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Im probably doing something wrong?

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Im very interested in prostate massages. Im not new to things being in and out of my ass so I thought this would be something I would be good at. Recently I finally  made the desertion and bought my first massager- the normal white Helix Trident for its medium shape and direct stimulation. Ive only used it a few times now. Im gonna describe the sessions I've had with the Helix so you are up to speed and hopefully some one has advice for me that's a little more personal based on what you read and not the basic stuff I been reading all over the site that doesn't really help me-

The first time was when it had just got delivered to my place and had opened the box to look at it. Its honestly bigger than I thought it would be and I had no idea that it was going to feel like just a hard solid piece of plastic, but im not mad, Im very excited to start my prostate exploration! I was playing with it in my hand and reading the little booklet that was in the box when I just wanted to know how it just felt inside me. I guess I didn't really prep all that much as I lubed it up and teased my hole till it was nearly able to slide in. I think I pushed it in too far because the perineum peg was just stabbing me and it did not feel good at all. I tried to just let it fill me up and not do any contractions but, after a while it was weird to have it in there for longer because I didn't put enough lube. So I took it out, cleaned it, and then put it back in the box for a later time.

The second time I had the forum STICKY from noobies and the "How To" page of the main Aneros website up and I was just following the instructions as best I could. I laid on my side and brought my upper leg to my chest and slid the massager in but with a lot more lube . I do enjoy things in my ass and I pretty much got an erection which felt pretty good this time. Once it was all situated in my hole in a comfortable position I started to contract my sphincter muscles a bit like how was described in the instructions. I didn't feel the massager move like AT ALL like I thought it would and the perineum tab was kinda stabbing me again. I was "focusing" on the feelings I was supposed to get but it was a lot of pressure on the walls of my anus and nothing that felt like I was getting p-waves type beat. After a while I was just trying to take the massager out so I was slowly pulling on the 'T' intersection when the massager was only a bit out the tip was running over a good feeling spot and I was basically fucking myself with the massager there as it was giving me something this time. I was barely moving it because I know manual manipulation of the massager isn't recommended to do but, I think it was probably my prostate because I noticed that I was leaking a bit of pre-cum from my penis. After a while I just decided to leave the massager where it was and just masturbate to end the session. I cleaned and put the massager away. The weird thing is that if I tightened my muscles again to let my anus relax a bit and maybe my prostate if that what I was stimulating- I would feel some tingle from where the massager was but it wasn't in my ass. it was just a TINY little buzz that you had to really pay attention to to notice.

Just about an hour ago was my latest session. This time I was DETERMINED to just feel whatever happened and to follow the instructions to somewhat PERFECTION. I did the usual and lubed the massager up and started to insert it in to my ass like normal. This time I gave my self plenty of time to really just make the massager feel right at home. I was laying on my back with my legs crossed very loosely. I was just breathing deeply and contracting those muscles for what felt like hours to be honest. changing the strength of contractions and then trying to do like a reverse contraction where I was pushing out on the massager. Like last time...not a lot of good feelings. mostly felt like my ass had a butt plug in it and the contractions would bring the tab closer to me and was stabbing me once again so I hand to pull them back a lot. I was really trying to focus on any sensations no matter how small but there was absolutely nothing again. After a while I forgot that I had to take a shower so I brought the Helix in with me. It felt worse in the shower- probably because my ass was already sore from earlier in the session but it was unbearable to have the massager so I just jerked off again with it in my ass to get it over with and then cleaned and put it away after I dried off.

Im not really sure what im doing wrong here? Im open to any suggestions on how to make my sessions go a lot smoother so I can get to some good feeling p-waves...whenever that wants to happen. To be clear- Im a little educated on how it's supposed to feel when my prostate is stimulated because I used to have sex with my EX and I've had a prostate orgasm during anal. I guess my problem is that I can't 'find' my prostate with the massager as well so it's not stimulating anything for me. Should I not have the massager all the way in? and how do I keep the massager from getting pulled all the way up my ass when I do the PC muscle things?

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The only questions that I would ask after reading are:


1) Did you first lube your anus for e few minutes to loosen the sphincter up a bit?  I normally do this twice each time with a glob of lube on the tip of my index finger encircling the anus rim and then pressing in a bit.  I go in to the first knuckle to assure this works. Then I lube my Helix Syn V (similar to your Helix Trident structure and almost the same insertable length at 3.6 in vs. 3.5 for the Trident) all up and down and around the circumference.  When I di this, is drops right into place with the tabs on the handle gently touching my ass crack in back and perineum in front - a wonderful feeling.


2) This is probably what you do for position of the head I suspect.  Just to check and verify:  do you have the angle of the head pointing towards your belly?  See attached picture.  It is my understanding that it is this angled head it what should be rubbing / massaging against the prostate.


You have much more anal play long term than I do but I am learning from people on this forum, and they are very helpful and sincere.  I have had the Helix Syn V for over 1 year, and enjoy it 2-3 times a week maximum.  I give myself at least 2 days rest in between insertions for health and pleasure. 

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Posted by: @crease
Im not really sure what im doing wrong here? Im open to any suggestions on how to make my sessions go a lot smoother so I can get to some good feeling p-waves...whenever that wants to happen. Should I not have the massager all the way in? and how do I keep the massager from getting pulled all the way up my ass when I do the PC muscle things?

I don't think you are doing anything wrong per se. However, I detect a certain level of frustration due to what you are expecting to happen. This is a psychological problem for many newbie users, even those who have had an anal orgasm from a different type of stimulation as you have indicated. Prostate based orgasms are qualitatively different from penile based orgasms, as such you need to be able to set aside your association with traditional ejaculatory penile orgasms from this practice. My first suggestion to you would be to stop all penile masturbation when using your massager. Please read @cockadoodle ’s thread Penis, NOT and @rook 's thread Whole Body/Whole Mind - the mental side & @SteelColdiron 's thread Aneros: The Essential Mind State for a little insight. It might also help you to read @Neros 's post The truth behind how to "rewire".

You didn't make any mention of how aroused you were/are during you session attempts. Arousal is a critical element in achieving prostate orgasms, if you aren't highly aroused then not much is going to happen. You will need to work on developing arousal. Please read the threads Are you "aroused"? & Aneros, Arousal & Abstinence/Semen Retention, 21 day challenge post & @divine_o 's thread Arousal building methods.

Posted by: @crease
I started to contract my sphincter muscles a bit like how was described in the instructions. I didn't feel the massager move like AT ALL like I thought it would and the perineum tab was kinda stabbing me again.

A couple of points here. The instructions are merely guidelines to get you started, much of each man's individual journey is about exploring the nuances of his own body's reaction to various stimulation techniques. You will need to try a variety of techniques to find the combination that will move you forward, there is no specific formula which will work for you except the one you discover through your own adventures.Please see Super-O Myths & Illusions regarding 'the Edge' and a couple of other myths. Your massager doesn't need to move much to perform the stimulating action leading to orgasms but you must be able to focus on the subtle sensations that are being generated through this limited motion, they are there but you need to attune yourself to them. As far as the P-tab stabbing you, the easiest way to resolve this issue is to pad the tab with a sheet of folded up toilet paper. As you become more inured of the sensations you will eventually be able to drop the padding and will welcome the reassuring pressure the tab imparts.

Posted by: @crease
I was laying on my back with my legs crossed very loosely.{/quote]

I would suggest you uncross your legs. You want to allow the maximum amount of freedom for you massager to move. crossing your legs will tend to impede that movement. I would suggest you instead put a pillow under your lower back to raise your butt a bit and then spread you legs apart. you can have the legs straight or bent at the knees, whatever feels comfortable, you could even put the soles of you feet together with knees bent and thighs splayed out. these positions will allow the maximum amount of massager movement.

Finally, I recommend patience, Patience, PATIENCE. You are in the process of learning a new path to orgasmic pleasures. There is a learning curve to this process, a few men get it quickly but most of us take a certain amount of time to start achieving successes. Be patient, it is worth the practice.

Good Vibes to You!

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Posted by: @rumel

I detect a certain level of frustration due to what you are expecting to happen. This is a psychological problem for many newbie users

I’m not expecting anything life changing the first several times I use the Helix, I’m told there’s supposed to be sensations I focus on, all I feel is some pressure in my ‘bowels’ when I flex the muscles. I wouldn’t say it’s inherently a pleasant feeling and obviously just feels like something is up my ass because there literally is. I know everyone is different and experiences things very differently but there’s not really anything else I’m feeling to be honest. The only thing worth while is when I’m inserting the massager and all the bumps get to glide over everything- I get an involuntary contraction that does feel pretty good.


Posted by: @rumel

You didn't make any mention of how aroused you were/are during you session attempts

I’m young so my hormones are ‘crazy’ and doesn’t take much to make me aroused. I usually scroll through Twitter or Reddit for a bit before I really get in the mood which leads me to masturbate but now with my Helix I’m always trying to work on my prostate orgasms. By the time that I’m ready to start a session and my teasing my hole with the massagers tip, If I’m not already- I get an erection (It’s the best part of my sessions so far). After that- the pleasure pretty much dies down and Ive been trying to keep myself in my horny state by thinking about sexual fantasies while touching erogenous zones on my body or just going back to the porn that set me off in the first place


Be patient, it is worth the practice.


Thank you so much for your input though, I’m not discouraged to stop at all- I guess I’m just a little lost but I still have the drive to get a super O. I will absolutely up the patience. Hopefully we can stay in touch maybe, you seem to know what you’re talking about and I’m always going to have some questions. I’m also very interested to know more about your own experiences with aneros

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@rumel is the best on here from my experience.   He has given me much advice a year ago, and I read it all and adopted some of it, like "Penis, NOT" and arousal.  I practice both with some variation a minimum amount of time.  I have best luck when I am patient to allow arousal to occur - it takes time at the moment to sacrifice.

My best arousal mechanism is foreplay with my wife, pleasing her only and not myself - once she reacts, the arousal is starting on its way for me.

My 2 ¢ worth!
