Was this a "Super O...
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Was this a "Super O"?

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Just wondering if someone could tell me if this was a "Super Orgasm". After experiencing two erections, hands free with the helix syn, nothing much was happening. I then decided to take a timeout and let the erection subside. I relaxed for a couple of minutes and then decided to give it another shot. Usually a third erection is difficult to achieve but the helix did it work sensationally. I continued the contractions and then suddenly my legs and upper body started to shake uncontrollable for about five seconds. The contractions continued and 20 seconds later there was another wave of uncontrollable shakes for five seconds. This continued for about an hour with waves of shakes lasting between five and ten seconds. I was in pure bliss. My mouth became incredible dry throughout the experience and at no stage did I ejaculate. Afterwards I was light headed and footed for about 90 minutes.

Any thoughts on whether this was the Super O and has anyone else experienced something similar?

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Only you can determine the answer to that question. I get the shakes all the time, but there is very little pleasure associated with those shakes, so I do not equate them to any kind of orgasm. You, however, may feel completely different.

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Like @forum_jedi says, it`s for you to decide. But when I get the shakes like you describe it`s usually because I concentrate hard on my contractions, have good feelings and breathe heavyer. It is bliss, but it`s not what I experienced as the super-o.

The undeniable signs of my super-o approaching or beeing there:
1. Heartbeat goes waaay up in just a few seconds.. Like I`ve been running a mile already.
2. Waves of almost "cold shivers" and something that feels like the blood rushing through bloodvaines locally around my buttocks start. When I tip over, these waves accompanied by the feeling of an electrical buzz spreads out connecting what feels like every nerve single nerve in my body out to my fingertips and toes originating from the prostate area.
3. The tipping over after the buildup phase is almost like opening a dam of a lake. It just pours over your body, unmistakable. And I think everyone calls this a wave because the way it spreads out over your body.

I`m just gonna guess, but I think you have aloooot more to look forward to 🙂

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... I continued the contractions and then suddenly my legs and upper body started to shake uncontrollable for about five seconds. The contractions continued and 20 seconds later there was another wave of uncontrollable shakes for five seconds. This continued for about an hour with waves of shakes lasting between five and ten seconds. I was in pure bliss. My mouth became incredible dry throughout the experience and at no stage did I ejaculate. Afterwards I was light headed and footed for about 90 minutes.IMHO, from your description of events (unless this is a typical orgasmic response for you) you DID experience a Super-O. I think it is important to remember each man's response to these Aneros massagers is as unique as the individual using them, therefore his Super-O is going to be unique as well. While reading about (or viewing) other men's experiences may be interesting (even tittilating) it may only confuse you into expecting certain reactions which may never occur for you.
I agree with 'forum_jedi' & 'Alex_xxx' in that only you can make a determination of whether you've had a Super-O or not. I would encourage you to read the Aneros 'WIKI' for a definition of the Super-O, additionally, I think you'd profit from reading the threads What's an Orgasm?, What exactly is a Super-O and especially, please read 'B Mayfield's response in the thread Non-Ejaculatory response vs. Super-O.
Just as 'BF Mayfield' said Super-O's come in all shapes, colors and intensities! Enjoy them all.

Good Vibes to You !

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