Welcome to the new Aneros Blogs. If you are new to the Aneros Community, please register.
Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
I just wanted to say hello to all as I have been traveling and other family problems have kept me from being here. My adventures with Aneros have not diminished one bit over the last few months and have actually improved. Most all sessions have... Read More....
07/26/2009 292
Well fellow anal adventurers, I am now entrenched in year two of the journey. I wonder how many of us there are out there who have committed a year plus to this undertaking with out ever achieving any of the o’s; super, dry or mini?... Read More....
07/24/2009 294
I turned 70 years in February this year. For many years I have been interested in the concept of males enjoying the benefits of multiple orgasms and first signed up for Jack Johnson’s KSMO seminar in 2004. Unfortunately, I have never been able to practice... Read More....
07/23/2009 317
Well… So much for abstaining from ejaculation. Let me explain. Yesterday I had another morning Aneros session. It was fantastic! But no further breakthrough into finding super-O's. And then through out the day my prostate kept crying for orgasm/pleasure. It's pleasant torture, but it's still... Read More....
07/23/2009 297
So, I have to remind myself to type up these blogs right after an Aneros session. As I seem to lose a fair amount of the enthusiasm the next day. LOL Yesterday I had two sessions. The first one was fantastic! The second a lot... Read More....
07/22/2009 297
I share these observations in case someone else might learn something new or useful from them. Am only a beginner, but think I've got a pretty advanced read on what's going on "down there" (and in our heads too) during these amazing experiences. So, my... Read More....
07/20/2009 319
Plan to blog much more about this fantastic new experience, but this first entry just wants to share a great arousal discovery I made last night/this afternoon. It was night 5 last night and day 6 this afternoon of "my Aneros enlightenment." Had napped for... Read More....
07/19/2009 319
I like to express myself in writing as well. When in intense sessions with the Aneros or Aneros Peridise I would come to having a lot of sexy thoughts, memories, emotions, and feelings. This would often bring me back to some erotic memories of when... Read More....
07/09/2009 289
It appears my Aneros lull has ended. I had an amazing session last night! I had the most amount of pre-cum on me that I've ever seen. And I could feel my prostate swell with arousal several different times within the session. I also felt... Read More....
07/09/2009 297
A couple of days ago, mrs. a and I awoke in the early morning and were feeling sensual and were caressing… general body caressing… I could feel my energies flowing with erotic overtones but instead brought my left foot up under the ball of one... Read More....
07/05/2009 282