Please add PS New t...
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Please add PS New to your lineup or create a new prostate massager upon it

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Ladies and gentlemen,

A few days ago I received an e-mail from announcing an intriguing advertisement of the Heritage Pack which includes the Aneros Classic and the MGX Trident for $85 USD.

Upon closer investigation I found out that the Aneros Classic is actually the PS New from High Island Health. However, the Selection Guide in Aneros Archives gives some helpful information:

"The Classic is the first model based on our original prototype. It has a balanced, longer, ribbed stem with two nodules on the head. The perineum tab is our thick, standard design. The dimensions of the Classic make it scaled well for taller and bigger men."

The underlined feature in the above paragraph indicates that the Aneros Classic (PS New) reaches beyond the prostate and the "two nodules on the head" stimulate a guy's seminal vesicles.

It would be great that to add this model to its lineup of prostate massagers for sale or create a new product with a P-tab and K-tab along with the "two nodules on the head."

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