"The tower of bliss...
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"The tower of bliss" - generating pleasure and waking up your prostate

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Today I want to share a technique with you, that was very helpful in my own rewiring journey. I gave it the name "The tower of bliss". As cheesy as the name may sound you will find, that the name is quite fitting. With this technique, we try to amplify our pleasure to quite intense levels, awaking the prostate on it's way, which will help with rewiring and which can lead to spontaneous Super-Os. This process will feel like climbing a figurative tower or mountain of pleasure, hence the name. So let's get started:

1. Contract your PC muscle every second with a strength, that feels comfortable to you. These contractions should last a split second and should be more like a "pulse".
2. Hear inside your body and feel the (at his stage) very faint pleasure.
3. While still contracting the muscle, try to physically increase the level of pleasure with every "pulse". While focusing on your current pleasure, try to vividly visualize, how the new pleasure would feel, if it was a tiny nodge above your current pleasure level. After a little while you will feel, that the intensity of your pleasure actually increased to that imagined level.
4. Now, from that new "reference point", try everything (except using your penis of course) to increase the level of your pleasure even more. You will find, that it will become harder and harder (namely, your PC muscle getting more "stiff", your body will feel like you just worked out and it's harder to visualize higher levels) to increase the level, the higher you will get on the figurative "tower of bliss".
I found that numbering your current level of bliss and the level, you want to reach, makes it so much easier. For example: If your current level of pleasure is quite low, give it a number of 1. Now, try to reach a level of 1.5 or even 2. Feel the current pleasure and visualize the number 1. Try to mentally connect the bliss you are just feeling to that very number. While you do that, try to visualize, that the number 1.5 or 2 are very close and try to mentally reach that new number.
At very low levels you may find, that you can make quite high jumps (for example from level 1 to level 3) but the higher you go, the jumps will become smaller - which is ok and expected. For example you reached level 8 for example, consider yourself satisfied with a jump to 8.5 or even less (for example 8.2). You are allowed to roll your eyes or make faces - just do anything (again, except using your penis) to raise the level.
5. Try to stack the levels of pleasure that way. From level 1 to level 2. From level 2 to level 3. From Level 3 to 4, from 4 to 4.5, from 4.5 to 5, and so on. Once you reached higher levels of pleasure you will feel, that you just reached orgasm territory and that a tiny level jump could send you over the edge. At these stages, spontaneous Dry-O's and even Super-O's can and will happen. Just let them happen while still trying to climb the pleasure ladder. At this level you might find, that it's easier to stop all contractions and just focus on the visual part of this practice. Increasing the pleasure level at the orgasm level will help to move the sexual energy accross the body, which will induce a Super-O. 

You will find that the higher levels you reach, the more intense your muscles will contract (they sorta develop a life on their own). So it's perfectly normal, that this technique will leave you feel exhausted at first. But don't be discouraged. It will become so much easier with every session and soon you won't even need the contractions anymore. Consider them only as training wheels and soon you will find, that you don't need them anymore and that the visualizations are more then enough to raise ones pleasure levels.

After a session, you will feel a pleasantly warm, and glowing sensation in your pelvis region. Congratulations, you just woke up your prostate from its slumber, which is a very important step in ones rewiring journey. What I also like about that technique is, that you can even utilize it within your Aneros-session by slightly modifying the do-nothing technique: Relax all your muscles, while your Aneros massager is inserted. We will omit the contractions this time and only rely on the visualization techniques. I found, that utilizing that technique within your Aneros session will help you to reach the orgasm stages much faster, to trespas the edge and to spread the energy (thus inducing Super-Os) and to overal speed up the rewiring process by awakening the prostate. Again, that is only my personal experience so your results may vary. It will also make the Vagus-Nerve orgasm (that I described in another post) so much easier to reach for individuals, who are still not properly rewired.

I hope that my guide was comprehensible. It's kinda hard to put these steps into words, so if something isn't quite clear, don't refrain to ask.

Kind regards


Bill Bately, The_Bishop, Zentai and 2 people reacted
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I will try this method, although my problem with the aneros inserted is that contractions of the pc muscle create a "permanent" clench of some muscle inside that I not quite in my control. I dont know what that muscle is, I can not consciously contract it, I only notice it when it contracts from doing pc muscle contractions to an extent where pleasure arises. Relaxing this "permanent" contraction is extremely difficult for me since I did not contract it consciously in the first place, I feel it, I can feel it getting tighter and tighter, but it is like a foreign object to me, not something that I control. And it remaining in that "tight" state results in ejaculatory orgasm which is counterproductive to getting dry orgasms.

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I should get a session in later this week I will start trying this technique- thanks for sharing 

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Thanks for your commentary! Interestingly enough I had started doing this routine prior to reading your post - believe me, it does work and awakens the prostate and takes and intensifies pleasure to new levels!

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Spoilers for Mindgasm

@darkorb, thank you for the technique! It reminds me somewhat of the

Spoiler for mindgasm
Mindgasm method "The Stairway"
except that the emphasis for "The Tower" is exclusively on the PC muscle and that the progression is more gradual. Honestly, I could see your method being helpful to Mindgasm users that are struggling with the last lesson, since
it's a hybrid of physical and mental stimulation, unlike the Mindgasm technique which is purely mental in the end

After practicing with an Aneros for a few sessions, I realized that I could control the levator prostatae (LP) muscle by itself, instead of contracting the entire PC muscle group. I then started doing what you described: very lightly pulsing the LP by alternatively contracting it and whatever the antagonist muscle is (if there is one). The pulses are so light as to feel almost entirely mental.

I find this effective for stimulation, with or without an Aneros. I can regularly get up to an 8 or 9 in pleasure intensity (0 being no stimulation, 10 being the strongest ejaculatory orgasm experienced) in this manner, along with a pleasant pressure in the prostate. I can then usually induce orgasm by starting a pulsing "wave" from posterior to anterior ends of the PC group, starting at the muscle that surrounds the rectum (forgot the name) and ending at the LP muscle. Nothing super yet, but I'm getting there.

Interestingly, when focusing on the pulses and waves I unconsciously work my jaw and tongue, almost replicating what the muscles are doing in my pelvic area. It makes me wonder if the two areas could be linked together with practice (Hebbian learning and all that). It'd be pretty wild if you could stimulate the prostate by rubbing the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue 😉

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