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Really close to crossing over!

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Finally I am very close to getting the same pleasure sober as I get while on THC. Over the last couple days I've gotten some really good pleasure without the devil's lettuce. Today I employed something so well written about but I never internalized it; relaxation is truly the key! Duh. I was using the pure wand and started getting pleasure. My usual male pattern would normally kick in and I'd tense my thighs to push the pleasure along. Today though I focused on keeping my thighs relaxed as the pleasure built. Breath, relax, focus, breath, relax focus! As a result I could feel the pleasure building in a way that doesn't usually happen unless I'm high.

Ghusa, Pablito1963, Helghast and 1 people reacted
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Posts: 964
Posted by: @reddog152

As a result I could feel the pleasure building in a way that doesn't usually happen unless I'm high.

For me, it's important to be able to enjoy such pleasures anywhere anytime without the turbo boost of THC or any other substance.  One day, I'll be old and perhaps decrepit but I'll (hopefully) still be able to enjoy my Aless sessions with a big grin on my face.

Ghusa, Pablito1963, Axii007 and 1 people reacted
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