• Parallels

    This is a continuation of my last blog post. I had the house to myself, and despite the last few consecutive nights of aneros use knew exactly what my body craved. And Eupho wasn't going to cut it. I wanted to test the reverse Kegal…

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  • New Revelations

    So I lie here with my Progasm Ice in reflecting on what have been an eye-opening couple of days. Until last night I'd not ejaculated since Tuesday, instead I've been focusing on Aneros use. Thursday night I used the Eupho Syn again, along with the…

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  • The Return

    Has it really been that long since I wrote an entry? I guess this is long overdue. I've got to admit I've not been as active here over the last year as much as I would have liked, nor had as many sessions. In the…

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  • A new Synsation

    The last few days have been a bit of a blur, but they have been profound. My aneros use has bordered on addiction recently in anticipation of my recently ordered Syn. Sessions have varied in length and the models I used in them. However perhaps…

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  • Afternoon Session

    Finally had the house to myself this afternoon, which meant one thing, a session with my favourite set of toys. After 5 days of abstaining from any sexual activity I was very turned on at the thought of a session. I took advantage of this,…

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  • First ever Dry-0

    Just wow, I'm speechless, after over 2 years of practice I had my first dry-O this morning, it was unreal. I admit I had become slightly sceptical but now, I get it. So began my build-up to the session, with an BM, then a bath…

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