• Less is More!

    Less? Really? I don't think so. LESS is MORE! Had some amazing -less orgasms this morning. First my wife did her magic on me, sending me to hyper orgasmic space during our play time this morning. She concentrated on my balls and perineum, massaging the…

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  • Sprinkles and Tips

    Sprinkles and Tips – sounds like an English dessert, doesn't it? Well, it was a dessert, of sorts. Delicious, decadent, filling, and down right tasty. Sprinkles – My sessions always include a lovely dose of pre-cum. The added frivolity with this session was that in…

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  • Reliability of being MMO

    As always, when alone time presents itself, I take advantage. I went through my preparation ritual and began with a slow, sweet insertion. Again, within just a few minutes I was well on the way to a fun session. This time it was a race…

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  • Variety Pack

    Multiple Orgasmic Man )MOM( – It means so many things, really. When I hear that term, I usually think of having a string of orgasmic pearls; they are on a thread and come along as pulses of bliss. Repeating in rhythm sending me up, and…

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  • Sweet and Subtle

    Woke this with a few hours of alone time on my hands. Decided on a morning ride with my friend, the Syn. As always, she entered me gently and settled in, ready to pleasure me. And, being the consistent toy that she is, within a…

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  • Time for a sleep over

    So, yeah, I thought I was done. But, that rewired gland was calling loudly, "Feed me, feed me." How can I refuse such a plea? It has been a long time since I've had the freedom to have a Helix Sleep Over. So, why not?…

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  • The Dame is not so sweet this time…

    Holy Cow! Decided on a second run with my friend the Syn. I think this friend needs psycho-therapy. The Syn, for me, is a bi-polar, manic-depressive thing. Only a few hours before she was sublime, sweet, easy, oh so sexy. Well, the polarity switch was…

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  • Perfect Place of Rest

    "To sleep, perchance to dream…" Got home after a busy, energy draining, yet fun four days. I have some alone time! Yea! I do the complete prep – manscape, shower, warm up the room, nice pillow, my favorite back ground jazz, dim lights, cleaned out,…

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  • Dame Syn

    Whole different physical reactions from my body with this Syn Session. I found myself, amidst my Super and Dry Os, bucking my hips up and down )laying on my back(. When the Dry Os came, they came in groups of four to seven in a…

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  • Swiftly run to peace

    Friends, Had some precious alone time in my hotel room while away at a workshop weekend. Needless to say, I took advantage of that solitude. I cleaned up, lubed up, and "put" up. Again, my only expectation was that I would experience something new, or…

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