Regarding the Syn V...
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Regarding the Syn V vibration levels

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Hi, apologies if this comes through multiple times - I had trouble posting this due to the "are you a robot" stuff for some reason...

My Syn V arrived in the post yesterday. As expected, it's pretty great! However, I have a small problem with the vibration levels that hopefully someone can help me with.

As we know, the toy has three distinct levels of vibration (low/medium/high) but I've found that occasionally while on the lowest level the device will temporarily slip into a significantly lower level of vibration (if low was a 5/10, this would be a 1/10). Sometimes it reverts to normal, sometimes it stays at this level for a while. This setting is ideal for me and feels amazing, but I can't find any way to consistently activate it nor can I find any info elsewhere. Maybe I've missed something obvious?

If anyone can help I'd greatly appreciate it.


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First of all. Copy long posts so you can paste them if the prick robot catch’s you again. There’s been complaints from several members about this.

If your not pressing any buttons and are on the Correct setting,perhaps it’s faulty? There is a setting that ramps up and down through the levels. Unless you on that by mistake. Mine doesn’t do anything other than what it’s set at.

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Posted by: @zapteryx

Hi, apologies if this comes through multiple times - I had trouble posting this due to the "are you a robot" stuff for some reason...

My Syn V arrived in the post yesterday. As expected, it's pretty great! However, I have a small problem with the vibration levels that hopefully someone can help me with.

As we know, the toy has three distinct levels of vibration (low/medium/high) but I've found that occasionally while on the lowest level the device will temporarily slip into a significantly lower level of vibration (if low was a 5/10, this would be a 1/10). Sometimes it reverts to normal, sometimes it stays at this level for a while. This setting is ideal for me and feels amazing, but I can't find any way to consistently activate it nor can I find any info elsewhere. Maybe I've missed something obvious?

If anyone can help I'd greatly appreciate it.



The Helix Syn has 3 speeds; Low speed ≤ 15%,  Medium speed ≤ 35% and High speed ≤100%.  Once you turn on (double click) the Syn V, it should initially start on pattern one, at low speed.  Pattern one is static (continuous) vibration that should not vary in intensity.  Check out pattern one at all 3 speeds (press and hold for 2 secs). The intensity should remain constant within each of these settings. Patterns 2 through 8 all vary intensity throughout their cycles.  Does it vary when you're on pattern one at low speed?

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This post was modified 3 years ago by Aneros Team

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@aneros-team hi, sorry for taking a while. the captcha thing seems convinced that i'm not a human...


I've done a little bit more testing with it. It seems that if left on pattern 1 it won't change to the lower level, but if I can get the lower level to activate (seems to happen on patterns 3 and 8) then switching to a later pattern keeps the lower level going - I've managed to get the lower level onto pattern 1 by doing this. 

My guess is that the device is faulty? Either way, I certainly appreciate the availability of this lower level as it's almost like a feather touch!

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Posted by: @zapteryx  

I've done a little bit more testing with it. It seems that if left on pattern 1 it won't change to the lower level, but if I can get the lower level to activate (seems to happen on patterns 3 and 8) then switching to a later pattern keeps the lower level going - I've managed to get the lower level onto pattern 1 by doing this. 

When you turn on the device, you should be on the lowest speed with continuous vibration.  Is that not happening?  So on pattern one you only have two speeds (medium and high)?  But on patterns 2 - 8 you do have a slow speed ?  And are you also saying that if you go to patterns 2-8 first on low speed, then you are able to access pattern one's low speed?  Please clarify.

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Posted by: @aneros-team
Posted by: @zapteryx  

I've done a little bit more testing with it. It seems that if left on pattern 1 it won't change to the lower level, but if I can get the lower level to activate (seems to happen on patterns 3 and 8) then switching to a later pattern keeps the lower level going - I've managed to get the lower level onto pattern 1 by doing this. 

When you turn on the device, you should be on the lowest speed with continuous vibration.  Is that not happening?  So on pattern one you only have two speeds (medium and high)?  But on patterns 2 - 8 you do have a slow speed ?  And are you also saying that if you go to patterns 2-8 first on low speed, then you are able to access pattern one's low speed?  Please clarify.

Sorry, I'll try to make myself clearer. I'll refer to the lower level as 0 for now.

When I turn on the device, it's at level 1 continuous speed and by holding the button I can go to level 2, 3 and then back to 1 again. I can't get level 0 to appear at this time. If I go to patterns 2-8 while on level 1 speed, they will occasionally drop to level 0. Sometimes it stays there, sometimes it varies back to level 1. If I change to another pattern while it is on level 0, that level will carry over. As such, I have managed to get level 0 on pattern 8, press the button to move onto pattern 1, and hence have level 0 on pattern 1.

I hope that's a bit clearer? I still have access to all 24 different levels, just there is an extra, lower level that occasionally appears

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I noticed something like this, too. It was only when the device was new and I haven’t noticed it since. I actually think, in my case, that it was me and not the device. It seemed like it would almost turn off but when I reached down to turn it back on, my hand could feel the vibes when, internally, it felt like it was off.

It seemed to me that my muscles were syncing up with the vibration or something like that…

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Posted by: @zapteryx

I hope that's a bit clearer? I still have access to all 24 different levels, just there is an extra, lower level that occasionally appears

So if we understand this correctly, under certain conditions you have full access to all 8 patterns with  4 speeds?

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Posted by: @aneros-team
Posted by: @zapteryx

I hope that's a bit clearer? I still have access to all 24 different levels, just there is an extra, lower level that occasionally appears

So if we understand this correctly, under certain conditions you have full access to all 8 patterns with  4 speeds?

It's a bit temperamental with the rising level patterns but otherwise, yes

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If this is so, then your unit is defective. If you wish to receive a warranty replacement, go to our warranty page HERE  Click on any of the links for support.

In your email be sure to reference your discussion with the Aneros Team on line. 


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