I unlocked something last week. I dont know what it was but now all of a sudden my super-Os are really really intense. I’ve had orgasmic energy run up through my body and get trapped in my head. I could literally feel it in my brain. Its surreal. Ive had energy go to the tip of my penis and it feels like a gallon of cum is about to drop out of my cockhead. I’ve actually had both of my...

I unlocked something last week. I dont know what it was but now all of a sudden my super-Os are really really intense. I’ve had orgasmic energy run up through my body and get trapped in my head. I could literally feel it in my brain. Its surreal. Ive had energy go to the tip of my penis and it feels like a gallon of cum is about to drop out of my cockhead. I’ve actually had both of my...

I posted an earlier thread about me having a session where the intensity ramped up so much it made me feel queasy. This same day I was scheduled to travel that evening. Full disclosure...

The last few weeks I have been having a fairly consistent schedule of sessions. One day out of the weekend I have an Aless/Aneros session. Its typically 4-6 hours of pure orgasmic pleasure. Every 2 weeks I would couple that with a traditional ejaculation. Typically every other day I go to Crossfit. I looked at this mornings workout and did not feel up to it. So I stayed home and decided lets have a mid week session. I decided to...

The last few weeks I have been having a fairly consistent schedule of sessions. One day out of the weekend I have an Aless/Aneros session. Its typically 4-6 hours of pure orgasmic pleasure. Every 2 weeks I would couple that with a traditional ejaculation. Typically every other day I go to Crossfit. I looked at this mornings workout and did not feel up to it. So I stayed home and decided lets have a mid week session. I decided to...

So I woke up fairly early this morning. 5:17am to be exact. I was laying down actually reading through the whole Jeff Bezos scandal with AMI. All the slutty details. My mind started to ponder...

So last Saturday I treated myself to basically an all day session off and on. I started the morning with the Eupho Trident and the Helix Syn and those gave me just what I wanted from them. Very intense super-Os...

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