• Sparkles and Bubbles

    Friends, I have learned so much on this journey. And I have so much more to learn. My most recent, crazy-wonderful experiences have led me to a place I never imagined. As my friend, artform, has explained, my body is having cellular based orgasms generated…

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  • Second Time is the Charm, and I am Sure Every Time Will Be

    For my second ride with the sublime Syn, I appreciated even more the lovely texture and the flexible P-Tab. And again, it felt like part of me and not a separate entity. I am also impressed with how quickly it does its magic on me….

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  • Maiden Voyage

    The Titanic may have sunk on her maiden voyage. I, however, sailed through with flying colors on my maiden voyage with my newly launched Syn. She is a fine looking vessel, from bow to stern, port to starboard. And she cruises as smoothly as any…

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  • My First Two Super Sessions

    Here are two entries from the first sessions that took me to Super O Land. Both are from August 2009, only three months after receiving my Helix and only a few sessions. These were from my first Aneros screen name. I no longer use that…

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