Aneros lead to easi...
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Aneros lead to easier stool release?

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I seem to have an easier time letting out stools and require “less wiping” after anero sessions. I would like to know if other’s also have a similar experiences. 


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Yeah I think might be left-over lube, at least with the stuff I use.

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Possibly the lube's acting a bit like an enema to get the poo that's still a bit up there?  I've been looking at my diet a lot in the last few years and also using Pure for Men fiber supplements (which I read about somewhere on here), and I've found that the better I am at regular fiber the easier everything is.  What hasn't been affected is the tightness of my asshole!  Sometimes it's incredibly easy and accommodating and sometimes it's a bit of a fight to even insert one finger.  But perhaps with winter steadily moving upon us it's just the cooler air that's the problem. 

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