• Mood Setter

    Well a couple of times I've been asked what I listen to music wise to get turned on. Its kind of hard to say in just a few words so I decided I'd put up a playlist. Now keep in mind this is not one of those types of playlists that is subliminal and has all these specific frequencies and all that…honestly having a very diverse musical background…that crap annoys me and just makes me want to turn it off. I guess because its just sounds designed to relax you…however I dont need weird sounds to relax me…I can relax in silence…I'm pretty laid back to begin with. So this is for the music heads like me.
    Now this playlist really can serve a multitude of purposes. I use it primarily as a mood setter before a session….however I dont get up and turn it off…I just let it play, however at a point I do forget its there. This playlist can be used to set the mood before or during sex as well…the songs I have are certified panty droppers…if you dont know what that means…consult with me lol. Sometimes I really believe that men dont take time to get women in the mood…lots of time music helps…stop being lazy guys. Ok on to the list:
    Anticipation )intro( – Marsha Ambrosius
    Let Me Have Your Body – Tomi
    Freak'in Me – Jamie Foxx
    Take Care – Marsha Ambrosius
    Lay Down – Floetry
    So Much Sex – Tomi
    With You – Marsha Ambrosius
    Slow – Jamie Foxx
    Softest Lips – Eric Roberson
    Alone Together – Daley
    Primetime – Janelle Monae
    Late Nights Early Mornings – Marsha Ambrosius
    Magic Happens – Tomi
    Sex Never Felt Better – TGT
    Your Hands – Marsha Abrosius
    Now this is just one playlist I have. Most if not all of the songs can be found on youtube…just type title and artist. I have more and I'll post them in time. Now I realize that everybody may not like the style of music but do me a favor…be open minded. I really feel that most people arent diverse enough…that includes music. None of these tracks are rock, pop, alternative, country )although I really will do a country playlist soon as they have the best lyrics in the WORLD(, etc… Just take time to listen to the lyrics they should excite you at least some what. I honestly believe that I have listened to these songs so much )sometimes I even go to sleep to "slow jams"( that subconsciously the message they convey has worked its way in me. Now when I hear most of them…instant arousal. Now the lyrics are NOT meant for children. They are not too bad but I will warn you that they are sexually explicit so if you are very tame and scared so discuss sex I would advice you not listen…also log of of this site immediately.

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