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Stop taking Vitamin E, now.

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Hello, all.

New information as of 12 October 2011:

A very thorough medical study of 35,000 men over a 10-year period showed conclusively that regular supplemental doses of Vitamin E will increase your chances of getting prostate cancer by 17%.

Quoted: "Conclusion: Dietary supplementation with vitamin E significantly increased the risk of prostate cancer among healthy men."


Vitamin E and the Risk of Prostate Cancer, October 12, 2011, Klein et al. 306 (14): 1549 ? JAMA

I just threw my bottle of 400 unit E capsules into the trash.



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Just for context (if you're wondering), 400 IU is about 900mg of the rac-alpha-tocopherol form. Normal recommended dietary amount is around 15mg per day.

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Take that study with a grain of salt. It is loaded with flaws and funded by the pharmaceutical industry.
There is a lot more to the story than a few sensationalized headlines in the mass media.

Due to the ad revenue received from the pharmaceutical industry, you will NEVER see any studies
that support the use of supplements.


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Hello, Car.

Thanks for the link. Interesting stuff. However, one of the points made early on that page is that the study I referenced was funded by the U.S. government, not big pharma. The fact that some of the researchers were also partially supported by industry money is relevant, but not a deciding factor, for me, anyway.

Most Vitamin E sold in drugstores and supermarkets is the type I was taking, which was the subject of the warning.

A balanced low-saturated fat diet, exercise, stress reduction, rest and weight control are our best defenses against cancer. Supplements may have a host of unknown long-term effects. I would suggest using them with caution.



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Thanks Dave! Just shared your link on facebook- Happy Movember!

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Don't kid yourself Car_01, the supplement industry has its own very powerful lobbying efforts in place, and it is due to those efforts that the industry is unregulated, which seems like lunacy to me. The fact that supplement producers can claim anything they like about their products and put just about anything they want into them should be a red flag for any thoughtful person, yet it doesn't seem to be. Eat a balanced diet, get regular exercise and try to smile as much as possible.

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You think a balancd diet is eating as much meat as you eat fruits and vegetables? Don't think for a second humans are the only species on the planet in which a balanced diet includes polar opposite things (meat vs plant, carnivore vs herbivore). There's a reaosn the animal kingdom has such a separation and humans are no different.

A balanced diet for a human is 100% vegetables, fruits, beans, starchy vegetables, nuts, seeds, in that order. Bread/Wheat is optional and is not even part of human dietary needs. If you're not eating at least 90% of these things, you don't have a balanced diet. 10% can be whatever cancer-causing foods you want, such as meat and dairy. If you're eating healthy you basically don't need isolated supplements and vitamins that are found naturally in plant food (which contain a thousand more health-promoting chemicals than a supplement). You'll also get enough protein from plants, where do you think protein comes from? Is it assimilated through the air? No. Comes from the bottom of the food chain, plants.

The meat and dairy companies work with the FDA to promote the false benefits of their products. They are simply bad for you.

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In general, artificial dietary suplements are of dubious value at best. For example there are over 6000 variations of vitamin C. Yet typically you get only a few variations from a pill, as opposed to many variations in fruits like lemons, seabuckthorn, black currants, and more.

Geting dietary supplements can actually be worse than useless, because after taking artificial vitamin C your gastrointestinal duct is busy absorbing 1 variation of vitamin C and can't absorb any others for some time. So if you want to use supplements, it's best to use them a long time before/after a meal.
(Sorry, I don't know the proper english words for these terms, that's why I'm so vague)

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Don't kid yourself Car_01, the supplement industry has its own very powerful lobbying efforts in place, and it is due to those efforts that the industry is unregulated, which seems like lunacy to me. The fact that supplement producers can claim anything they like about their products and put just about anything they want into them should be a red flag for any thoughtful person, yet it doesn't seem to be. Eat a balanced diet, get regular exercise and try to smile as much as possible.

No doubt there are dubious supplements as well. My point is we need to do our research and don't rely on just one source, being the mass media.
That is not true that supplements are totally unregulated. The FDA does currently have the authority to regulate supplements and has taken some
of them off the market, such as ephedra.

No doubt a balance diet is best, but how many people eat the perfect diet? I don't know of too many.

Oh, and back to Vitamin E, there is more to the story. In general it is best to avoid the synthetic forms.

Sinatra Health Center :: 5 Must-Know Facts About Vitamin E


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