• Retro-blog: My first success with my Aneros Helix in 2012.

    I found this description of my first real success with my Helix Syn, about 3 months after getting it. Perhaps, some of the Newbies might find it encouraging. OhMy-OhBoy-OhYes! I had been attempting to learn the Helix Syn since obtaining it in late October, 2012….

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    So, Crimsonwolf was a meteor across the Aneros community skies.. He rapidly found himself very successfully anerosing and just as quickly Alessing “all the way”. Here is something he posted to a forum thread that I had started (I had completely forgotten about) in 2014,…

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    Neros was around from 2014 to 2016 and became an Aless expert. This is a forum post he made back then. I don’t know if it’s still accessible, so I am putting on my blog. But all the credit goes to him! Thank you, neros,…

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  • Chuckjo Graup Chat February 7-8, 2015

    Fellow Anerosers and members of the community: Many of the Aneros community have had the good fortune to get to know Chuckjo2000 and his special knowledge and abilities to train users (and non-users) in managing our own internal energies for our benefit and pleasure. Of…

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  • Six Mile High Club, Reprise

    23 FEBRUARY 2015 Six miles up and "lovin' it" My travel day started off fairly routinely. I had an e-ticket showing me that I was to fly out of Rochester at 11:30 to JFK and my overseas connection was at 7pm. No problem. When I…

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  • A-less and Aurora borealis, Five miles up!

    So there I was, at 36000 feet, flying over Iceland and Greenland, after sleeping a good six hours before on the 12 hour marathon, I waslooking out the window at the sparkling winter stars when I saw a band of pale gray green light with…

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  • A-less Energy Moving with Chuckjo2000

    This is the transcription of the amazing session some of us chatters had with Chuckjo2000 on the weekend of Feb 7-8,2015. Chuck asked that someone get the "word" to the other Aneros users and that those who have benefited from his mentoring should "pass it…

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  • Ravished/Ravaged by my PG ice and loving it )the Ravishing and the PG

    this is a partial recording almost in real time of what happened to me this morning at 3am when i awoke from 2-3 hours of sleep with my PG in. I know that half of it is unintelligible, but i'm leaving it as is, including…

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  • Second time around A-less

    Well, I tried it )A-less(again and…it worked, just amazingly. After about 10 minutes of gentle Kegels )both anal sphincter and PC, alternating(, I got into a "groove" of feeling what was like continued Kegeling, but I knew that I wasn't actually moving anything. And then…

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  • Going A-less, First success

    16 JUN 2014. Going on two years since I discovered the Helix Syn and 18 months since my first really rewarding session, I had been noticing posts by some of the veteran users about their being able to achieve the deep, full bodied pleasure of…

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