Description of Supe...
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Description of Super T

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I have searched the forum and couldn't find a helpful explanation of exactly what a super T is. I can make an assumption. Just wondering if that's how my sessions have been ending. Lots of terminology here for one to grab ahold of. Thx

Reddog152 reacted
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I've managed to have a couple of what I would classify as a Super-T. Mine are slightly longer in duration with maybe a bit more semen but the biggest difference is in the location and intensity of the pleasure. For me a normal traditional orgasm is largely localized in the penis and groin. A Super-T though usually involves a long linger at the point of no return and the pleasure is truly full body, fantastically intense.

Ggringo reacted
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Posted by: @r_ropes

I have searched the forum and couldn't find a helpful explanation of exactly what a super T is.

You need to read (please) the Aneros WIKI, specifically this definition of a Super-T.

Posted by: @r_ropes

Lots of terminology here for one to grab a hold of.

Please check out the Aneros WIKI Glossary for some of the jargon used here.

Good Vibes to You!

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Super T is an ejaculation orgasm had while your gland is being physically stimulated either by a toy being forced to massage the gland via the ejac reflex. Or if you can focus enough,continuing A-Less. They are stronger than usual ans last longer too. If not,it ain’t a super T.

Reddog152 and Ggringo reacted
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Okay. . I experienced this very well. Thanks for the glossy. I read through it and am familiar with most all. 

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