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Leg position and motion - french fries and pizza

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What I would like to discuss reminded me of a South Park episode where a ski instructor uses french fries and pizza to describe the ski positions.

I have not extensively read the aneros ‘literature’ but from what I can tell most of the advice is about contractions, relaxation, breathing, mental state and favourite positions. Apart from where to put your legs to allow for the maximum range of motion of your aneros device, there’s not a lot of specific discussion about legs. However, the gluteus maximus and the muscles attached to the greater trochanter of the femur surround the muscles we are putting a lot of effort into manipulating. Surely that means there is a lot of scope for changing or causing the motion of an aneros device using leg movements and positions? Surely as the gluteus maximus expands and contracts, or stretches that does something. Surely as tensions is introduced between the greater trochanter and the area surrounding the obturator foramen that does something.

So I popped in the new look progasm lay on my back, knees bent, feet flat about shoulder width apart and put my legs parallel - french fries. An intense aching sensation grew. Unfortunately I couldn’t harness it and convert it to pleasure. So I opened my legs, keeping my feet in place so that they spread about 30 degrees - pizza. Instant relaxation and I can only describe it as if I had satisfyingly scratched an itch. So then… french fries hold for 10, pizza hold for 10, french fries hold for 10… wow.

I have tried this exercise with a helix syn trident and an mgx, the devices respond differently, but it’s the same powerful responses for minimal effort. No breathing techniques, no tricky contractions hoping for involuntaries, just cause and effect. I’m not advocating this as the go to method but it’s certainly a tool in the armoury. Since my half an hour test with the mgx earlier proved it to be the goldie locks aneros using this method, I am going back to it now.

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update: I just had my first Super-O using this technique and effectively the do nothing approach in the french fries position when it felt right. I feel so warm and fuzzy now, literally warm and fuzzy. It doesn’t matter what you read nothing can prepare you for that! If anyone reading this isn’t sure if they have had a Super-O, unfortunately you haven’t yet, edit: you might have but for me it was unmistakable and I have now have a point of reference for my experience.

This post was modified 3 years ago by Dismantled

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Posted by: @dismantled

If anyone reading this isn’t sure if they have had a Super-O, unfortunately you haven’t yet, it’s unmistakable.

Congratulations on your breakthrough! However, I disagree with the assertion that being unsure or in doubt about one's experience means they did not have a Super-O. In the many years that I have been using these devices I have experienced a wide variety of orgasmic intensities, a low intensity prostate-O may, in fact, meet the criteria for a Super-O (Aneros WIKI definition) but if the individual is looking for/expecting some other experience they may very easily dismiss their orgasm simply because it didn't meet their expectations. It is time we de-mythologize the trope that "Super-O's are unmistakable...", the truth and users testimonies indicate otherwise. Let us not perpetuate false notions about what constitutes a Super-O. Please read through @Buster 's thread What exactly is a Super-O? to get other perspectives of what a Super-O is.

Good Vibes to You!

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I know exactly what you mean by warm and fuzzy! When it happened to me, I just sat there in my afterglow for hours! It was almost better than when it was happening. Like you said, you just know it happened. There's no other way to explain it


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Congratulations on your success first of all.

A  while back I broached the subject about using leg drive,a technique used in bench press particularly, to send energy from the calves,glutes and quads,via tension and kinetics, up through the pelvic floor and into the body to move more weight. It works well when one can harness the energy for pleasure use.

Have to agree with @rumel,there are many perspectives on a super-o and they are individual and unique to each man,claiming that guys who haven’t experienced what you have,and therefore haven’t had a super o is a little short sighted and naughty. There’s been more than a few guys who are right there but just don’t believe it. 

Any non-ejaculatory or prostate orgasm is a super-o. The only real differences are length,number and intensity. The journey is about learning how to build or let them get bigger,increase in number etc. Every mans journey,pace and progress is virtually unique to himself.

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@helghast thanks for your comments about the legs.

I would like to keep this thread mainly on track and I am happy to take back my short sighted comment @helghast & @rumel. After all, I already admitted to not being well-read on the subject. However, based on your comment @helghast...

Any non-ejaculatory or prostate orgasm is a super-o

Surely that means 'super-o' is redundant because 'dry-o' already captures that type of orgasm? My experience met the typical/tropey, but I recognise it as not ubiquitous, experience of out of control strong full-body orgasm for a prolonged period and causing involuntary movements and vocalisations. I have had dry-o's before and not considered them super-o's. I'm sure this has been covered elsewhere?

For me *personally*, it's useful to separate dry-o's and super-o's in my thinking, but indeed, my super-o was a dry-o.

Bringing my response back on track, the leg exercises work. I thought I would have success with the mgx, I did, and I was just about ready to give up after some gentle dry-o's had passed and had a super-o, which was a pleasant surprise. Given this success, I would like to explore it a bit more, so I will look into leg drive and maybe see what yoga and physiotherapy can teach me.

This post was modified 3 years ago by Dismantled

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Posted by: @dismantled

update: I just had my first Super-O using this technique and effectively the do nothing approach in the french fries position when it felt right. I feel so warm and fuzzy now, literally warm and fuzzy. It doesn’t matter what you read nothing can prepare you for that! If anyone reading this isn’t sure if they have had a Super-O, unfortunately you haven’t yet, edit: you might have but for me it was unmistakable and I have now have a point of reference for my experience.

Awesome news!! I read this right after my last session, so pretty jazzed to try it out in my next one. I have begun to think of these points of reference as checkpoints along the journey. Hopefully that isn't a self destructive way of thinking. It could subconsciously trigger some expectations.



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Posted by: @mbowen574mail-co

I read this right after my last session, so pretty jazzed to try it out in my next one.

Let us know how you get on. I'm interested to know if this method helps anyone else progress. It's difficult to know if my progress is due to the method, or if I am incorrectly attributing my natrual progression to this method - a bit like a sports star with lucky socks.

Posted by: @mbowen574mail-co

I have begun to think of these points of reference as checkpoints along the journey. Hopefully that isn't a self destructive way of thinking. It could subconsciously trigger some expectations.

It may be "destructive", it may not be. It depends on you. For everyone who gets frustrated by expectations, there is probably someone else who finds benchmarking useful. Personally, I was cynical about the duration and intensity of orgasms as they are described, so I had no expectations.

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