How much precum (Co...
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How much precum (Cowper's gland secretion) do you produce? Poll is created on Dec 09, 2007

Poll results: How much precum (Cowper's gland secretion) do you produce?
Voter(s): 74
Poll is created on Dec 09, 2007
A : I rarely or never secrete any  -  votes: 9 / 12.2%
B : 1 to 4 drops  -  votes: 17 / 23%
C : 5 to 10 drops  -  votes: 13 / 17.6%
D : 11 to 20 drops (¼ tsp.)  -  votes: 5 / 6.8%
E : ¼ to ½ tsp.  -  votes: 11 / 14.9%
F : more than ½ tsp.  -  votes: 20 / 27%

How much precum (Cowper's gland secretion) do you produce?

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Many users are curious about the amount of Cowper’s gland secretions (precum) and what they might expect during their Aneros usage. This Poll’s intent is to establish some basic data about actual secretions. While it is recognized an individual’s secretions will vary from session to session, please vote for your most frequent experience occurring during a typical Aneros session. Please add any comments you feel might affect this experience or how the Aneros usage may have influenced it.

Typically, I produce only one or two drops of precum, although it sometimes feels like more. I do enjoy the teasing, tingling sensation of that small droplet as it courses its path down my urethra. I sometimes wish that I would produce more just for that sensation alone.

********************************** Supplemental Question ******************************************
Hmmm, You heavy leakers who have voted 1/4 tsp. or more, was this ability typical before Aneros Usage?

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I must have close to 1/4 tsp and certainly I never noticed this prior to beginning with the helix. The nature of the secretion seems to be different as well -- more viscous than during sex with my wife. The emissions themselves are pleasurable as they move through the urethra. I happened onto a nipple stimulation thread and find that the experience will also produce the same type of precum. The only possible downside is that after two of those sessions I have experienced slight "burning" in the urethra and was kept awake by the sensation of constantly needing to urinate. Have you any comments about that?

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I produce about a teaspoon and perhaps sometimes a bit more during longer sessions. The more intense the orgasms the more I produce. Also the more frequently I am orgasms the less I produce. In other words if I wait a few days I will produce more than daily, or 2 times daily.

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I get quite a lot.
I've voted the largest option here.
Before ever using the Aneros I would generally get one drop if any, and maybe enough to wet all of the head of my penis if I was particularly excited, or having a very long session (Long by regular masturbation standards that is. Maybe 30-60 minutes.).

With the Aneros, I get more pre-cum that I used to get of actual cum!
Enough to make a slippery puddle/patch an inch in diameter or more on my belly.
It doesn't jet out with any force, but it does tend to come in fairly large amounts at a time and it feels good when it does.

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I had always generated a bit of precum in my pre aneros days. not very much as others had mentioned.

Ever since using the progasm I produce a constant flow! During longer more intense sessions it can be quite a bit. I have thought about measuring the volume but it is just too distracting to always be capturing the fluids.

I also experience the sensations that can get quite intense as a slug is working its way through to the head. It almost feels like I could be about to orgasm.

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Once the O's start my precum quickly changes to semen with a little abdominal tension and arching my low back. Mayfield and I discussed this and we came to the conclusion the aneros is stimulating my seminal vesicles. Guess I'm just one of the lucky ones.


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For me it wasy more than a table spoon. My precum starts dripping really soon. Normally 3-4 minutes into my session and it does not stop until I finish.

Also, most of the times, after 8-10 minutes, sperm begins to flow steadily.

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I'd like to have you do this survey again, and this time with an age qualifier.

It would be my contention that the younger guys secret the larger amounts.

Yes? No?


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and am surprised how little pre-cum I am currently producing. I have not acheived the "Super O" yet, but am having some success.

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I collected my precum in a condom and then weighed the amount produced on a gram balance. (From a 90-minute, “O”-less session).

Weight of condom before session: 1.25 grams
Weight of condom after session: 1.6 grams
Weight of precum: 0.35 grams
Going on the assumption that precum is mainly water the equivalent volume of 0.35 grams is 0.35 milliliters.
It is generally accepted that 20 drops equals one milliliter, (one drop = 0.05 ml), so dividing 0.35 ml by 0.05 gives 7 drops of precum, so I marked “C”, 5 to 10 drops.


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I went for the 11 to 20 and it is more post Aneros. I know it feels dam good as it works it way out and would like to know if there is any kind of food or supplement that would increse the volume.......... 😀

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I went for the 11 to 20 and it is more post Aneros. I know it feels dam good as it works it way out and would like to know if there is any kind of food or supplement that would increse the volume.......... 😀

just got the helix today. i was able to produce about 3-6 drops of precum during my session. i am not sure if it is stimulating my prostate or not. thinking about getting the progasm. this is my fist time using a toy like this. i guess somedayi will get to a hands free orgasm.

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I have voted for 5 to 10 drops, but I reckon it would have to depend very much on how long your session lasts. Also, some sessions are much more productive than others. My vote would apply to a good session, lasting for about 90 minutes. One thing is for sure, I produce much more precum during an Aneros session than with normal masturbation. Somehow, that deposit of liquid is a real turn-on and is itself an encouragement to keep going! (By the way, the first time I inserted the Progasm, just by way of trying it out for size, I found I was producing precum for the next quarter of an hour after I had removed it! In reply to Cockadoodle, I would say that age has little to do with it; at least, that's my experience.

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I am amazed how much pre-cum I expel during a session.
It's usually flowing before I start in anticipation then increases during my sessions.
I reckon it could be as much as a teaspoonful.

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Great Poll R! I don't know how I hadn't voted before except perhaps not being sure...

I voted: A. I didn't produce any but a rare partial drop before Aneros use. Now I usually produce a drop or occasionally a little more, but only when I use an Aneros.

So, with Aneros in I should change my vote to B.

The exception is the new Ice, which seems to begin actually milking my prostate and producing noticeably more once the action begins. 😯

Unless I have the Ice in, in which case, C?...

Perhaps I still should have refrained from voting yet, eh?! 8)


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I would say D because I always had good pre-cum volume during intercourse before I've discovered the Aneros. During an Aneros session it vary with my position, if I'm laying on the bed on my back, It's standard Aneros pre-cum volume for me, so few drops (5 to 10).

Last time I've tryed the Aneros in a standing position and when I was alterning between anal and rectal contraction, I had a real surprise during few rectal contractions. I've emitted a continuous flow of clear pre-cum with a volume of 1/2 tsp each time I was doing a strong rectal contraction. It was definitively not peeing as it didn't smell that, it was simply clear and with almost the water viscosity (instead of pre-cum which is definitively more viscous).

Does anybody has that type of volume/viscosity of pre-cum during a standing Aneros session ?

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Seems dependent upon Aneros model. I was surprised that, for me, it's the MGX -- more precum than Progasm. Apparently I'm not the only one:


healthyprostate posted: "...I've tried the MGX, Helix, Eupho and Progasm and like them in the order I listed. The MGX by far will produce the most fluid at the tip of the penis..."

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I haven't had a "super o" yet but have had nice sensations. When I'm really sexually aroused I produce a lot of precum but haven't noticed any to speak of with any of the aneros. The progasm makes greater contact than any of the others but still feels like it's just "tickling" the prostate, not actually pressing or massaging it. I'm beginning to wonder if my anatomy is a bit different, as people talk about the intense stimulation of say, the helix (which I also have). I feel nothing at all with the helix; it may as well not even be there.

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I had a breakthrough earlier this week, having the exact same experience as frenchyBoy. Continuous, sometimes forceful spurting of at least a tablespoon or more highly liquid precum.

Blew my mind.

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I leak pre-cum the whole time. A lot more than 1/2 teaspoon, definitely. It feels pretty intense when it drips onto my balls - gives me chills. By the end of my session there is a pretty nice sized puddle on the towel.

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I have always been a big pre-cum producer. If I'm even slightly aroused, it leaks a lot. I always have a stream leaking out when I'm aroused and walking around, dripping on my feet and connecting from my penis head to my legs. During Aneros Super O sessions when I'm writhing around, the pre-cum ends up all over the place and all over me.

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always produced copious amounts of precum when horny during foreplay or lengthy mindful masturbation sessions ...

recall as an adolescent i could never wear khaki or light colored pants if i were going out with a girl or dancing with a chick in the gym my boner would be constantly leaking - blowing a load in my levis during a heavy makeout session was an entirely different matter which i have not had to deal with since about age 14 but the precum leakage has persisted and i've learned to appreciate it

... although i have yet to become totally comfortable with my progasm in my ass, my dick leaks clear sweet sex sap in anticipation of pleasuring and during cleaning lubing teasing and relaxing my butthole, easing the monster past the sphincters and into my anal canal and rectum and continues even when the pressure of the pro against my prostate is distracting and not yet particularly pleasurable - it's very difficult to ignore my oozing dickhead because of the precum and the sensation of its oozing

in my experience anal manipulation enhances precum leakage and i have seen it even in non-sexual situations when manipulating a male's anus for insertion of any kind of rectal probe in medical imaging (my work) ... i believe continued attention to your ass particularly just inside the sphincter (well before you meet the prostate) with pressure laterally will encourage production and leakage of the sweet male fluid - it's another benefit of the aneros so i'm gonna persist in my personal efforts

- rip

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This poll should be re-done not by age, but by where you are in the super-o journey. I'm wondering if people who are closer to super-o or are having super-o will produce more pre-cum. I only get 1-4 drops, but maybe when I start having super-o there may be sessions when I get lots of pre-cum.

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Lots of it! 🙂

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Rip, I have been working on the Progasm and its starting to feel very comfortable! and it makes me leak like a wild man of that "sweet male fluid" you speak of!

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ahh yes in deed it really would be of greater interest to see the difference in ages bracket to see the amount of pre cum

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Well I'm 35 and it really can depend on the session. I have an MGX and Progasm and at times I produce loads of precum. I also produce lots of precum whenever I'm sexually aroused, often a constant stream after a while.

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cant help but to wonder ..the ahem precum ..thingy how much is being produced by say older guys like me for example i am 67 and still love to get it on precum has not vanished ..but the amount has say dropped say considerably as to a younger man,like playing with my ice,yes a tad of precum appears ..but still no cigar as in no lites a flashing and no amount of least not as yet ..will no dout try the ,method as a member gave ..he mentioned put the toy in a condom full of lube ,lubed his rear end and voila ,,do believe he has sucess...must try this 1 out

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For me, it varies noticeably with the length of time since my last orgasm (assuming my last orgasm to also be the last time I produced significant precum.

Aneros use and intense arousal (which almost always accompanies aneros use) seem guaranteed to produce some, even if my most recent time was yesterday. But more and more tends to be produced as the length of time since my last session increases.

It was hard to choose an amount for the poll because I don't feel like I really know how much I produce--I lay a shirt on my belly or under the head of my penis during sessions to reduce mess and make cleanup a cinch, and almost all of my sessions are in the dark, so I'm not exactly checking much. 😀 I think during a typical, everyday Aneros session, I produce upwards of 5 drops, so I said 5 to 10 drops for the purposes of the poll.

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I produce very little precum - to my absolute disappointment. I'd love to flow. Don't know if it's because I'm uncut???

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