cleanliness of the "out box" and the secretions related to this and healthy action at the hole:


Hi Thom/BGDC!! 😀

The term "salve" cropped up a couple of years ago and I don't recall where or why. It seems unimportant. Anal glands I do have and they are active; I get a lightly oily moisture on my outer anal skin and in the groove between the sphincters, which facilitated my solo anal/prostate massage practice since my mid-teens, and my bottoming with my gay exploratory partner at age 17-19+. I also topped. These anal glands are apparently a fusion of sweat and sebaceous oil glands, and my GP doc says they are a normal part of our equipment, though not every male's activate without some repeated activity in the region!

I also experience what you are, and that is some rectal wall mucous on my aneros models, and that too is a normal response by those tissues to anything moving in/through there. It seems to be part of the rectum's ability to clean itself too. With the probiotics I add to my daily foods, I rarely have any brown on the paper, just some clear mucous just like that on the aneros. Auto-lubing!!! Hallelujah!!!


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@AneRico @rook of the Probiotic tablets or Yogurt types is either superior or more effective?

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Hi xtimedt69!

I use refrigerated live organisms packaged in standard two-part drug capsules from a trusted cultivator/packager of specialized varieties of probiotics. I have a lactic protein problem, and therefore take "Cal' dophilus" branded mix to address several other issues, without upsetting the lactic sensitivities.

Best practice would be for anyone to go to a professional health supplements vendor, and ask them to check all your conditions in their Compendium, and then choose the appropriate probiotics mix product for your personal best results.

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@artform thanks for the info

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amazing,info. no wonder anal pleasure is so complex, so good. We here at this site really appreciate and care for our "comely parts"

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@xtimedt69 ... Until ten years ago most of the oral probiotic supplements offered limited help as the friendly bacteria were destroyed/killed by stomach acid and would not make it to the lower GI tract.

Typically, the flora of the colon is wiped out by, frequent colonics, large enemas, one of the "cleanse" agents or a course of broad spectrum antibiotics.

Years ago, to correct that depletion of flora, colon therapists would inject a small enema containing a dose of something like Eugalen Topfer Forte to 'kick start' the regrowth of the normal flora. IIRC, that agent was, and perhaps still is, available in health food stores as either a vegetable or dairy based product.

I think the basis of the now the widely advertised pro-biotic Yogurts is to provide a bacteria that can tolerate stomach acid or has a form of micro-encapsulation that protects the bacteria until it makes it further along the digestive tract.

Hope this helps.

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