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Neck strain

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Been experiencing a lot of neck strain, along with tension in muscles of shoulders and head, after every Super O session, either using Eupho Trident or Aless. I generally lay on my back for best Super O results, but changing head support doesn't seem to help much with neck strain. Is this common? Any suggestions?  

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Posted by: @lr377

Been experiencing a lot of neck strain, along with tension in muscles of shoulders and head, ....
Is this common?

While Super-O's have been reported to leave some men very energized and occasionally unsatiated, I can't recall men mentioning that it has left them tense. Neck and shoulder tension are often carried in the body as a result of stress from some other source and I suspect this may be the case for you. You may be experiencing some form of cognitive dissonance creating this stress.

Posted by: @lr377

Any suggestions?

The best that I can suggest is to resolve any cognitive dissonance issues (if they exist) and performing some relaxation exercises prior to beginning an Anerosession and reminding yourself to stay relaxed periodically during your session.

Good Vibes to You!

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I beg to differ, dear @rumel 

i recall multiple posts saying over-exertion with aneros is the cause of various muscle pains and tensions. I can’t bring them up so I have no proof, but it seems like the conclusion is usually to consciously try to avoid (insert affected muscle) tension during sessions, or even trying for more calm seas orgasms.  I think it is because when we are trying to attain orgasm or focusing on certain pleasures, we can end up over exerting muscles without realizing it. Are your sessions very tension heavy?

i occasionally have tension or pain after sessions and sex. Most commonly I have inflamed my hand tendinitis fingering women (similar idea of reaching an orgasm, albeit for someone else, without regard to damage being done to your muscles). I have been left with serious headaches a couple times after intense aneros sessions. Sometimes ejaculation at the end of hours-long sex makes me nauseous for an additional couple hours.  Once I woke up in the night after a session with an intense anal pain, as if someone had punched my asshole…


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Buy some weight plates and look up neck exercises and train that bad boy up.

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Posted by: @divine_o

I beg to differ, dear @rumel 

i recall multiple posts saying over-exertion with aneros is the cause of various muscle pains and tensions.

Yes, I agree there have been multiple posts from men reporting soreness/pain following their Anerosessions, this probably due to overexertion of various muscle groups. There have also been reports of men experiencing muscle tension in various parts of their body, particularly their abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, during a session. There have also been reports of lingering sexual anxiety, non-satiation (a kind of psychological tension) despite having experienced prostate based orgasms. However, I still can't recall posts with the specific mentioning of neck and shoulder tension following a Super-O session, so in that respect @LR377 's report is somewhat unusual.

Good Vibes to You!

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Posted by: @rumel

However, I still can't recall posts with the specific mentioning of neck and shoulder tension following a Super-O session, so in that respect @LR377 's report is somewhat unusual.

Ok I believe you. Your memory is significantly better than mine!

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I have never had that happen to me.  Have a super o I am totally relaxed and satisfied.

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I experience eye-tension quite often in sessions. It's a real session killer. I think it's because I've always employed eye tension as a way to redirect conscious muscle tension away from my genitals, so they can be free to do their own thing when the moment comes. It's a bad habit I've had since my earliest years of masturbation... which used to work, but in the context of an aneros session is maladaptive, because that "suspense phase" can last a really long time, teetering on the edge.

The only ways I've been able to overcome it is either by unwittingly forgetting the reflex, or by actively trying to suppress it by moving that tension (when detected) to some other area. In the case of my eyes, I've had some success trying to move that tension downwards into my mouth. Which totally fails to address the root cause of why there needs to be any tension in the first place, but sometimes these things run deep.

I'm just spit-balling here, but I wonder if your shoulders and neck are your version of what I do with my eyes... essentially a tension-dump or redirect.

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