Which Aneros Toy Wo...
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Which Aneros Toy Would You Recommend?

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Which toy to use?


I've noticed aneros has a decent selection of products. I've had some experience with anal play, receiving through fingers and a vibrator but never using something which specifically targets the prostate or aims to achieve a prostate orgasm.


Being relatively new to anal play, with the objective of achieving a prostate orgasm from my girlfriend using a toy on me, I'd be interested to hear users opinions on which toy to go for.

My current preferences, with the caveat that these are preferences formed through little to no experience, are:

Material - not sure about pros and cons here but I'm not fussed

Size - not particularly fussed. I doubt any are larger than a vibrator?

Vibration - I imagine this to be pleasurable. Vaguely enjoyed this with the vibrator play but again, I have no experience with a prostate massager

Practical considerations - Am likely to predominantly/only have my girlfriend use this on me rather than solo use (although may do some experimentation to make myself more comfortable)


If there's a general consensus on which toy is most effective at achieving orgasm, I'd appreciate any insight here. 



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Posted by: @jackwillssuperiorquality

Which toy to use? If there's a general consensus on which toy is most effective at achieving orgasm, I'd appreciate any insight here.

First, I'd like to Welcome you to our little community. Unfortunately, there may be no general consensus on which Aneros device"...is most effective at achieving orgasm,...". If I was only allowed to have one Aneros massager (I have then all) it would be the Helix SYN V (please see my review along with other members). For a discussion of other models I invite you to read the thread The Best Aneros model is....

Since you are a newbie to the Aneros journey, I encourage you to do some extensive reading starting with the Introductory Message to New Members, in addition to the Aneros Learning Center information sources. There are also independently written guides for Aneros use, just Google "Aneros use guides" to find a few on the internet.

Good Vibes to You!

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I concurr with Rumel. Education is as important if not more,as which model you choose. For me each one I chose, just got better and better, but if I had to do it again I would have sarted with the Peredise, or the Eupho. Since you have a willing partner, I would suggest yu start with the Peredise set, that way you could enjoy the journey together. 

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One of the helix’s is a good place to start. You’ll need to practice with it a bit until you can orgasm with it. 

The toys aren’t designed for someone else to use them on you,so bear in mind your gf will be responsible for the arousal that will carry you to orgasm,not so much using the toy. Your pelvic floor muscles control the toy. Although playing together and arousing each other should spur you on to your goal.

IMO vibration toys are best kept until you are more advanced. 

Once you’ve rewired and are experienced in prostate pleasure,the gf can then give you orgasms via massage,or pegging,if her actually giving you o’s is a goal.

Keep us updated. 🙂


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Buy one of everything! They have a nice sale going on between now and the 6th! 

Seriously, my mind has changed on the vibration thing. You can't go wrong with any Helix model, since size is not an issue, I would get the SynV, not that it is huge, but it is a little bigger than the original helix.

You don't have to use the vibe, it works very well without the vibe, but the vibration patterns are just one more tool to help your rewiring. 

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I am still very green with the SynV, and I am curious if others have shared a similar experience. I love the vibe now, and I was more or less opposed to the idea in the past, but the vibe has its "box" where it needs to stay sometimes.  I have had some intensely pleasant sessions with the vibe on, and for some reason I have leaked like never before, but it hasn't lead me to the super-o yet. It is Almost like the vibes, even on low,  are too intense. However, vibration primed me like nothing else to experience a super-o at a later time. It's a pretty cool device. Maybe it is just novel for me, but the shape has been sending me to super-o levels alone without vibes on a day after a vibe session.  

I'm thinking the vibe really help you to work out your muscles and prepare you for work without vibration. Whatever it is, I am impressed.

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Thanks for everyone's input and information! 

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I personally wouldn’t go for the vibe versions- I find it’s just a distraction that doesn’t feel natural, when having one of the other models can turn your entire body into a vibrator oscillating at the same frequency as your mind, triggering a positive feedback loop that can literally send you to oblivion!

I started with the helix syn- beautifully velvety to the touch and hence gentle when it’s in there.. but strokes you like the devil is licking your prostate.

The bigger versions are only nice if you’re already going pretty well and in that case you’re better off staying on the helix rather than have an interruption to switch.


then I bought the Psy when it came out.

they make a big deal about the adjustable depth but that’s not what will make this massager legendary - it’s the very very aggressive profile of the head which basically means you can have it poke the prostate centre in the nerve hotspot while also pushing upwards on the seminal vesicles and milking you.  There is nothing better than letting those glands go and pushing out till it drips free. Epic epic toy, a dream come true for all men!

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Get the HSV - you don’t have to use the vibe! Once you’ve been able to enjoy the smooth Syn experience, you can try the different vibrations and enjoy each and every twinge and wave! Easy to clean and you won’t need a lot of lube! Second choice would be Progasm Jr with it’s sleek smooth design!

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Posted by: @rcat0
Material - not sure about pros and cons here but I'm not fussed

Get a "classic" plastic model. They're easier to clean and retain less smell. Which makes them easier to live with. I'd only recommend silicone models to committed Aneros users, who are already sure.

Posted by: @rcat0
Size - not particularly fussed. I doubt any are larger than a vibrator?

Yes, these models are much smaller than a vibrating realistic dildo.

Posted by: @rcat0
Vibration - I imagine this to be pleasurable.

I think vibration has a numbing affect that kicks in pretty quickly. But if you only want quick sessions, then maybe.

Posted by: @rcat0
Practical considerations - Am likely to predominantly/only have my girlfriend use this on me rather than solo use (although may do some experimentation to make myself more comfortable)

These are not devices designed to be moved manually. If you want that, I'd say invest in a box of latex gloves. Having your girlfriend use her fingers would probably be 1,000 times more intimate.

Posted by: @rcat0
If there's a general consensus on which toy is most effective at achieving orgasm, I'd appreciate any insight here.

There isn't. Breakthroughs are very random, and it happens differently for different people. The only thing I think most people agree on, is that the Helix is a good starter model, with a fit that suits most people.


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Agreed on everything you said ! 

Although I would recommend nitrile gloves to allow for using oil-based lubes. A classic Aneros is also compatible with all lubes which is a big plus in my opinion. 

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@rumel  The links you wrote do not open, exept one Aneros wiki, just you to know.


This post was modified 8 months ago by Buttin

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@buttin Thanks for pointing that out. I've gone back and updated those links to work correctly now. This has frequently happened over the years as Aneros has gone through their upgrades and revisions such that they change the paths to all the information in their forums. Unfortunately these path changes do no trickle down into all the posts members have made and thus links gets broken. I try to fix mine when people make me aware of the problem as best as I can but inevitably some links won't get corrected until they are brought to my attention, please understand that I have been posting here for over 17 years so there are a lot of very old posts with broken links that I only fix when made aware of them. Thanks again for catching this posts broken links.

Good Vibes to You!

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