• Sitting Multiple Orgasms

    Hi A very strange session. I started it as usual and I decide to use Rice Oil as internal prelube (instead of Olive Oil), and I found it amazing: it gives a great mobility to the device. On the SGX i used the Shea Butter….

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  • Is it Squirting?

    <From: https://community.aneros.com/forum/discussion/14586/is-it-squirting#Item_1 > Hi to all I would like to share my experience with you regarding my last series of aneros-session. I started 2 days ago in the evening: was 10 days that I didn't use it and so I decided to awaken my prostate….

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  • Something new, incredible and unexpected

    <from: https://community.aneros.com/forum/discussion/14446/something-new-incredible-and-unexpected-#Item_1 > Hello to all of you. During my past post on my thread, started 2 years ago, I told you that during all of those years nothing important happend during the use of my SGX till last week when I reach some interesting…

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  • Back on the Blog

    <from: https://community.aneros.com/forum/discussion/12170/my-first-anal-prostate-aneros-session#Item_1 > Hello to all of you. It's a lot of time that I don't read this forum but during this 2 years I continue to use my SGX with no particular or significant effects, till last week. During the last 2 years I…

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  • 5th Session

    Hello Everybody… I Decide to stop a little from aneros and 2 evening ago I decide to do my 5th Journey. I Used the CD and the whole session was 2 hour lenght )or just a little bit more(. I reach some small orgasm during…

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  • Fourh Session

    <from: https://community.aneros.com/forum/discussion/12170/my-first-anal-prostate-aneros-session#Item_1 > Thanks to all who read my "journal" of progress. I Just finish my fourth session: I must admit, I can't wait a day for using again my aneros device. This time I focused much more to internal and anal sensation. I will…

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  • Third Session

    <from: https://community.aneros.com/forum/discussion/12170/my-first-anal-prostate-aneros-session#Item_1 > Hello Everybody… Let's talk about third journey with my aneros. First of all yesterday evening I decide to listen again the CD, and to follow the sensual Alana's voice. I did all of my session on my back and decide to start…

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  • Second Try

    <from: https://community.aneros.com/forum/discussion/12170/my-first-anal-prostate-aneros-session#Item_1 > Hello to Everybody… Yesterday evening I did my second journey with my aneros. This time I decide to do it alone, without the training of the CD. I inserted the SGX more gently than the first time, let him entering slowly and…

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  • My First Try

    <from: https://community.aneros.com/forum/discussion/12170/my-first-anal-prostate-aneros-session#Item_1 > Hello to everybody. After a long time, reading, seeing and thinking about having an Aneros device, last week I decided to order one. After talking with a friend of mine that owns an MGX and the Hypnaerosession CD, I decide for the…

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