Super-O Myths Illus...
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Super-O Myths Illusions

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The Aneros WIKI addressed some Misconceptions but certainly not all which have emerged from the growing practice of prostate massage. Over the past six+ years of Aneros use I've read numerous accounts outside of the Aneros Forum describing prostate orgasms (sometimes called 'the Big "O"' or 'Super-O') as being up to 400% as intense as a traditional orgasm. That sounds pretty darn amazing doesn't it? On this Forum, when you read through the thread My First Super Orgasm... or you read through some of the Testimonials threads or you view some of the X-rated videos posted on porn sites, you can't help but get excited to experience the same things, don't you? The effusiveness and exuberance of those accounts infuses your mind with an anticipation of experiencing those same sensations and then your ego starts to expect your reality to match those of others when you try to match their actions. This is where a major flaw in reasoning may occur.

Myth #1 - A formula for success : man [A] + action [B] X arousal [C] = result [D] may be true but what is not considered here is that each [A] is a unique individual with qualities and attributes quite different from other 'A's; likewise, each action [B] is nearly impossible to replicate on a consistent basis. Arousal level [C] must be present or resultant [D] will be nil (dud session). The result [D] is likely to be different on all occasions. Sometimes the resultant [D] is a Super-O, often it is not, but even when it is not a Super-O, it may be intensely pleasurable.
Now that formula that I just gave is simply hogwash. There are just too many variables to establish any formula for Super-O success. Some men (very few) are fortunate enough to experience a Super-O on their first use, some men have struggled for years to experience one, most men eventually experience one after learning the particular combination of attitude, arousal and technique that works for them. Myth #1 busted - There is no universal formula for success!

Myth #2 - "A Super-O is 400% more intense than a traditional orgasm." I have a real problem believing this for a couple of reasons. First, how does one measure the intensity of a traditional orgasm to begin with? Is there some device I am not aware of which can detect such "intensity" and then assign a value to it for calculation purposes? Secondly, (even if you could measure orgasm intensity) how much more intense does a dry orgasm need to be to be classified as "Super"? The dictionary’s #1 definition for the prefix word “super” is simply : “over, above, on top of”. It does not imply any particular degree of “over, above, on top of”. If the experience is 1% “over” a traditional orgasm, then technically speaking it is a super orgasm. Add to this confusion the factor of time. A traditional ejaculatory orgasm lasts somewhere between 7 and 15 seconds, how do you characterize a non-ejaculatory orgasm of relatively the same intensity which lasts 30-60 seconds or longer and then may even repeat in a cycle several times? This can also be considered a super orgasm. Myth #2, busted, (from the Aneros WIKI) - "Super-O's come in all shapes and sizes. Some are small, some are large, some are single, some are multiple, some are centered in one area while others are in another. Some are particularly intense, while others are more subdued."

Myth #3 - "You'll know it when it happens..." While this is certainly true for many individuals, it is by no means universal. Human beings are susceptible to a kind of perceptual blindness, when the conscious mind is too focused on one thing it ignores a great deal of the constant stream of sensory data available to it through the body's sensory mechanisms. This has both 'pro' and 'con' ramifications. On the 'pro' side this allows us to direct our energy in a very fine way to accomplish certain tasks without being distracted by external stimuli. On the 'con' side we completely overlook/miss happenings on the periphery of our awareness, this is something stage magicians have relied upon for making their sleight of hand deceptions seemingly invisible. Our brains do it to our thought processes as well, e.g. meditation training to control pain by directing focus away from the sensory input being provided by our body.
I think too many users read the posts of fantastic experiences by others and then expect their experiences to match them. They build an expected experience (a fantasy) in their mind and are frustrated when that experience fails to transpire in their sessions. When you focus mental energy on these expectations you may easily overlook/dismiss the very real (though subtle) sensations your body is providing you. We see, repeatedly, posts of men describing wonderful pleasure filled sessions of orgasmic sensations, even strong physical reactions, and still the poster claims "...not a super-O though...". I think some of these men have completely missed their Super-O because they were looking for something else, looking for the expectation and their mind has lead them into a perceptual blindness. It is important to stop thinking about your arousal and sensations in the context of traditional penile stimulation. Prostate stimulation and prostate based orgasms are different so doesn't it make sense to think about them differently? Often, in hindsight, these men do realize their experience was indeed outside the realm of their traditional ejaculatory orgasmic experience and was a Super-O, it just wasn't what they were "expecting". Dropping your expectations gives your mind the freedom/flexibility to focus on the sensations your body is actually sending to your brain, once there, your conscious and subconscious can play with those sensations in a myriad of ways to manifest a Super-O for your pleasure and enjoyment, it will probably come as a surprise when you can do that. Myth #3, busted, (from the Aneros WIKI) - "The Super-O is very personal and different for each individual."

Illusion #1 - "...what can I do to get over the edge..." With a traditional ejaculatory orgasm there is usually an attempt to control/influence the Point Of No Return (PONR) also known as 'the edge' and this can be accomplished though self discipline and training. But....
The journey toward a Super-O and prostate based orgasms is a different path and requires a different mind set, a paradigm shift in thinking about what constitutes an orgasm. IMHO, There is NO 'edge' for one to suddenly fall over. Your body's orgasmic potential is a continuum of sensations without distinct markers or divisions separating aspects of the experience. With regard to 'the Edge' please see @Zentai's thread Navigating "Almost-Almosts" : So you're almost there ?. With the traditional penile based ejaculatory orgasm there is a distinctive onset of involuntary ejaculatory spasms, this does NOT occur with the Super-O or most prostate based orgasms. It is unfortunate that many newbies do not grasp the concept of the Super-O and prostate based orgasms more readily, as such they are proceeding under a misinterpretation that a Super-O or most any prostate orgasm is like a hyper intense traditional ejaculatory orgasm, but it isn't! Illusion #1, busted, prostate orgasms come on as a continuum, the only boundary ("edge") is the one you establish in your own head.

Illusion #2 - "Bigger is better" While that particular saying is sometimes correct for many products it is NOT necessarily correct when it comes to prostate massagers for a couple of reasons. First, new users may find the larger models (Maximus, Progasm, Vice & DeVice) difficult to insert and uncomfortable due to their tendency to stretch the anal orifice more than the other models. While this situation diminishes with more experience, for some men (smaller physical sizes) extended sessions utilizing these models may always leave them a bit sore, thus detracting from overall pleasure. Additionally, men with BPH may simply find these larger models painful to use due to their increased pressure. Second, The larger models are less mobile, there is simply less slack space in the rectum for these models to move, so users have to use stronger, harder muscle contractions in order to achieve movements equivalent to smaller models, this will tend to fatigue the user sooner. Third, this decreased responsiveness may contribute to increased frustration (especially for new users) as they seemingly have to work harder to get their desired stimulation. Fourth, the "fuller, filled" feelings these models provide may only trigger peristalsis, an urge to defecate and early termination of one's session. IMHO, these larger models are not necessarily better but they certainly have their place as optional massager choices. Illusion #2, busted, the smaller models such as the Eupho or Tempo have elicited praise from many a veteran Aneros user, "Bigger is better" may be trumped by "Good things come in small packages..."

Good Vibes to You !

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We now have our very own Myth-Buster! This writeup is an excellent addition for new and experienced users.

I'm guilty of #3. If @rumel hadn't beat me with a Helix, I still might not have recognized it. And it's not that uncommon. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I wasn't sure it would happen for me. It was, and it took a friend to point it out.

Thank you!


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@rumel, great write up! Fantastic investigative work as always. I think your write should be a sticky as many newbies will benefit from this immensly.

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Thank you for that very informative post. But from the point of view of a novice, albeit one who's had a fair amount of success with the product, there is one area of confusion that no amount of trawling through the forum has managed to shed light on. That is, whether the much lauded super o is purely the pinnacle of one's own pleasure above and beyond the level of the dry orgasms usually achieved, or is it a different feeling altogether, one where the user feels a different path of arousal.

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Rumel --- Thank you for clarifying often mis-interpreted language and mis-labeled understanding for us! It's been through efforts such as yours to help me really understand the journey that has enabled my successes!


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Always good to have someone eloquent enough to be able to explain such things in a way that makes good sense. What I experience in my sessions is what I experience, and I try not to attach a label to what is a moving target. I had an experience once in my early times where I experienced the continuous waves after and an intense session without having to do anything, they just continued for a while, and have not been able to replicate in any way since then.

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I know we humans like to categorize and quantify everything but I find, like you, that there is just too many variables. For me I am contented to lay back and be grateful for whatever sensation I receive from a session. (some of which are amazing)

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That is, whether the much lauded super o is purely the pinnacle of one's own pleasure above and beyond the level of the dry orgasms usually achieved, or is it a different feeling altogether, one where the user feels a different path of arousal.

Good question. The challenge presented when trying to provide an answer is Super O's are very personal and tend to change from session to session and over longer periods of time. As such, I'm not sure there is a pinnacle. I also don't think there is a different path of arousal. At least it seems that stimuli tends to generate universal arousal.


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I hope you are not confusing an event (a Super-O) with a process ("...path of arousal."). There are multiple paths (techniques/processes) of arousal discussed on this Forum by which men come to experience a Super-O. While traveling along that path they may experience numerous other events (mini-O's, Dry-O's, HFWO's, 'dud' sessions, etc.) as well. IMHO, a Super-O is "a" pinnacle event (perhaps even a peak experience) but is not "the" pinnacle event of his journey, there will be many pinnacle events in a man's journey and it is only at the end of one's life would it be possible to reflect back and choose which event was the highest, best, most intense, most rewarding or...(choose your own superlative here) pinnacle experience.

I agree with @Xileh when he said -...Super O's are very personal and tend to change from session to session and over longer periods of time.

Each man's journey is an evolution of sorts, all of one's past experiences contribute to the present experience so no two Anerosessions will ever be identical. The process of 'rewiring' is an ongoing one, it does not end when you reach your first Super-O. Yes, you may say you're 'rewired' when you have reached that level of learning but there is always more to learn and experience so the process continues and evolves. Sensations which you experienced in the early phases of your 'rewiring' may no longer occur and new sensations will be encountered as your body and mind creatively combine in new configurations. As long as one remains open to new possibilities, has no expectations and is adventurous, there will always be new pinnacles from which one can enjoy the view.
Good Vibes to You !

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Well said!! Should be "required reading."

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@rumel --- Gotta love it..."there will always be new pinnacles from which one can enjoy the view"! That IS all I need to know!


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Illusion #1 is so important. Pushing to get over the edgeis like a hidden trap.

Regarding Myth #1 though, and the universal formula. I don't have a problem with anyone sharing the formula that personally worked for them. I've been browsing these forums and the wiki for years, and have found stuff like that invaluable for getting past some plateau or other. Even something small, like a word used to describe a sensation can get me thinking in another way and give me something new to focus on. It can cause me to pay more attention to sensory or muscular things that otherwise wouldn't have occurred to me. It's like browsing piles of raw data and seeing some small, interesting anomaly, and a variable you didn't know existed.

I think a large part of being stuck is having tunnel-vision, both in terms of your approach and your expectations. Having this raw data can present a direct challenge to certain assumptions, and put you back in explore mode. Granted, we should always be in explore mode, but I think we can be blind to the fact that we're not. I've had sessions where I knew I should relax, and thought I was, until I noticed a place I'd been holding tension in all my sessions. Or that I had stopped relaxing and didn't realise it.
The problem with high-level instructions, is that we can agree with them, and think we're following them, but there's something else we're doing that we're not aware of. I think there's tremendous value to reading about all the variables, what their ranges are, and how it reflects on your own sessions. Widening your frame of reference and putting names on things that defy description.

I'd hate to think anyone is discouraged from sharing their perspective at the risk of being called out as a myth spreader and newbie misleader. The Wiki is great, but in my experience it's not enough.

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@clenchy, well said!

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With regards Illusion 1, there is threshold, but it's extremely broad and the sides are not sharply defined. It's possible to reach a state that feels like you're ready to tip over, but you don't, yet having been in that state for many minutes you may gradually realise that you entered orgasm without there having been an obvious transition. Pushing won't get you over "the edge" -- it's more likely to take you backwards.

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I'm beginning to get this now, so to all of those who freely share their experiences for the benefit of others, heartfelt thanks.
I'm guilty as charged when it comes to categorizing. I think what threw me initially is the use of the word 'orgasm'.
For me, and I presume, others who are new to this, one traditional orgasm feels like another, they just vary a bit in intensity. So my natural assumption was that, one dry o feels like another dry o, and a super o feels like a dry o but more intense, I hereby stand corrected.Henceforth, I shall just melt into every session and see what happens. And believe me, there's quite a bit happening lately.

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Rumel......I always look forward to reading your posts. This one was perfect as usual.
Just wanted to say thanks!

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I do agree with the part that bigger is not always better,I have had my eupho syn for some time now and have just lately started using it regularly and I must say that I have learned a lot in my last few sessions it has given me feelings the other aneros massagers have not. Thanks for your post .

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Rumel states that a super-O is considered to be an orgasm above and beyond the typical orgasm, that vary in intensity. This being the case I can honestly say that I have crossed over. My Prostate based orgasms are far more intense than my TOs with or without the aneros tool. Another thing, I've never felt the need to have a session more than 90 minutes long, and I can reach orgasm in about 20 minutes on a good day. I now realize how damn 'super' that is..!I fooled myself into thinking that the Super-O was when you were taken to that 'other place' we read about in other posts. While I'm sure this 'other place' exists I have not achieved that level of arousal as of yet. But, I'm sure I will eventually with patience and practice. Well congrats to me..! And thanks to all for the fantastic tips and advice posted here. Long may this forum flourish.

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Myth #1 - A formula for success : man[A] + action X arousal[C] = result[D] may be true but what is not considered here is that each [A] is a unique individual with qualities and attributes quite different from other 'A's; likewise, each is nearly impossible to replicate on a consistent basis. Arousal level [C] must be present or resultant [D] will be nil (dud session). The result [D] is likely to be different on all occasions. Sometimes the resultant [D] is a Super-O, often it is not, but even when it is not a Super-O, it may be intensely pleasurable.
Now that formula that I just gave is simply hogwash. There are just too many variables to establish any formula for Super-O success. Some men (very few) are fortunate enough to experience a Super-O on their first use, some men have struggled for years to experience one, most men eventually experience one after learning the particular combination of attitude, arousal and technique that works for them. Myth #1 busted - There is no universal formula for success!

Interesting Theory- I might argue though, that you can perceive that the orgasm is 400% (4 times) stronger or even 10 times if it lasts 4 or 10 times longer. Intensity is difficult to quantify. You can describe pain as a scale of 1 through 10!, but intensity of pleasure doesn't fit that model so well. I think it has something to do with time. Did the peak last 5 seconds or 5 minutes. A strong peak that lasts 4 times as long time may be described as intensely pleasurable or 400% better because it lasted 4 times as long as usual. I think if the peak was 4 times as intense, my head would explode!
I would think that there must be something happening physiologically that might be able to be measured, whether it is brain activity or the electromagnetic pulse in a muscle. Who knows?
Have there been any neurological studies of the super-o? Sounds like it would be an interesting topic for a government grant! 🙂 Any volunteers?
I very much enjoyed reading you theory! 😀

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Thanks for bumping this thread.

As my A-less journey continues the more I think that I, and probably everyone else, is entirely unique in their method and experience.

So often I read a post advising on technique and completely disagree because it doesn't fit in with my experience, but I resist from posting a response because I know that it's just me and what works for me is just what works for me at the moment. For instance the repeated advice to relax just doesn't do it for me still and I have to have some tension to maintain an orgasm, but I'm working on it. For me trying to completely relax usually kills an orgasm, but that's just me and where I am at the moment. Despite that I'm having mind blowing orgasms and once I can learn to relax properly it can only get better, but worrying about the fine detail such as relaxation and thinking that I'm doing it 'wrong' is also counter productive.

There are so many myths and 'rules' which are in reality just opinions and advice. The bottom line is that it's all about just enjoying yourself and being happy with where you are. Take advice and experiment and remain open to what is possible, never think that you are doing it wrong if it works for you, judge a Super-O by your own experience not by anyone else's, and just enjoy yourself!

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Posted by: @rumel


The Aneros WIKI addressed some Misconceptions but certainly not all which have emerged from the growing practice of prostate massage. Over the past six+ years of Aneros use I've read numerous accounts outside of the Aneros Forum describing prostate orgasms (sometimes called 'the Big "O"' or 'Super-O') as being up to 400% as intense as a traditional orgasm. That sounds pretty darn amazing doesn't it? On this Forum, when you read through the thread My First Super Orgasm... or you read through some of the TESTIMONIALS threads or you view some of the X-rated videos posted on porn sites, you can't help but get excited to experience the same things, don't you? The hyperbole of those accounts infuses your mind with an anticipation of experiencing those same sensations and then your ego starts to expect your reality to match those of others when you match their actions. This is where a major flaw in reasoning may occur.

Myth #1 - A formula for success : man[A] + action X arousal[C] = result[D] may be true but what is not considered here is that each [A] is a unique individual with qualities and attributes quite different from other 'A's; likewise, each is nearly impossible to replicate on a consistent basis. Arousal level [C] must be present or resultant [D] will be nil (dud session). The result [D] is likely to be different on all occasions. Sometimes the resultant [D] is a Super-O, often it is not, but even when it is not a Super-O, it may be intensely pleasurable.
Now that formula that I just gave is simply hogwash. There are just too many variables to establish any formula for Super-O success. Some men (very few) are fortunate enough to experience a Super-O on their first use, some men have struggled for years to experience one, most men eventually experience one after learning the particular combination of attitude, arousal and technique that works for them. Myth #1 busted - There is no universal formula for success!

Myth #2 - "A Super-O is 400% more intense than a traditional orgasm." I have a real problem believing this for a couple of reasons. First, how does one measure the intensity of a traditional orgasm to begin with? Is there some device I am not aware of which can detect such "intensity" and then assign a value to it for calculation purposes? Secondly, (even if you could measure orgasm intensity) how much more intense does a dry orgasm need to be to be classified as "Super"? The dictionary’s #1 definition for the prefix word “super” is simply : “over, above, on top of”. It does not imply any particular degree of “over, above, on top of”. If the experience is 1% “over” a traditional orgasm, then technically speaking it is a super orgasm. Add to this confusion the factor of time. A traditional ejaculatory orgasm lasts somewhere between 7 and 15 seconds, how do you characterize a non-ejaculatory orgasm of relatively the same intensity which lasts 30-60 seconds or longer and then may even repeat in a cycle several times? This can also be considered a super orgasm. Myth #2, busted, (from the Aneros WIKI) - "Super-O's come in all shapes and sizes. Some are small, some are large, some are single, some are multiple, some are centered in one area while others are in another. Some are particularly intense, while others are more subdued."

Myth #3 - "You'll know it when it happens..." While this is certainly true for many individuals, it is by no means universal. Human beings are susceptible to a kind of perceptual blindness, when the conscious mind is too focused on one thing it ignores a great deal of the constant stream of sensory data available to it through the body's sensory mechanisms. This has both 'pro' and 'con' ramifications. On the 'pro' side this allows us to direct our energy in a very fine way to accomplish certain tasks without being distracted by external stimuli. On the 'con' side we completely overlook/miss happenings on the periphery of our awareness, this is something stage magicians have relied upon for making their sleight of hand deceptions seemingly invisible. Our brains do it to our thought processes as well, e.g. meditation training to control pain by directing focus away from the sensory input being provided by our body.
I think too many users read the posts of fantastic experiences by others and then expect their experiences to match them. They build an expected experience (a fantasy) in their mind and are frustrated when that experience fails to transpire in their sessions. When you focus mental energy on these expectations you may easily overlook/dismiss the very real (though subtle) sensations your body is providing you. We see, repeatedly, posts of men describing wonderful pleasure filled sessions of orgasmic sensations, even strong physical reactions, and still the poster claims "...not a super-O though...". I think some of these men have completely missed their Super-O because they were looking for something else, looking for the expectation and their mind has lead them into a perceptual blindness. It is important to stop thinking about your arousal and sensations in the context of traditional penile stimulation. Prostate stimulation and prostate based orgasms are different so doesn't it make sense to think about them differently? Often, in hindsight, these men do realize their experience was indeed outside the realm of their traditional ejaculatory orgasmic experience and was a Super-O, it just wasn't what they were "expecting". Dropping your expectations gives your mind the freedom/flexibility to focus on the sensations your body is actually sending to your brain, once there, your conscious and subconscious can play with those sensations in a myriad of ways to manifest a Super-O for your pleasure and enjoyment, it will probably come as a surprise when you can do that. Myth #3, busted, (from the Aneros WIKI) - "The Super-O is very personal and different for each individual."

Illusion #1 - "...what can I do to get over the edge..." With a traditional ejaculatory orgasm there is usually an attempt to control/influence the Point Of No Return (PONR) also known as 'the edge' and this can be accomplished though self discipline and training. But....
The journey toward a Super-O and prostate based orgasms is a different path and requires a different mind set, a paradigm shift in thinking about what constitutes an orgasm. IMHO, There is NO 'edge' for one to suddenly fall over. Your body's orgasmic potential is a continuum of sensations without distinct markers or divisions separating aspects of the experience. With the traditional penile based ejaculatory orgasm there is a distinctive onset of involuntary ejaculatory spasms, this does NOT occur with the Super-O or most prostate based orgasms. It is unfortunate that many newbies do not grasp the concept of the Super-O and prostate based orgasms more readily, as such they are proceeding under a misinterpretation that a Super-O or most any prostate orgasm is like a hyper intense traditional ejaculatory orgasm, but it isn't! Illusion #1, busted, prostate orgasms come on as a continuum the only boundary ("edge") is the one you establish in your own head.

Illusion #2 - "Bigger is better" While that particular saying is sometimes correct for many products it is NOT necessarily correct when it comes to prostate massagers for a couple of reasons. First, new users may find the larger models (Maximus, Progasm, Vice & DeVice) difficult to insert and uncomfortable due to their tendency to stretch the anal orifice more than the other models. While this situation diminishes with more experience, for some men (smaller physical sizes) extended sessions utilizing these models may always leave them a bit sore, thus detracting from overall pleasure. Additionally, men with BPH may simply find these larger models painful to use due to their increased pressure. Second, The larger models are less mobile, there is simply less slack space in the rectum for these models to move, so users have to use stronger, harder muscle contractions in order to achieve movements equivalent to smaller models, this will tend to fatigue the user sooner. Third, this decreased responsiveness may contribute to increased frustration (especially for new users) as they seemingly have to work harder to get their desired stimulation. Fourth, the "fuller, filled" feelings these models provide may only trigger peristalsis, an urge to defecate and early termination of one's session. IMHO, these larger models are not necessarily better but they certainly have their place as optional massager choices. Illusion #2, busted, the smaller models such as the Eupho or Tempo have elicited praise from many a veteran Aneros user, "Bigger is better" may be trumped by "Good things come in small packages..."

Good Vibes to You !


A really great sensible sounding thread with touchpoints that echo my own experiences  in trying to understand the mental approach to using my aneros products and very helpful too .I also have made the fundamental error of focusing on pleasure expectations based on other people's experiences

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This was so helpful to read!

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Posted by: @rumel

The hyperbole of those accounts infuses your mind with an anticipation of experiencing those same

I have to be honest, a part of me hopes it isn't just hyperbole. People on this forum have sworn they experienced the things in videos that I can't help but laugh at.

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@clenchy I don’t think rumel is saying that these experiences are exaggerated by the users that write/videotape them. I think that he is saying they are hyperbole with respects to a) that person’s normal experiences (because people rarely write about or videotape “mediocre” experiences), b) other users’ experiences, c) the collective experience of all users. Hyperbole doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen, just that it is unlikely to happen in that way for a given person, and certainly not every time. So it shouldn’t be what you expect to happen to you. Your experience should be unique, forged untethered from expectation and comparison. But feel free to chime in, @rumel , if this is a misinterpretation!


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@Clenchy @divine_o

There is merit in both comments. Personally I wouldn’t have used hyperbole in that passage. It reads to me like it read to clenchy,exaggerated claims spring to mind first lol. 
But never mind 🙂

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@Clenchy & @Helghast perhaps the use of the word 'hyperbole' was inappropriate and I couldn't come up with a more appropriate word, still can't really. I believe @Divine_o did GROK my intended meaning.

@Clenchy, I did not intend to imply that user's reports are exaggerations of their experiences, those experiences may be very real ones for that individual but because every man's reaction and experience is unique reading those reports may be misleading by creating expectations that your experience will match someone else's. While your experience may be similar to someone else's it may also be very unlike theirs. Often our language is inadequate to precisely express our thoughts and thus misinterpretations are common, for this I am sorry I didn't have a better word to use.

If you guys have a better word I could have used please let me know and I'll edit my original post to clarify things.

Good Vibes to You!

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Maybe PERSPECTIVE or INTERPRETATION or something else like that. It’s no big deal really.


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