• What a strange session …

    This was different indeed and quite the learning experience. Flushed myself out with an enema. Lubed up with the organic shortening which I’m really starting to like. Popped in the Progasm. Face down on the bed with a couple pillows under my hips. Had four…

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  • Okay session today

    Been fighting some bronchitis so I’m a little weak and tired. Had some nice SO’s but nothing like the last two session. Put the nipple suckers on for a while afterwards and inserted the big butt plug. Actually had a couple mini-SO’s with the butt…

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  • Best session yet!

    There always seems to be a new level, if you just wait for it. Tonight I had the most intense SO’s I think I’ve had. Started with the Progasm. Took four minutes to the first SO and they took off from there. Probably had one…

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  • What a weekend. Probably fifty SO’s

    Started a new job. It really keeps my mind occupied so I don’t get very wound up prostate wise during the week. Prostate came to life with a vengeance this weekend. Yesterday, Saturday, on my way in I started playing with my nipples in the…

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  • Extra good session today!

    Had not had a session in over a week until yesterday when I had some time. Not a peep out of my prostate for the whole week. Nipples even lost their sensitivity. Yesterday was a good session but nothing out of the ordinary. Well, like…

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  • Long time, great session

    Had not had a session on over a week. New job, holidays, no alone time just kind of drained the energy out of me. So tired and busy prostate didn’t even begin to whisper for attention. Had some time to myself today and got out…

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  • Another great Progasm Ice session

    Had some alone time this morning. Took about five minutes for things to get going but had some incredible SO’s. Finally hit the point where they were lasting a good minute or two. Morning sessions, face down, still seem to be the best. I guess…

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  • It was almost spiritual tonight

    Progasm is becoming my sole source of prostate pleasure. It just works. Tonight, it got so intense it was almost like I was sharing the event with other entities on another plane. First session was great. Good O’s and fairly frequently. Second session though was…

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  • Breathe!

    Got a copy of the book “Urban Tantra” this past weekend. Lots of interesting information in it regarding Tantra, chakras, moving energy. There’s a few chapters on sex techniques and practices, meditations, etc. The recurring theme in this book though is BREATHE! Breathe DEEP! Breathe…

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  • Few short sessions recently

    Nothing special to these sessions. All have been evening. Think I overdid a recent workout at the gym and depleted myself pretty well. I do feel like there is another ceiling about to break. Did some nipple diddling this morning and got myself to thrashing…

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