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Pressure building up during latest session

The one drinking Tea
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As stated in the Title above in the middle of my session I started to feel some kind of pressure building up behind my penis with each contraction.

I was able to keep it up till the end when that place slowly started to heat up until it was pretty hot and I started to feel a little bit of pain in that place.

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Whilst heat is one of the steps up to the super o,it isn’t painful. My advice would be to stop doing anything that’s causing pain. Maybe your hammering to hard. Gently does it old bean! 

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It can be many things. Sensations down there are hard to pinpoint, both in location and origin. “Heat” could be pressure or irritation as well. It could be from tired muscles.  Or from chafing because of lube: too much in the case of water based lubes (I learned that recently) or lack thereof. Maybe you did a rectal douche too soon before your session. Or maybe you ate spicy food recently. In any case if it isn’t regular don’t worry about it, and if it is, try and figure out what it is and adjust accordingly.  

The one drinking Tea
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Yea I think I went at it too hard. I used my Helix during that session so maybe I should switch to my Eupho.

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