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Questions about my rewiring journey

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A few months ago I learned about the aneros massager and how it can transform ones orgasms. I bought the Aneros Helix and so far it was a journey with a lot up and downs. I can feel slight pleasurable feelings but nothing crazy so far. It feels like they could become stronger but at this very moment, they are just disappearing again. These feelings are very fleeting and weak, like a slight breeze on a hot summer day. I do the "Do nothing" method because I like it better and because I had the best results with it so far. I still have unanswered questions and I feel like I would make progress much faster if they were answered by you fine folks. 🙂

1. When I do the "Do nothing" method, I stroke my nipples which gives me a good amount of pleasure. But I'm wondering if these rather strong feelings of pleasure from nipple play could interfere or mask the (so far) very weak feelings of the aneros. Would it be better to stop nipple play for now until I'm fully rewired? Keep in mind: If I just do the "Do nothing" technique, I only feel very weak pleasure waves. If I combine it with nipple play, I get rather strong feelings of pleasure each stroke; but they stay on a specific level and are nowhere orgasmic.

2. I don't have any involuntaries. There's only one time I had them and it was a very good and pleasurable feeling but they never came back. How can I induce involuntaries within the "Do nothing" technique? Or will they come by itself when the time is ripe?

3. I feel like I can't fully relax my anus. There are two situations: Either it feels like I'm slightly contracting my anus (a kegel) or it feels like I'm slightly pushing (a reverse-kegel). But I'm never able to fully relax it. I know that a fully relaxed anus is important because when I had my first and so far last involuntary, it felt like my anus was fully relaxed and the massager was allowed to move freely for once.

4. It feels like the tab doesn't make contact with my perineum at all. Is that normal?

5. It seems like pleasure waves are appearing on various body parts - depending on which body part I'm focusing at. 

1. On the anus and in the anal canal; these sensations feel a bit fuller/warmer/buzzy
2. Above my penis root and deep in my body, just where my bladder should be; these sensations feel more cold/electric

Which feelings of pleasure are the real aneros ones and which ones are "phantom" one? Which body part should I steer my mental focus to? Maybe an important hint: When I'm stroking my nipples, I feel pleasure on body part #2. 

Thank you for your help.

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Posted by: @mmorider

Would it be better to stop nipple play for now until I'm fully rewired? Keep in mind: If I just do the "Do nothing" technique, I only feel very weak pleasure waves. If I combine it with nipple play, I get rather strong feelings of pleasure each stroke; but they stay on a specific level and are nowhere orgasmic.


No need to stop them,they help to enhance sensations as you’ve learned.

Posted by: @mmorider

How can I induce involuntaries within the "Do nothing" technique? Or will they come by itself when the time is ripe?

Someone else will have to answer as I don’t do ‘nothing’.

Posted by: @mmorider

Either it feels like I'm slightly contracting my anus (a kegel) or it feels like I'm slightly pushing (a reverse-kegel). But I'm never able to fully relax it

Follow a Kegel training routine,it takes time and practice to be able to manipulate them separately.

Posted by: @mmorider

It feels like the tab doesn't make contact with my perineum at all. Is that normal?

Yes,not everyone feels the sweet spot,don’t think about it too much.It will be there,but the sensation isn’t usually like a punch in the face.

Posted by: @mmorider

It seems like pleasure waves are appearing on various body parts - depending on which body part I'm focusing at

Cool. Just ride the waves where ever they take you,don’t expect more,just accept what is.

Posted by: @mmorider

Which feelings of pleasure are the real aneros ones and which ones are "phantom" one? Which body part should I steer my mental focus to? Maybe an important hint: When I'm stroking my nipples, I feel pleasure on body part #2.

You can listen and watch for sensations,but don’t over do the thinking,just try to relax and enjoy things as the happen. Phantom pleasures is quite funny. They aren’t phantom pleasures,they are the pleasures,just not in the form your used to from before. Practice your sessions,practice relaxing/meditation. You’ll already on the right path.

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Thank you for your advice.

Posted by: @helghast

Follow a Kegel training routine,it takes time and practice to be able to manipulate them separately.

I'm already able to execute a kegel and reverse-kegel separately. My problem though is, that I'm not able to fully relax my sphincter while doing the Do-Nothing technique. Either it feels like my sphincter is locked in a light kegel state or a light reverse-kegel state, but it's never really fully relaxed.

Posted by: @helghast

Yes,not everyone feels the sweet spot,don’t think about it too much.It will be there,but the sensation isn’t usually like a punch in the face.

Yeah, but it seems like it doesn't make any physical contact with my perineal-skin at all.

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Posted by: @mmorider

I'm already able to execute a kegel and reverse-kegel separately. My problem though is, that I'm not able to fully relax my sphincter while doing the Do-Nothing technique

Just practice but focus on your other contractions and let your sphincter play it’s own tune.

Posted by: @mmorider

Yeah, but it seems like it doesn't make any physical contact with my perineal-skin at all.

That strange if your anus is clamped on! Have you felt with your fingers to see if it’s touching and the toy is inserted adequately? 


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Is the K-tab making contact, or are both tabs kind of "floating" and not touching anything? 


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Posted by: @mmorider

1. When I do the "Do nothing" method, I stroke my nipples which gives me a good amount of pleasure. But I'm wondering if these rather strong feelings of pleasure from nipple play could interfere or mask the (so far) very weak feelings of the aneros. Would it be better to stop nipple play for now until I'm fully rewired?

No, I don't think you should stop with the nipple stroking.

However, I have noticed that if I start touching my nipples too early in the session, my orgasms will be less good afterwards. This confirms once again that it is not possible to force or chase prostate orgasms.

I also practice the "do nothing" method and what I do is wait until I've had a Mini-O's or two before I start stroking my nipples.


Posted by: @mmorider

2. I don't have any involuntaries.

I didn't have any at the beginning of my journey either. They appeared gradually and now, after two years of practice, I have them at almost every session. These involuntary contractions are not essential and it is possible to have wonderful sessions without them.


Posted by: @mmorider

3. I feel like I can't fully relax my anus. There are two situations: Either it feels like I'm slightly contracting my anus (a kegel) or it feels like I'm slightly pushing (a reverse-kegel). But I'm never able to fully relax it.

Yes, it is true that it is important to be completely relaxed to be successful. It's okay to be a little tense sometimes, relaxed when you realize it.


Posted by: @mmorider

4. It feels like the tab doesn't make contact with my perineum at all. Is that normal?

This seems strange to me. How is the insertion going? For me, I insert the massager up to about two thirds of the way in and I don't force it. At this point, the muscles of my anus and rectum "suck" the massager and it puts itself in place. In this position, the K-tab lightly touches my perineum. It presses harder during the contractions and often there is a feedback loop with the sensations coming from the prostate which amplifies the pleasure.


Posted by: @mmorider

5. It seems like pleasure waves are appearing on various body parts - depending on which body part I'm focusing at.

This seems to me to be a very good sign!


Posted by: @mmorider

Which feelings of pleasure are the real aneros ones and which ones are "phantom" one? Which body part should I steer my mental focus to?

All sensations of pleasure are good to take. And they are all real for me. About the warm sensations, it is a sign for me that a very good orgasm is coming.

Good luck in your search of the ultimate orgasm!

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From my understanding and from years experience is when you first start you must find area that gets you aroused like nipples and rewire sensation from your penis to your nipples. Something to that nature.

Now with nipple rubbing it arouses my prostate even if nothing is inserted. It makes sex enjoyable as well. My biggest drawback during sex is it can take 10-20 minutes to cum with a woman instead if 2-3. But overall I don't think nipples get in the away it enhances it 

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Posted by: @mmorider


A few months ago I learned about the aneros massager and how it can transform ones orgasms. I bought the Aneros Helix and so far it was a journey with a lot up and downs. I can feel slight pleasurable feelings but nothing crazy so far. It feels like they could become stronger but at this very moment, they are just disappearing again. These feelings are very fleeting and weak, like a slight breeze on a hot summer day. I do the "Do nothing" method because I like it better and because I had the best results with it so far. I still have unanswered questions and I feel like I would make progress much faster if they were answered by you fine folks. 🙂

1. When I do the "Do nothing" method, I stroke my nipples which gives me a good amount of pleasure. But I'm wondering if these rather strong feelings of pleasure from nipple play could interfere or mask the (so far) very weak feelings of the aneros. Would it be better to stop nipple play for now until I'm fully rewired? Keep in mind: If I just do the "Do nothing" technique, I only feel very weak pleasure waves. If I combine it with nipple play, I get rather strong feelings of pleasure each stroke; but they stay on a specific level and are nowhere orgasmic.

2. I don't have any involuntaries. There's only one time I had them and it was a very good and pleasurable feeling but they never came back. How can I induce involuntaries within the "Do nothing" technique? Or will they come by itself when the time is ripe?

3. I feel like I can't fully relax my anus. There are two situations: Either it feels like I'm slightly contracting my anus (a kegel) or it feels like I'm slightly pushing (a reverse-kegel). But I'm never able to fully relax it. I know that a fully relaxed anus is important because when I had my first and so far last involuntary, it felt like my anus was fully relaxed and the massager was allowed to move freely for once.

4. It feels like the tab doesn't make contact with my perineum at all. Is that normal?

5. It seems like pleasure waves are appearing on various body parts - depending on which body part I'm focusing at. 

1. On the anus and in the anal canal; these sensations feel a bit fuller/warmer/buzzy
2. Above my penis root and deep in my body, just where my bladder should be; these sensations feel more cold/electric

Which feelings of pleasure are the real aneros ones and which ones are "phantom" one? Which body part should I steer my mental focus to? Maybe an important hint: When I'm stroking my nipples, I feel pleasure on body part #2. 

Thank you for your help.

I have have found the "do nothing" method to be, well, nothing. Where I find the most pleasure (my experiences have been very limited, like your own) is exciting the prostate with flexing and then utilizing do nothing to ride the pulsations. I can feel my prostate pulsing with bloodflow if I get the mix just right. And get minor pleasure from paying attention to that area. But eventually it passes and I must do something again - nipple play or flexing. If I use only do nothing or stop flexing completely, nothing happens or the happy feelings subside. What is your timeline when doing nothing, if I may ask? Is it on the order of 30 minutes befoee you have any reaction or a couple of hours? I tried sleeping with my Helix in once. The perineum tab cause some chafing feelings and I got nothing else out of the experience.


I am on the same order of many attempts with little to no results, one good session (though i didn't get to involuntaries, just stronger p waves and leakage), and that was quite a few attempts ago, with declining results since. I also discovered that nipples unlock the feelings. If I don't play with my nipples, I never get much of anything. It has made my nipples much more sensitive, partially linked them with activating my prostate at any given time, and has made them a useful part of regular sex whereas before they weren't. I use lube on them so I don't have to constantly wet my fingers with spit, just cuts down on other cognitive requirements during a session.


I also must keep my anus partially contracted. If I don't, my Helix seems to want to extract itself, which is a complete concentration killer when it pops out. That has cut off a number of sessions. I'm not new to anal play and had an infected ingrown hair that became an abscess drained a few years ago, which left a tube that most likely perforated my sphincter muscle. Sorry for the grossness, but I have felt this could be an important specific hindrance to prostate manipulation as I've begun to experiment. There may be scar tissue getting in the way down there, but short of an Xray I can't be sure because the Venn diagram of Aneros users and people who have that specific conditional remnant is probably miniscule.


My biggest non-prostate sensation is that I can reproduce a fleeting feeling I have experienced before, almost exclusively when I had a fever or was sick and trying to sleep. I always felt the inescable need to chase the feeling when it happened before, but that was only once a year or two. Now I can command it fairly easily during a session. No clue how it factors in. The best way to describe the feeling is that all of my internal parts are simultaneously too big for where they are and yet contained. My teeth feel huge, my tongue feels immense, my head feels expansive. Its a very odd feeling. It seems to have nothing to do with any physical pleasure. Its more like you're on the verge of leaving your body. Keep in mind, I'm seemingly nowhere near a Super O. This is just while laying there and concentrating/meditating, usually with my Helix in. It's like all of your insides are just on the verge of escaping, and desperately need to, but they are contained within your body. And it can get fairly intense.


My perineum tab seems to cause slight discomfort if anything. I need to modify it, with maybe a less sharp covering. Aside from that, I get no specific sensations from it. I have never been able to really massage my P spot externally. So that might be a physiological specificity.


The way you described the warm feelings linked closer to the prostate and the closer, tinglier electric feelings elsewhere perfectly describes what I get from nipple play. I get the colder tingles directly from the nipples, without prostate interaction, and always have to some extent. Now they are much more pronounced and seem to build into the warmer, more prostate-specific feelings when doing kegels or using the Helix while rubbing my nipples. It's very nice, but seems to have stalled at this point.


Here's hoping we see a breakthrough post from you! Hopefully we will both get there...

This post was modified 3 years ago by MB574

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