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Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
J4 and a bunch have launched the Full Moon Club, where members, anyone who cares to join, all have sessions at (about…) 9:00 pm local time on the night of the full moon each month. The idea is to see if there is any resonance... Read More....
03/12/2009 282
While (probably) nothing to do with fish oil, one side note from my recent Progasm session, was that the big girl went in the easiest she's ever gone – only took about 5 minutes! In addition, my second anal (inner) ring is the one that... Read More....
03/07/2009 294
This morning has been uniquely pleasurable… No Aneros, yet my body has learned to bring about some amazing orgasms just sitting and working (or getting lost in erotic thought) or running some errands… It's some pleasure-on-demand capability I'm wired into. Woo-hoo! Who wouldn't want to... Read More....
03/03/2009 309
Today is the halfway point of the Fish Oil trip. Nothing noteworthy except that the GNC triple strength pills are indeed much less fishy than the Nature Made pills. Current level of 2241 EPA, 1509 DHA. I still haven’t surpassed my sessions of the first... Read More....
03/02/2009 294
During yesterday’s chat I was reminded of the experience of Jill Bolte Taylor, a brain scientist who analyzed the effects of her own stroke: Watching her intriguing and wonderfully articulate talk again, I was struck by her description of her dips into “right-hemisphere consciousness”—because it... Read More....
03/01/2009 309
Last night getting to sleep, the walk down the steps into Hypnagogia was great fun. Have you or your partner ever broken into laughter while halfway to sleep? The lower steps were almost completely covered with brightly coloured kitsch teapots shaped like little cottage cabins.... Read More....
02/26/2009 282
The last couple of weeks have been spent on the same plateau and with even a little retrenchment thrown in for good measure. During this time, there also seems to have been an explosion of new and talented forum players who walked right into their... Read More....
02/25/2009 294
On advice from the forum, I picked up some Probe Thick Rich at Walgreens. Without a doubt, the choice of lube makes a big difference. Up until now I had been using ID Glide; it had a tendency not to stay where I wanted it... Read More....
02/25/2009 309
I spent part of the day reading about chakras and their traditional mystical interpretations. I am definitely at a point where I can feel something—an energy—moving around and through my body. And, I can intensify the feeling just by focusing my awareness on it with... Read More....
02/18/2009 309
Yesterday was a good day. I got some things accomplished, and was feeling good. Upon retiring to bed, still bemused by my newfound ability to voluntarily induce pleasure, I did so and experienced a few dry-Os. Not to get too involved in a session though,... Read More....
02/18/2009 309