the need to pee
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the need to pee

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lve been on my journey for a while now and have experienced some interesting feelings but the one sensation that l currently feel is impeding my progress maybe the need to pee, my sessions are at the point where l do leak pre-cum (cant think of a better word at the second) however pretty much every session l experience the need to pee which does feel interesting but at the same time hard to ignore.


maybe its a problem with my mindset or something but when l get to a certain point l just decide to empty, the liquid is completely clear and sticky, in fact a while ago in order not to interrupt my sessions too much l acquired a bedpan of sorts that allow me to roll back over and keep going when l am in the mood and lve noticed that when l end my sessions and tip it away that it seems much thicker, its hard to describe, but there is a clear difference but if you think of pee as a liquid like tap water then the liquid l produce at the point in my sessions where the need to pee that l eventually give into is like a diluted version of washing up liquid (for lack of a better explanation) its definitely clear but a heavier liquid, l use the water and washing up liquid analogy as both act different when tipped in quantity down the toilet as lve definitely had sessions where you can tell pee is pee, but more times than not for a while when l am at that point in a session the viscosity  (l believe would be the correct word) is very different from how urine acts when lve had dud sessions where lve likely drunk too much prior to a session.


was hoping for a few thoughts that might lead me to some other things l could implement into my sessions be it different mindsets or otherwise.

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Posted by: @timelesspa

was hoping for a few thoughts that might lead me to some other things l could implement into my sessions be it different mindsets or otherwise.

The feeling of the need to urinate is totally normal and an indication that your Aneros is engaging your prostate. The fluid you speak of sounds to me like pre-cum, Cowper's gland emission. Some men have reported that their Aneros use has accelerated their precum production significantly an I believe this might be true in your case as well. I invite you to check out the user poll How much precum (Cowper's gland secretion) do you produce? .

As far as tips go, I would encourage you to avoid drinking any liquids in the hour immediately preceding your planned Anerosession and then also completely void your bladder prior to the session as well. The leakage you are experiencing may not be common for Aneros users but it is not unheard of either. We all react slightly differently to prostate massage practices.

You are correct about your 'mindset' being a factor here. If you are worried about urinating then that will naturally impact your entire session and put a damper on your willingness to "Just Let Go !" and relax into your own sensations. Perhaps making sure you can contain the leakage and then adjust your thinking to interpret those sensations as pleasurable instead of something to be avoided may help.

Good Vibes to You!

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 Male squirting also produces a fluid with the same viscosity.  You may want to try just going with the flow, get your self a 4 x3 rubber hospital pad, or do your session in the tub.  I have aneros induced squirting orgasms from time to time. I' even had a pee and an TO at the same time. You may even want to try a couple male squirting sessions just by itsef so you know the feeling. One of the keys is not trying to pee but not stopping it also. If the thought doesn't groce you out, try it. Peeing in spurts like an orgasm is a incredible turn on. Even though its half pee half pre-cum you still feel like a porn star. 

on another note it is not uncommon to get that sensation of needing to go  during a session. Sometimes thats the precusor to something better. And sometimes you just have to go to. But not everytime. 


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