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A bigger picture journey... Scares, thrills, questions, decisions... What a mess!

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Seriously guys, this is very interesting. I hope many people read it:

One of my subjects of fascination : anatomical representation or imaging of male and female genitals during coitus

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Wow! this is mind blowing stuff. Thanks for bumping your thread @Canacan.

I tried some of this tonight. No aneros, no heavy breathing, no PC contractions, just monitoring every tension and trying to relax and concentrate on building pleasure, or just allowing it to grow, and totally putting the thought of orgasm out of my head so I could just enjoy the sensations.
It got really good. Then a bit too good and I got an erection and that sort of killed things I think I surprised myself and lost concentration.
This is such a totally different way to go about things, bit like learning from scratch, but it feels good.
Thanks again.

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You are welcome.

I hope it answered some of the questions you asked me lately.

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You are welcome.

I hope it answered some of the questions you asked me lately.

Yes, thank you. This is what I was looking for and some things are starting to make sense now at last. Still a long way to go for me but it's a step in the right direction.

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@twocan7 I'm also experimenting with all of this. I used to think I was rewired I couldn't be further away if I tried. I read through threads and it has totally changed how I think about all of this. I'm managing to monitor my tension as the pleasure builds and it is amazing how it starts to build without me really noticing until I think about it and consciously relax the part of my body that is becoming tense.

The other big thing I have found is that before I was convinced my pleasure dropped off when I relaxed. I have noticed that in fact it doesn't and if you look for it it's still there just the same, that was just a mental block! In fact I can do nothing and the pleasure stays there I can keep it going just by concentrating on it and doing nothing else; that is really quite a big thing to realise.

I'm also trying to become less orgasm orientated and really forcing myself to stop seeing that as the only good outcome. Part of the tension thing was me trying to force myself into an orgasm and that is totally counter productive. Once my brain flipped out of that way of thinking I actually started really enjoying the pleasure I was getting without being desperate for an orgasm. It feels like I have started again from the beginning, still no orgasm using this new approach, in fact I think I am panicking when I feel it approaching rather than tensing like I used to and that's another mental block I have to get over, but I'm sure once I get back to that point it's going to be better than it was before.

Wow, I am amazed you managed to take that sharp turn under the stressful conditions you live in. I never would have thought you'd change that quick. But, see, you already are rewarded with newfound openness to your sensations and mental state. This will prove fruitful, it is plain to see.

An advice: do trust the insights your sensations give you when you have them, but don't be surprised the intensity and fluidity of the process may vary wildely (to the point of nothing working anymore or process being entirely different). Sometimes, what you have found during succesful phases will seem like illusions, like memories you dreamed. We are playing with subtle things. They are affected by everything. Constants are not how life works. So don't be frustrated or believe you got it all wrong when your sensitivity seems to abandon you. It then is just a more subtle lesson being taught to you... And also a healthy "breath out" phase.

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I think I actually fell asleep relaxing so much this morning. Was woken almost immediately with a bolt of what felt exactly like the Kundalini energy surging through me that I last felt quite some weeks ago, wide awake head buzzing, felt alive and energised. Gave me a pleasant fright. Now feeling the happiest I have felt in weeks. This is the way to go! I need to calm down and take it slow and learn from my past mistakes. Thanks @Canacan.

An interesting thought, which could be totally irrelevant - my clairvoyant friend who is 'tutoring' me was worried that my energy levels are now so high that I am likely to attract bad spirits in meditation (ok, you might not believe in this stuff) and has been teaching me how to draw my energy field in to protect myself. It has seemed strange to me that with all that energy I can't use it to orgasm like I used to, obviously I can't discuss this with her! It must be a case of learning how to use it properly, maybe I'm frightened of letting it lose now my energy level is higher and subconsciously protecting myself, in which case I wish I could get over the fear! Maybe this is why people get bad patches when they first start out.

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Honestly, I think belief systems (included the most advanced such as science) are rudimentary and not very helpful in these matters. Sometimes it's better to stop even thinking and reading about this all. In modern life, everybody is rushing too much everything. What the aneros journey suggest here is to take one's time at least with sex matters. But behold, people manage to rush even learning that... I know, I did that too. Anyway, time to learn to exhale after you inhale.

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Totally unrelated... Just little thoughts to keep:

- Thankfully awareness has its limits.

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Responding @Unfug's comment here:

Done. I hope you enjoyed the read and it was worth your while.

Absolutely !

Congratulations. And welcome to the club.

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I realized I only posted this link in chatroom. Fixing it now.

You should read it:

The Divine Feminine

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Quoting some useful tip and inspiring idea. For memory and sharing.

In spite of me favouring the do-nothing approach, I do find having a contraction to focus on very helpful to keep me in the moment. Holding a tiny bit of tension in my anus and seeing how lightly I can hold it before it no longer counts. It's like picking something up, lifting it an inch, and then very slowly lowering it down until it touches a surface. And then trying to find that point where it's not quite resting on something, but not quite being lifted either. Feeling what the muscle is doing.

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More random thoughts I'd like to keep:

- (best time to realize it is when suffering from a truly heart-breaking situation)
Pain is a blessing
(If it doesn't just save you, at least, because it gets out, it proves you are not finished... and many other reasons, like: if you can get pain you can get pleasure...)

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Of kundalini, qigong and psychosis
- A definite must read

It answers dozens of common questions here... And more.

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Yoda might have said:

"try is counter productive"
"try is useful only when it is meant to be counter productive..."

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Hey @Canacan,

I finally made it and finished reading your thread completely. You gathered quite a lot of interesting stuff here and I hope you will continue with that in the (near?) furture...

Cheers, Unfug

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Thanks for the link to Dr. Tan Kheng Khoo. He has a steady approach in his discussion of meditation in Buddhist, Taoist, and Kundalini traditions.

I'm joining to explore whether Aneros awareness and experience can lead into stable Kundalini rising - opening the third eye- and upper process to provide energy to clear and heal the brain, build the subtle body and lead to opening of citrini nadi, brahmi nadi - the upper channels that lead to brahma-randara, the twelve petals on top of the brain just before the opening of bindu - the parietal eye to the sky.

Orgasm in kundalini science is the activity of vajra nadi - a hint of higher consciousness; but vajra nadi, which is as wide as the cerebrospinal fluid on the outside of the spinal cord, inside the dural membrane, doesn't open the diamond cap which blocks full and steady access to the third ventricle - where the pineal gland, pituitary, endorphin-generating zone, and the regenerating cell division zone of the lateral ventricles are accessible to awareness... according to our guru.

To get a stable sushumna rising from the energy of vajra nadi ... one has to descend down the channel after the mini-orgasm of brain endorphin and loop around and forward from the tip of the coccyx into space outside the body, rising in the shape of the letter "J" to loop back and penetrate through the dan tien region to the hidden gateway to sushumna nadi at the front of the spinal column.

This is considered a diversion pathway, not the arousal from a sleeping seed form. You can do it with the soft belly breathing - a constant in kundalini instruction - on the exhale, imagining you are holding the elastic neck of a large balloon and directing the stream straight back ... to blow the dust off the old castle stone wall... until the secret doorway is revealed.

Push inward ... and then look up.

A large, natural influx of energy joins the coolness of the central channel, the central CSF-filled fluid channel of the spinal cord. The spine naturally lengthens and very quickly the breath may halt, spontaneous movements happen and stop in a posture. Words stop. The bliss state works its way further inside. With eyes closed.... look up.

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Aneros experience brought awareness, for me, into the junction of the prostate and seminal vesicles. The mixing of these fluids creates a warming acid-base reaction. This might be part of the energy for awakening from the seed form within muladhara chakra.

A circle of spears moving at just the right speed; prana and apana meeting, descending and creating just the right amount of heat to nudge the boulder off the blocked opening to sushumna nadi - is how our kundalini guru described it in what was published as Kundalini Vidya at

If you want to feel some of the interface between Aneros and kundalini ... hum "Vum, Vum, Vum Vum" and then "Zum, Zum, Zum, Zum", "Shum, Shum, Shum, Shum" and "Sum, Sum, Sum, Sum" ... the four sounds of the fours petals of muladhara chakra... with any of the Aneros objects in place.

In traditional kundalini initiation in India... learning how to tie a large knot to sit on was part of what the cotton robe or loin cloth was for. Iyengar yoga, Sivananda yoga and other forms of hatha yoga lead into mulabandha - how to hold hold the pelvic floor and position the pelvis and leg bones to relax the abdomen and get just enough pelvic floor lift, and gentle sphincter engagement to start the process.

Aneros seems to get this exactly right. Soft belly, quarter-strength anal squeeze. In the Iyengar yoga world Aneros would be considered a prop. It is more specific that sitting on a rolled-up yoga belt to get some awarness into the region. The interaction of the pulse, the craniosacral rhythym, the descending wave of peristalsis creates so many patterns of pleasureable experience with Aneros.

Soft belly breathing enables the air in the lungs to press the air in the abdomen. When the abdominal air balloon reaches Aneros or a gentle anal muscle or pelvis muscle contraction...the fluid column in and around the spinal cord starts to rise. All the nerves and muscles of the back relax. The central channel opens better, bathing the nerve roots with endorphins, testosterone, prostatic and seminal fluid anti-inflammatories, cortisol and probably hallucinogens like DMT.

Women get DMT from clitoral orgasm and the pineal makes a hallucinogen too, according to our kundalini guru. From Aneros I can see the nerves descending from the thoracic and lumbar spine down to the pelvic floor and genitals. The inner awareness that surges downward unifies the abdomen and pelvis into a single structure; the whole thoraco-abdominal cavity wave meets at Aneros and creates massive sensational ripples and waves of pleasure.

When Aneros begins to move spontaneously and the body begins to surge, tingle, wiggle, thrust and arch... I believe a genuine state of kundalini meditation - wordless bliss-awareness - is occurring.

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Hey @Canacan,

I finally made it and finished reading your thread completely. You gathered quite a lot of interesting stuff here and I hope you will continue with that in the (near?) furture...

Cheers, Unfug

Thank you.

It is very unlikely that I'll keep writing here. But unlikely happens every day. So who knows...

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Wow, you beat me at wall of text this time. Let me some time to read it and maybe answer with a vengeance. Thanks for contributing anyway.

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@Manipura You seem to know way more about where you want to go than you do yet know from experience. This is a hiatus you may want to avoid. Knowledge is not knowledge. True knowledge is ephemeral.

The main keys are extremely simple. With right mindset and time, anything can be done.

Just live and grow... You are made for that.

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Not really new, but maybe shorter and clearer:

My own opinion is that the mechanism of shaking is akin to the energy from the stimulation finding some outlet... any outlet, like a spark trying to find a grounding point. With practice that energy goes into sustaining the sensations rather than grounding itself in shaking.

I totally agree. Great description of the principle.

Normally, no shaking and no plateau... But hey, nobody can be perfect all the time.

The solution is training. The more intensity you can ignore, the more intensity you get.

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I like this reply:

The more intensity you can ignore, the more intensity you get.
I find this very true. I sometimes find myself running the pleasure through a safety valve, where I have my hand on the wheel at all times... I want the pleasure, but I want to control how much of it I feel, and when. It's a really subtle kind of "terror at the gates". A few times I've managed to overcome the existential fear and hold the valve wide open, letting myself be swallowed by the void. That's why I'm convinced there's something to this.

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Sorry in advance, this won't make any sense, but hopefully it will be of use someday.

Slow bubbles... Relaxed posture. Needles pin-point random locations with acute accuracy. There are no needles, nothing sharp or strong, just an echo. The void becomes more. Weakness becomes more, deeper. Inter-cells space widens. Atoms spread. Accept and welcome breaking point. Slow motion bubble-works of nothingness spreads (typically a forearm wide). Confident and easy gifts. Nothing gets time to be intense. Nothing is big. Nothing is fast. Nothing is long to come or go. Everything changes. Everything goes on. Nothing is disappointing. Ripples of sweet freedom. It cures stuff. It dances. Unlikely to be full body. Yet, as the works go randomly on, body will be covered as needed. Intuition is key. Change knows no failure.

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