Sweet spot for abst...
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Sweet spot for abstinence

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Can any experienced users in here can answer this question? What is their sweet spot when it comes to masturbation and Getting the Aneros to work better? Is there a correlation? I'm seeming to find if I masturbate everyday the Aneros and prostate isn't as receptive as much if I hold off for 2-4 days. And if I go beyond a week or longer it doesn't respond as much. Not sure if this is in my head or if you all are finding the same thing is true?

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As I encourage everyone, read the Wiki, carefully. Success with the Aneros depends on serious identification with internal sensations in and around the prostate. When you whack off you turn your focus toward your penis and away from the device's effect on the internal sensations. When you wait for too long you may also encourage focus on your normal masturbation routines and away from the internal.

Start with relaxation and deep breathing then gently move on to focus of the feeling the device transmits to your internal pelvic muscles.

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What you have identified is a very common mammalian response pattern to sexual satiation, "How long is the passion cycle on average? No one yet knows. We do know that in human males the neurochemical sequence after ejaculation is at least 7 days. (Testosterone predictably spikes briefly around day seven.) However, men and women who observe themselves carefully notice changes in mood that flicker on and off for about two weeks."(see The Passion Cycle). You're on a neurochemically induced roller coaster when you masturbate to ejaculation everyday.
Arousal is the name of the game when it comes to optimizing Aneros use, (see Are you "aroused"? & Aneros, Arousal & Abstinence). If you are not sufficiently aroused (we're not referring to your erectile state here) your Anerosession is likely to be rather blah. Since every man's response to prostate stimulation is unique, it makes sense the time line for his optimal arousal period will be unique as well. Overall health, diet, stress levels, relationship status, etc. are all contributing factors to one's cycle of arousal.
While the roller coaster is exciting it is also limiting you by not allowing you to experience the full range of your orgasmic potential, the energy level of your body at its homeostatic point. This has been discussed in another forum thread (see 21 day challenge post), a challenge I encourage all men to take for their own self awareness and education. Good Vibes to You !

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Here's my 5 cent , I used to masturbate alot Before discovering prostate stimulation(minimum once a day), Now i strangely don't feel the urge/need to masturbate traditionally anymore, If i do it either happens while i have a prostate orgasm at same time(cum without hands) ,and it's a more profound satisfying ejaculation.

from my experience so far, to get quicker results ,one should stop masturbating traditionally and learn to get satisfaction from the prostate eventually it just all connects together and its just gonna burst out lol(in dreams or while aneros session or while have sex) ...forced traditional masturbating just sounds weird and a uncontrolled act to me , Now I rather keep the sexual energie growing , kinda like, Less is more, i get way more satisfaction out of my ejaculations now which have a twist of orgasmic waves to it, compared to those old quick stroking sessions...

I would say my ejaculation cycle is spreading on a longer period of time, and the orgasm get more and more intense , so masturbating would just empty out the bucket specially if i would masturbate everyday, just thinking about the last time i masturbated its been a while i don't really keep count anymore i just listen to wut my body feels like doing.

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