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Increasing the proportion of Super-Os you get, relative to dry orgasms? How?

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Hi, have you found a way?

I wonder, could I get them more often?  For context:

Posted by: @helical 5/17/22

I’d like to preface with what a Super-O is to me, even though all non-ejaculatory orgasms are pretty damn super (to me).  A seldom occurrence is a Super-O: a handful of times in the past year, yes, sober.  Rarity is part of the specialness, but other criteria are: swearing at the pleasure as it stands within me yet cussed at as if outside of me* too, a profound feeling of lucky to be alive, experiencing visions erotic or not.  Most of the time I have what the wiki calls “dry orgasms” via Aneros or Alessly.

*ecstasy: existanai (Greek) “drive out of one’s mind”

For reference, the Milestones section of the Getting Started chapter of the Aneros Wiki offers this blurb on what a Super-O is, and these last few steps of a long list:

  • Unexpected extremely strong orgasm that knocks the reality out of you: Super-O
  • Continuous Super-Os directed at different parts of the body
  • Full body Super-O
  • Multiple, sequential full body Super-Os
  • Ability to have Super-Os on demand

I hope that all here are doing well.  Thanks.

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This is kind of an advanced topic. At this point it becomes difficult to separate the physical from the psychological. What will allow you to steer things towards a certain result while also giving up control is hard to pin down. 

One thing I can offer is that position could have a role to play. I know that for me, the side position or maybe a bit of fetal position, is my safety position. Nothing too intense will happen if I'm on my left side with my legs hugging a bunched together blanket. There is really a hard limit to what I will experience, and it's recomforting to know I can always roll to the side if I don't like where my session is taking me. 

In the same way, sessions on the floor will be more intense than sessions on the bed, and there is also a limit to how far I can go with my legs straight VS having my legs up or bent. 

I don't know if any of this will apply to you, but it's worth shaking things up a bit, as I know that different positions will create different effects. 

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Put another way, my hope was we could load the dice, if this is typically a dice-roll, with successes proportional to the number of attempts.

Position, yes!  Some positions over others allow Aneros, or nearby muscles more freedom to move and thus more pleasure potential.  It may not be a coincidence, prior to listing Super-O, the Milestones section mentioned above, on the Aneros site, lists these:

  • Aneros moving distinctly on its own, creating unexpected pleasure
  • Aneros moving in long strokes (auto-f***), creating intense pleasure

.  These require internal motion.  So,

  • Positions of less freedom- for instance, in your safety position.  I suppose the internal angle of the thighs by the hip socket might somehow hug the rectum.  Or perhaps it’s the cheeks hug the Aneros tabs a little closer.  In that position I do feel less Progasm Ice motion, than if I spread my legs even a little.
  • Positions of more freedom- on my back, there’s more internal motion.  Plus, legs bent at the knees, on your back, or on all fours allows the glutes to shake.  Why not try a glute bridge?  Whether there are attachment points inside to pelvic muscles or nearby nerves recruit each other- or, whatever- I’ve found that sort of muscle engagement helpful.  For that matter, I've also felt that contracting abs, beneficial on their own, or in their role to increase and/or pulse pelvic-abdominal pressure, also helpful.

Interesting about the floor, and good to know of a safety position, just in case.  Nice to hear from you, @zentai.  If I stumble upon a trick I’ll be sure to post here after returning to earth.

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My answer was awfully generic, sorry about that.

What I wanted to say is that if you know the kind of response you are looking for happens around a certain level of pleasure, then adopting a position that returns that level could help. Also, some positions could be more arousing to you or more relaxing, and that could influence the kind of Os you get. Standing positions are good but I can't have Os because I worry a bit about losing balance, so I can edge myself this way, but it will almost never become a full-on Super-O. Each position's limitations, and switching between positions, can help pace the session and give you more time at different levels, hopefully influencing the outcome(s) by influencing the build-up. 


Posted by: @helical

Why not try a glute bridge? 

Oh yes! My most powerful sessions were on the floor doing "butt lifts" and bridges.  And no matter what happens, you cannot fall off the floor, hehe !  All this to say, I know I will not have a mind-blowing O in most other positions, no matter how good they feel, so sticking to this particular one and not switching mid-session is one way I can load the dice. Some audio files are another, if they have a strong association with some previous experiences. 

If you see some kind of orgasm starting to happen, and you decide that's not the one you want, you can also pass up on it in the hope you will get a better one, but this can also end up in a dud session, plus you never know what you're missing. Unless you had so many Super-Os that you don't care if you let one go. Then I guess it's okay to do a little catch and release. Otherwise, I feel you can mess up your orgasmic response if you start to be choosy. 

The Os you are describing matches what I call the "outer realms" because I don't even know if they are Super-Os anymore or some other thing that is triggered at the continuous, full-body level. They seem to require very high levels of arousal and/or very high levels of relaxation; both are states that your body will not always be able to reach every time. At least, that's my experience. Focus is a lot less important at that stage because there is nothing else to focus on and nothing else would be more interesting. 

This is very abstract because we don't know the relationship between different kind of Os. I remember in some rare instances I felt like I had full control of where I wanted to go but I can't explain exactly how I got there. THC was involved, which I really can't recommend at this point. But it is possible to switch paths mid-session, that at least I can confirm. I don't know if it from experience and number of hours in the saddle, if it's a state you get into at some point that allows it, of if "the drug made me do it", but it's definitely doable, or at least the illusion of it is strong enough that it does not matter. 


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Posted by: @zentai

This is kind of an advanced topic.

Thanks for batting around some ideas.  Someone here, perhaps @clenchy, sometime wrote something like, advice doesn't always have to be taken like a recipe, and instead might shake something loose in the reader.  I hope this thread shakes something loose.  Regardless, I like the idea to try the combination of our positional advice for a butt lift or bridge from the floor.

I suppose I hoped in considering what I learned about dry orgasm through Aneros use, it could somehow apply to Super-O too:

You'd alluded to the paradox in steering while giving up control, and as you know, orgasm is about losing control.  Happily, from my time using Aneros, I'm not even sure what the start of an orgasm is anymore, LOL.  The realization that not all orgasms are the same intensity was freeing to me, and possibly a key step for the newbie.  Back in the day, feeling good, I needed to tell myself, I am there (at dry orgasm)”.  When I let my actually flimsy barrier fall, I became freer to feel, when I gave self-censorship a swift kick. In any case, uncork each orgasm to let it breathe and come into full expression.  And, the principle that not all are the same intensity also opened the door to smaller, spontaneous Aless delights.

Generally I've observed from the beginning, that the more intense dry orgasms occur several minutes (30 minutes, perhaps?) into a session.  I'll try to glance at the time in the next session, to see if I'm giving myself around this amount of time.

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Posted by: @helical

Generally I've observed from the beginning, that the more intense dry orgasms occur several minutes (30 minutes, perhaps?) into a session.  I'll try to glance at the time in the next session, to see if I'm giving myself around this amount of time.

I'll have to talk about THC again (*sigh*). When I used it, things were very repeatable, a certain dose, a certain position, and things happening more or less in the same sequence each time, with most of the effects in the first 15 minutes. Normally I would already be orgasming at the 15 minutes mark and enjoying the slower rise to 30 minutes, then going up and stabilizing at 60 minutes. I could pretty much set a clock to it, which I did. I could draw charts, too. In these circumstances, my Os were very consistent in the way I experienced them. 

Based on this, I think that putting yourself in the same conditions that triggered the kind of experience you are trying to replicate makes a lot of sense. Also, for me, rough seas need to happen fast because arousal is somewhat limited in time so I can't just stay extra aroused for a long time, waiting for something to happen. And I won't get more and more aroused, trying to build it over an hour+

On the other hand, for calm seas there does not seem to be a point at which I can categorically say they're not going to happen. A full hour is not out of the question, as I can be more and more relaxed while holding some background arousal. Then the O will bring on the arousal feedback loop. With a time constraint or too much arousal at the start, it won't pan out as I will be stuck right down the middle trying to juggle 2 kinds of Os at the same time. 

Of course, this could be a very different mechanism for you. But over a long enough time period you should see patterns if you are looking for them. This is a separate idea and should not be confused with the concept of going in with low expectations, both simply do not mix. Being well acquainted with my orgasmic response pretty much removes "no expectations" from the toolbox, for better or worse. 

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I love this friggin' place- the URL below's a very interesting, credible-sounding approach.  When I find such things, and better yet have tried, I may look to compile them here.  If the author seems is still a site user, I'll make an @-mention.

Want to try

We can always use more perspectives, yeah? How I got the elusive SUPER-O

Regular Super-o and the Paradigm shift.

Other homework

  • On floor, glute bridge & butt lift
  • Longer sessions, at least 30 minutes
  • THC (kidding!)


[list URL if any, author, date tried, summary of method, result]

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Posted by: @zentai

I think that putting yourself in the same conditions that triggered the kind of experience you are trying to replicate makes a lot of sense.

I agree.  I just don't have a lot of firsthand observations yet, since my Super-Os are so seldom.  One suspected condition is session times over 30 minutes.

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