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Question That Need Answering

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First, just to get you guys introduced. 

I have been on the grind for the super-o for 3 or 4 years at this point.

My favorite technique is do nothing, but thug-o-war gives results as well.

No i have not achieved a super o, but i have had long lasting orgasmic sensations.

My device is the helix syn and helix trident. (I aquired the syn verson first and later tried the trident because it has a more rough surface, but they achieve identical sensations for me)


So my question is:

1: Why is it that i get results and can get very close to a climax, but this only happens when it is a long time since i have used the aneros (1 month or more).  My first session will be great, two days later i will try again and have a good session, two days after that again, i will have slight sensations, and every attempt after this will only produce minor sensations for about 10 minutes that go away completely after about 20 minutes. 

I find it so strange that when i have had a months break it feels so easy to make things happen. And then i wait for the next time when i feel relaxed and bothered, and it just gets less and less successfull each time i give it a go. Most people seems to expirience the oposite, when they first start getting sensations it's mostly uphill for them......


And one more thing that i've been wondering. 

Is it normal that the sensations i get when inserting my aneros feels good instantly, but gets less and less intense during the session? If i could find a way to build on the stuff that's happening in the first 20 minutes of my (Bad) Sessions, this would be great progress by itself. 

I guess my question really is for those of you who are consistantly able to achieve a climax. Do you have sessions where the magic doesn't happen, and when you have these sessions that fail to produce a climax, is it because sensations go away, or just because you don't have the patience and it takes too long for you to bother on that day/night.



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Greetings ! I'm not sure this is the right answer but I'll give you a possible scenario that could fit your main question. 

It's been a month since your last session. It was a dud sessions, can't be otherwise because each cycle always ends in worse and worse sessions until they're not worth it. You decide to have another go at this. What are your expectations ? Well you know from experience that the first session of a cycle is normaly pretty good, and it can't be worse than your last one. So your expect a good session, maybe you think you'll get a chance at a Super-O since you believe you've been close before. 

(Most people will tell you to have no expectations, but if you don't even expect to have a little fun and improve, what's the point ? So I'll say that some realistic expectations are OK at this point and you'll see why in a moment.)

So you have a session. It's been a while since your last one, things are feeling fresh and new. You get some surprises that feel really good. Your relatively low expectatations for this session were met and you even went beyond. So you tag this as a great session. You think you're very close. 

How will this influence your expectations for your next session in two days ? What happens if you don't meet them ? I guess you expect the next one to either be better and get you closer, or be worse because that's the pattern you're stuck in. That's a lot of pressure... how do you think you can manage that kind of expectations ? 

Does any part of this make sense to you or do you feel it's a bunch of BS ? Tell me and we'll go from there. Take care!  

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Im in agreement with Zental, it could well be to do with your expectations. 

Try if you can to relax and almost fall into the sensations, feel the subtleties of the experience and then try to amplify those through nipple stimulation or contractions. Also are you using enough lube, the device needs to be able to move freely in your anus?

Keep at it, I'm sure you'll get through this. 

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Thank you guys for answering.


What you are saying makes complete sense and i have done a lot of reading on this exact area of progressing with the aneros, but i do not believe my hinder lays with the mind or mindset.

When i first start using my helix after a long break i go for (Do nothing method), stuff just happens by itself. The prostate seems more sensitive, movements automatically starts by themselves and all i need to do is to relax into it.

One theory i have is that the first time i use my helix(After a break), may be several days after my last traditional orgasm. I usually find myself having a lot of time on my hands on a sunday or monday after having relaxed over the weekend to recharge my batteries. How often or when i do have a traditional orgasm is something i absolutely don't keep track of and i have not really seen anyone claiming to have expirienced significant progress after a week of no fap. 

Another one is that maybe the prostate simply gets less sensitive with several sessions in one week?


One additional thing i would like to ask you guys with expirience about as well.
Like i said, all i need to do is to relax into it when stuff first starts happening.
But one thing that keeps ruining it for me is that when i am close to an orgasm(Non-penile) it seems like my prostate baloons up and loses sensitivity. Is this because it becomes too intense and i am unable to relax further into it so im causing a muscle expand and break contact with the prostate?

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Posted by: @trex

Another one is that maybe the prostate simply gets less sensitive with several sessions in one week?

Could be. Or some small muscles may tire and not have enough time to recover. 

Posted by: @trex

Is this because it becomes too intense and i am unable to relax further into it so im causing a muscle expand and break contact with the prostate?

I'd put some money on this one. Some kind of Terror at the Gates, if you're fairly certain that you're very close and you describe this as being TOO intense, this might be what you're experiencing. I'm not certain about the best way to beat this, you'll probably have to "come close" several times and get comfortable with that apprehension. 

Here's one way to approach it, I don't know if this will fit your approach but it's worth a try. When you feel it approaching, call a break. Tell yourself, ok I need a pause, or I need a moment to think, I want to stay here for a while and not go higher, stuff like that. 

And if it works the buildup should stop and you'll get a plateau, and you can just float there and realize that you can handle this, that it's not that scary. When you're ok with the whole thing, just say that to yourself, OK I can handle this, I'm ready, I want more, I want to go higher, etc. Should pick up right where you were. Works for me, hope it does for you. 


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