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Otherworldly Auditory Experience While A-less

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This afternoon I experienced a phenomenon which I feel compelled to relate; I understand that it is sort of strange. First a little background: Yesterday morning I had a really good session using my new Maximus. In the afternoon I went to the gym, came home and had another good session with the Maximus. They were not long sessions, probably not much more than an hour combined. For the rest of the day and night I felt some great A-less responses, pretty much as I usually do on the days that I have a session

Today I went to the gym and the store, and did not have a session. Often when I get home from the gym in the afternoon, I lie down on my bed for a doze while playing classical music. It is a restful and pleasant time of day. Since I've been doing aneros, I might also try to induce a-less sensations. Today I put on some Beethoven piano sonatas (solo piano) and lay down. I rested for a while and later did some moderate to weak contractions to get the A-less going. Nothing much happened at first and then I felt warmth and a heightened pulse in my chest (nothing out of the ordinary, my pulse often seems to move around within my body during A-less). I felt heightened sensitivity to the music, and all of a sudden I felt the music center itself and actually enter my right ear (nearest the stereo speakers), go through my head and down my windpipe, through my body to my P-zone. My prostate and penis actually "heard" the music as I felt it vibrate sweetly from the base of my penis and through the p-zone. I was actually by-passing my usual music listening mode and hearing it from the area of my lower abdomen and reproductive organs! I never experienced anything like it before! This went on until the end of the sonata, a few minutes.

Anybody ever experience anything like that?

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No but I have had orgasms(a big wet mark in my pants) while playing Schubert's a- sonata. I think it's synesthesia orgasm and hearing.
It's logical when it happens while listening to slutty women, but with music?? In a minor of all keys!?!

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