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Your techniques for a session (contractions)

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I like to observe the do nothing approach mostly however of late in finding myself doing a little more with active contractions which is taking me in new and exciting directions!

Like the wiki says I have a constant base level contraction then I like to do small holding ones (I call whisper contractions) then perhaps slighter stronger ones for a few seconds before returning to the base level.

for some sessions I just do a longer holding contraction until involuntaries start then either back off or continue to hold.

Whats your technique?

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I use the do nothing technique to start a session. Within 5 mins I feel the twitching sensation within that gets stronger as I go on. Next my breathing becomes stronger. I then adopt the deep belly breathing technique, as I breath in it causes more pressure to be exerted on my prostate and aneros device moves more. This is when the fun really starts.

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@The_Fury I start almost all sessions now like you do. But I will ramp-up the contractions and the resulting stimulation based on how I am feeling at the time. There is no set formula for me. Sometimes things really take-off and that is great. But other times things settle-down and it is somewhat disappointing. But all sessions are different. And when the session is over, there is always that warm, comfortable Aless feeling that can last for hours afterwards.

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I like to observe the do nothing approach mostly however of late in finding myself doing a little more with active contractions which is taking me in new and exciting directions!

Like the wiki says I have a constant base level contraction then I like to do small holding ones (I call whisper contractions) then perhaps slighter stronger ones for a few seconds before returning to the base level.

for some sessions I just do a longer holding contraction until involuntaries start then either back off or continue to hold.

Whats your technique?

Can you clarify what you mean by the "do nothing approach"?

Stupid question on my part as a Newbie....but are you literally lying there without attempthing contractions and doing nothing down there for 5 minutes?

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Can you clarify what you mean by the "do nothing approach"?....but are you literally lying there without attempthing contractions and doing nothing down there for 5 minutes?

Please see the thread "Do Nothing" What does that mean?
Good Vibes to You !

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Please see the thread "Do Nothing" What does that mean?

Thanks...I will check out the other thread.

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